WA State School Teachers 1900-1980

Name School Position Year
Cullen, WilliamNarrogin School of Agriculture IPrincipal 31950
Cullen, WilliamNarrogin School oflture I Principal1951
Cullen, WilliamNarrogin School oflture IPrincipal1953
Cullen, WilliamNarrogin High School Deputy Headmaster1955
Cullen, William Narrogin High SchoolRelieving Headmaster1956
Cullen, WilliamBunbury High SchoolRelieving Headmaster1957
Cullen, WilliamBunbury High School Deputy Headmaster1958
Cullen, William DSchool of Agriculture, Narogin Assistant Teacher1931
Cullen, William D.School of Agriculture Narogin Assistant Teacher1925
Cullen, William D.School of Agriculture Narrogin Assistant Teacher1928
Cullen, William D.Narrogin Farm .Assistant Teacher1931
Cullen, Williamd DNarrogin Farm A. prov1922
Cullen, WillkiamNarrogin School oflture IPrincipal 3.1952
Cullen, WmSchool of Agriculture Narrogin Assistant Teacher1934
Cullen, WmSchool of AgricultureAssistant Teacher1937
Cullen, Wm D.School of Agriculture NorroginAssistant Teacher1939
Cullen, Wm.Narrogin School of Agriculture Assistant Teacher1924
Cullen, Wm. School of Agriculture Narrogin Assistant Teacher1929
Cullen, Wm.School of Agriculture, Narrogin Assistant Teacher1933
Cullen, Wm.Narrogin School of AgricultureAssistant Teacher1941
Cullen, Wm. D.School of Agriculture Assistant Teacher1930
Cullen, Wm. D.Narrogin School of AgricultureAssistant Teacher1940
Cullerton, Mrs. VioletWongan Hills VIIIHead Teacher on Supply1916
Cullerton, VioletMundaring Townsite V1Assistant Teacher on Supply1912
Cullerton, VioletWongan Hills VIIHead Teacher on Supply1914
Cullerton, VioletWongan Hills VIIIHead Teacher on Supply1915
Cullerton, VioletWongan Hills VIIIHT on S 1917
Cullerton, VioletWongan Hills VIIIHead Teacher on Supply1918
Cullerton, VioletWongan Hills VII.Head Teacher on Supply1919
Cullerton, VioletKondut East VIIHead Teacher on Supply1921
Cullerton, VioletKondut East VIIHead Teacher on Supply1922
Cullerton, VioletKondut Siding VIIHead Teacher on Supply1928
Culley, Edith LAlbany Infants IVHT1915
Culley, Edith L.Albany Infants IVHead Teacher1902
Culley, Edith L.Albany IIHead Teacher1903
Culley, Edith L.Albany Infants IVHead Teacher1904
Culley, Edith L.Albany Infants IVHead Teacher1905
Culley, Edith L.Albany Infants IVHead Teacher1906
Culley, Edith L.Albany Infants IVHead Teacher1907
Culley, Edith L.Albany Infants IVHead Teacher1908
Culley, Edith L.Albany Infants IVHead Teacher1909
Culley, Edith L.Albany Infants IVHead Teacher1911
Culley, Edith L.Albany Infants IVHead Teacher1912
Culley, Edith L.Albany Infants VHead Teacher1914
Culley, LoreenMelville Senior High SchoolGO II/T1969
Culley, Loreen MargaretMosman Park Primary School IAMistress (Teacher)1975
Culley, Loreen MargaretMosley Park Primary School IAMistress (Teacher)1976
Culley, Loreen MargaretMosman Primary SchoolMistress (Teacher)1977
Culley, StephenPerth Technical College ART. Dept.Lecturer C.1980
Culligan, Arhtur J.Cottesloe IIT. 1st A. on S.1922