WA State School Teachers 1900-1980

Name School Position Year
Drake, VanessaKent Street Senior High SchoolMistress (Teacher)1970
Drake, VanessaKent Street Senior High SchoolMistress (Teacher)1971
Drake, VanessaKent Street Senior High SchoolMistress (Teacher)1972
Drake, VanessaKent Street Senior High SchoolMistress (Teacher)1973
Drake, VanessaKent Street Senior High SchoolMistress (Teacher)1975
Drake, VanessaKent Street Senior High School Mistress (Teacher)1976
Drake, VanessaKent Street Senior High School Mistress (Teacher)1977
Drake, VanessaKent Street Senior High SchoolMistress (Teacher)1979
Drake, VanessaUnattachedMistress (Teacher)1980
Drake-, PaulineNorthampton Primary-Junior High School II Mistress (Teacher) on Probation1964
Drake-Brochkman, Lennard Dawson Technical Administrative Staff Dept. Education Officer 1978
Drake-Brockman, EileenCundenup VII.Sewing Mistress1933
Drake-Brockman, Jan Collie Senior High School Mistress (Teacher)1968
Drake-Brockman, Jennifer MaryPingrup Primary School IIIMistress (Teacher)1976
Drake-Brockman, Lennard DawsonMigrant Education CentreSenior Advisory Teacher1975
Drake-Brockman, Lennard DawsonMIgrant Education Centre Senior Advisory Teacher1976
Drake-Brockman, Lennard DawsonCounselling Service Education Department Ed. Off. 1 P C1977
Drake-Brockman, Lennard DawsonMigrant Education Centre Administrative StaffED. OFF.11979
Drake-Brockman, Leo.nardApplecross High School III Assistant Teacher1951
Drake-Brockman, LeonardApplecross IVAssistant Teacher on Probation1949
Drake-Brockman, LeonardApplecross High School III Assistant Teacher on Probation1950
Drake-Brockman, LeonardTeachers CollegeT/Lecturer . 11 11952
Drake-Brockman, LeonardPerth South Primary School IAssistant Teacher1953
Drake-Brockman, LeonardPerth South IMaster (Teacher)1954
Drake-Brockman, LeonardPerth South Primary School IMaster (Teacher)1955
Drake-Brockman, LeonardPerth South Primary SchoolMaster (Teacher)1956
Drake-Brockman, LeonardCollier Primary - Class IRelieving Deputy Headmaster1958
Drake-Brockman, Leonard Cannington Primary SchoolTemporary Deputy Headmaster1959
Drake-Brockman, LeonardBicton Primary School IMaster (Teacher)1960
Drake-Brockman, LeonardMigrant EducationT. Advisory Teacher1961
Drake-Brockman, LeonardSpecialist Section Migrant EducationTemporary Advisory Tchr. Gde II1962
Drake-Brockman, LeonardSir James Mitchell Spastic Centre (Migrant Education Specialist Section Temporary Advisory Teacher1963
Drake-Brockman, LeonardMigrant Education Temporary Advisory Teacher I1964
Drake-brockman, LeonardMigrant EducationT./Sen.Adv.Tchr.1966
Drake-Brockman, MargaretPerth Technical College Department of Art Lecturer /S. III1966
Drake-Brockman, Margaret Perth Technical College Dept of ArtLect IIIT1969
Drake-Brockman, Margaret Perth Technical College - Department of ArtLECT-/T3/41970
Drake-Brockman, MargaretPerth Technical College ArtA Lecturer C.T.1971
Drake-Brockman, Margaret Perth Technical College Art DeptLecturer C1972
Drake-Brockman, Margaret Perth Technical College Art DeptLecturer B.1973
Drake-Brockman, MargaretPerth Technical College - Art Dept.Lecturer B1975
Drake-Brockman, MargaretPerth Technical College - Home Economics Dept Senior Lecturer B1976
Drake-Brockman, MargaretPerth Technical College Home Economics Dept. Senior Lecturer B P Ct1977
Drake-Brockman, MargaretPerth Technical College Home Economics Dept.Senior Lecturer B.1979
Drake-Brockman, PaulineNorthampton Primary - Junior High School II Mistress (Teacher) on Probation1963
Drake-Brockman, PaulineManjimup Primary SchoolMistress (Teacher)1966
Drake-Brockman, PaulineNollamara Primary SchoolMistress (Teacher)1972
Drake-Brookman, Lennard D.Head Office - Migrant EducationAssistant Teacher on Supply Advisory TR.1970
DrakeBrockman, Lennard DawsonAhead Office Technical Education Administrative StaffSenior Advisory Teacher1971
DrakeBrockman, Lennard Dawsonistrative Staff DeptS.Ad- T.1972