WA State School Teachers 1900-1980

Name School Position Year
Pougnault, MaxinneInglewood North Primary School IMistress (Teacher) on Probation1961
Pougnault, MaxinneTuart Hill Infants' School IMistress (Teacher)1963
Pougnault, MaxinneTuart Hill Infants' Primary School IMistress (Teacher)1964
Pougnault, MaxinneTuart Hill Infants Primary SchoolMistress (Teacher)1965
Poulsen, WilliamMt Lawley Technical CollegeInstructor1965
Poulsen, WilliamMt Lawley Technical CollegeInstructor1965
Poulsen, WilliamMt Lawley Technical Electrical SectionInstructor1966
Poulsen, WilliamMt Lawley Technical Schools Electrical SectionInstructor1967
Poulsen, William L.Mount Lawley Tech College Electrical Section Instructor1968
Poulsen, William L.Mt Lawley Technical College Electrical SectInstructor1969
Poulsen, William L.Mount Lawley Technical College - Department of Electrical Trades - Electrical SectionS./INST.1970
Poulsen, William LundMt Lawley Technical College Instrument MechanicsSenior Instructor 1971
Poulsen, William LundMt Lawley Technical College Electrical TradesSenior Instructor1972
Poulsen, William LundMount Lawley Technical College Electrical Trades DeptSenior Instructor1973
Poulsen, William LundMount Lawley Technical College - Electrical Trades Dept.Senior Instructor1975
Poulsen, William LundMount Lawley Technical College - Electrical Trades Dept Senior Instructor1976
Poulsen, William LundMount Lawley Technical College Electrical Trades Dept. Senior Instructor P Ct1977
Poulsen, William LundMt.Lawley Technical College Electrical Trades Dept.Senior Instructor 1979
Poulsen, William LundWoodsome Street Evng. Technical School Electrical Trades Dept.Senior Lecturer Tde.1980
Poulson, Bruce WilliamWillagee Primary School IAMaster (Teacher)1975
Poulson, Bruce WilliamWillagee Primary School IAMaster (Teacher)1976
Poulson, PatriciaMosman Park School for Deaf ChildrenMistress (Teacher)1978
Poultney, GlenysAlbany Infants IMistress (Teacher) on Probation1962
Poultney, GlenysAlbany Infants' School IMistress (Teacher) on Probation1963
Poultney, GlenysAlbany Infants Primary School IMistress (Teacher)1964
Poultney, LeonardApplecross Senior High SchoolTemporary Master (Teacher)1970
Poulton, Margaret AnnKoorilla Primary SchoolMistress (Teacher) Pre Primary1980
Pound, Fred W.Leederville Technical College Dept of Architechtural & Building StudiesLect II1969
Pound, Fred W.Leederville Technical Dept. of Architechtural & Building StudiesLecturer II1970
Pound, Frederick WilliamLeederville Technical College Architecture & BuildingLecturer A.P.1971
Pound, Frederick WilliamLeederville Technical College Architect & Building DeptLecturer A.1972
Pound, Frederick WilliamLeederville Technical College Architect & Building DeptSenior Lecturer A.1973
Pound, Frederick WilliamLeederville Technical College - Architect & Building Dept.Senior Lecturer A1975
Pound, Frederick WilliamLeederville Technical College - Architect & Building Dept Senior Lecturer A1976
Pound, Frederick WilliamLeederville Technical College Architect & Building Dept. Senior Lecturer A P Ct1977
Pound, Frederick WilliamLeederville Technical College Architect and Building Dept.Senior Lecturer A.1979
Pound, Frederick WilliamLeederville Technical College Architect & Building Dept.Senior Lecturer A.1980
Pound, Fredrick William Technical College Agriculture & Building Dept. Senior Lecturer A1978
Pound, Jennifer MargaretDongara District High SchoolMistress (Teacher)1980
Pound, Philip Kenneth EwartBelmont Senior High SchoolMaster (Teacher)1980
Pountney, Carol AnnWest Morley Primary School IAMistress (Teacher)1975
Pountney, Carol AnnWest Morley Primary School IAMistress (Teacher)1976
Pountney, Carol AnnWest Morely Primary SchoolMistress (Teacher)1977
Pountney, Carol AnnWest Morley Primary SchoolMistress (Teacher)1978
Pountney, Carol AnnWest Morley Primary SchoolMistress (Teacher)1979
Pountney, Carol AnnWest Morley Primary SchoolMistress (Teacher)1980
Pouw, AlexKwinana High SchoolTemporary Master (Teacher)1969
Pouw-Bray, Alex Belmont Senior High SchoolTemporary Master (Teacher)1970
Pouw-Bray, Alexander Kwinana High School Temporary Master (Teacher)1968
PouwBray, AlexanderBelmont Senior High SchoolMaster (Teacher)1971