Preston, Alfred | Parkerville A | H.T. os S. | 1904 |
Preston, Alfred | Parkerville Quarries VI | Head Teacher | 1905 |
Preston, Alfred | Woolgar | Head Teacher | 1906 |
Preston, Alfred J. | Woolgar | Head Teacher | 1907 |
Preston, Annie | Chittering Upper and Lower Half-time | Sewing Mistress | 1900 |
Preston, Annie | Kojonup VI | Sewing Mistress | 1901 |
Preston, Brian | Inglewood North Primary - Class I | Master (Teacher) | 1958 |
Preston, Brian | North Inglewood Primary School | Master (Teacher) | 1959 |
Preston, Brian | Inglewood North Primary School I | Master (Teacher) | 1960 |
Preston, Brian | Inglewood North Primary School I | Master (Teacher) | 1961 |
Preston, Brian | Inglewood North Primary School IA | Master (Teacher) | 1962 |
Preston, Brian | North Inglewood Primary School IA I | Master (Teacher) | 1963 |
Preston, Brian | Inglewood North Primary School IA I | Master (Teacher) | 1964 |
Preston, Brian | Guidance and Special Education Branches | Master (Teacher) Itin. | 1966 |
Preston, Brian | Guidance & Spec Educn Brch | Master (Teacher) | 1967 |
Preston, Brian | Guidance & Special Education Branches | Master (Teacher) | 1970 |
Preston, Brian J. | Guidance Special Education | Master (Teacher) | 1968 |
Preston, Brian J. | Guid & Special Education Branches | Master (Teacher) | 1969 |
Preston, Brian Joesph | Warriapendi Primary School | Deputy Headmaster | 1972 |
Preston, Brian Joseph | Guidance and Especial Education | Master (Teacher) | 1971 |
Preston, Brian Joseph | Warriapendi Primary School I | Deputy Headmaster | 1973 |
Preston, Brian Joseph | Gairdner Primary School III | Headmaster | 1975 |
Preston, Brian Joseph | Duncraig Primary School IA | Deputy Principal | 1976 |
Preston, Brian Joseph | Duncraig Primary School | Deputy Principal | 1977 |
Preston, Coral | Applecross Primary School | Temporary Mistress (Teacher) | 1970 |
Preston, Coral Mignon | Applecross Primary School | Mistress (Teacher) | 1971 |
Preston, Elizabeth | CoUanilling VII. | Head Teacher on Probation | 1929 |
Preston, Elizabeth | Collanilling VII. | Head Teacher on Probation | 1930 |
Preston, Elizabeth | Collanilling VII. | Head Teacher on Probation | 1931 |
Preston, Elizabeth | Collanilling VII. | Head Teacher on Probation | 1931 |
Preston, Elizabeth | Kurikan Sandplain VII. | Head Teacher on Probation | 1933 |
Preston, Elizabeth | Koorikin VII | Head Teacher | 1934 |
Preston, Elizabeth | Koorikin VII | Head Teacher | 1935 |
Preston, Elizabeth | Woodlands VII | Head Teacher | 1936 |
Preston, Elizabeth | Woodlands VII | Head Teacher | 1937 |
Preston, Helen | Bridgetown High School | Mistress (Teacher) on Probation | 1963 |
Preston, Ian | Northcliffe Junior High School | Master (Teacher) on Probation | 1968 |
Preston, Ian B. | Northcliffe Junior High School | Master (Teacher) on Probation | 1969 |
Preston, Ian B. | Northcliffe Junior High School | Master (Teacher) on Probation | 1970 |
Preston, Ian Barry | Armadale Primary School | Master (Teacher) | 1971 |
Preston, Ian Barry | MIdland Primary School | Master (Teacher) | 1972 |
Preston, Ian Barry | Midland Primary School II | Master (Teacher) | 1973 |
Preston, Ian Barry | Midland Primary School II | Master (Teacher) | 1976 |
Preston, Ian Barry | Midland Primary School | Master (Teacher) | 1977 |
Preston, ian Barry | Midland Primary School | Master (Teacher) | 1978 |
Preston, Ian Barry | Midland Primary School | Master (Teacher) | 1979 |
Preston, James | Harvey II | Monitor on Probation | 1945 |
Preston, Louisa | Lol Gray Soak VII | HT | 1916 |
Preston, Louisa | Narrogin Valley VIII | HT | 1917 |
Preston, Louisa | Hawthorn IV | Assistant Teacher | 1918 |