WA State School Teachers 1900-1980

Name School Position Year
Pow, Patricia AnneMelville Senior High SchoolMistress (Teacher)1973
Pow, Patricia AnneMelville Senior High SchoolMistress (Teacher)1975
Pow, Patricia AnneManjimup Senior High School Acting Principal Mistress1976
Pow, Patricia AnneManjimup Senior High School Principal Mistress1977
Pow, Patricia Anne Manjimup Senior High School Principal Mistress1978
Pow, Patricia AnneManjimup Senior High SchoolDeputy Principal1979
Pow, Patricia AnneManjumup Senior High SchoolDeputy Principal F1980
Pow, RobertLeederville West High School IAssistant Teacher on Probation1950
Pow, RobertLeederville West High School I Assistant Teacher on Probation1951
Pow, RobertLeederville West I Junior High School Assistant Teacher on Probation1952
Pow, RobertLeedervilleWest Primary School IT.Tr.A.1953
Pow, RobertLeederville West IMaster (Teacher)1954
Pow, RobertGuidance Temporary Guidance Officer1955
Pow, RobertGuidance and Special EducationTemporary Guidance Officer1956
Pow, RobertGuidance and Special Education BranchTemporary Guidance Officer1957
Pow, RobertJohn Curtin High School Guidance Officer1958
Pow, RobertJohn Curtin Senior High SchoolG. O.1959
Pow, Robert John Curtin Senior High SchoolGuidance Officer1960
Pow, RobertJohn Curtin High SchoolGuidance Officer1961
Pow, RobertJohn Curtin Senior High School IGuidance Officer1962
Pow, RobertBunbury High School Senior Guidance Officer1963
Pow, RobertBunbury Senior High School Senior Guidance Officer1964
Pow, RobertBunbury Senior High SchoolSenior Guidance Officer1965
Pow, RobertBunbury Senior High SchoolSen.G./O.1966
Pow, RobertBunbury Senior High SchoolS. G. O. Gde. I.1967
Pow, Robert Bunbury Senior High School G/O Gde I1968
Pow, RobertGuid & Special Education BranchesGo Gde I1969
Pow, Robert Guidance & Special Education BranchesSgo. Gde. I1970
Pow, Robert WilliamSecondary Teachers CollegeLecturer A.P.1971
Pow, Robert WilliamSecondary Teachers CollegeLecturer A.1972
Pow, Robert WilliamGuidance and Special Education Senior Guidance Officer1973
Pow, Robert WilliamGuidance Office Fremantle Area District Guidance Officer1975
Pow, Robert WilliamGuidance Office Fremantle Area District Guidance Officer1976
Pow, Robert WilliamMetropolitan South West Regional Office - Guidance Offices - FremantleDistrict Guidance Officer1977
Pow, Robert WilliamMetropolitan South West Regional Office - Sepcial EducationDistrict Guidance Officer1978
Pow, Robert WilliamGuidance Office Fremantle AreaDistrict Guidance Officer1979
Pow, Robert WilliamGuidance Office Fremantle AreaDistrict Guidance Officer1980
Powel, MaudeWidgiemooltha Primary SchoolHeadmaster on Supply1956
Powell, AdelaideChapmans Corner VISewing Mistress1927
Powell, AdelaideChapmans Corner VISewing Mistress1928
Powell, AdelaideChapman's Corner VI.Sewing Mistress1929
Powell, AdelaideChapman's Corner VI.Sewing Mistress1930
Powell, AdelaideChapman`s Corner VI.Sewing Mistress1931
Powell, AdelaideChapman`s Corner VI. S.M.1931
Powell, Andreas DenisHamilton Senior High SchoolMaster (Teacher)1979
Powell, Andreas DenisJerramungup District High SchoolMaster (Teacher)1980
Powell, Anne Joy Cannington Senior High School Mistress (Teacher)1978
Powell, Anne JoyCannington Senior High SchoolMistress (Teacher)1979
Powell, ArthurKondut VIIHead Teacher on Supply1939
Powell, ArthurKondut VIIHead Teacher on Supply1940