WA State School Teachers 1900-1980

Name School Position Year
Odgers, Joan eleManning Primary SchoolMistress (Teacher)1980
Odgers, Joan elleCloverdale Primary School IAMistress (Teacher)1975
Odgers, Joan elleMetropolitan South East Regional Office - Special EducationMistress (Teacher)1978
Odgers, Joan M.Kensington Primary SchoolMistress (Teacher)1969
Odgers, Nancy JamesHollywood Senior High SchoolMistress (Teacher)1972
Odgers, Nancy JaneHollywood Senior High SchoolMistress (Teacher)1973
Odgers, Nancy JanePadbury Primary School IAMistress (Teacher)1975
Odgers, Nancy JanePadbury Primary School IAMistress (Teacher)1976
Odgers, PamelaJohn Forrest Senior High SchoolMistress (Teacher) on Supply1965
Odgers, PamelaJohn Forrest Senior High SchoolMistress (Teacher) on Supply1966
Odgers, Pamela IsabelCooke Point Primary SchoolMistress (Teacher)1980
Odgers, Pamela IsabellMount Walker Primary School IIIMistress (Teacher)1975
Odgers, Susan Esperance High SchoolMistress (Teacher) on Probation1970
Odgers, Susan AlexandriaQuairading Junior High SchoolMistress (Teacher)1971
Odgers, Susan AlexandriaBalcatta Senior High SchoolMistress (Teacher)1972
Odgers, Susan AlexandriaBalcatta Senior High SchoolMistress (Teacher)1973
Odgers, ThomasPerth South Primary School IMaster (Teacher) on Probation1961
Odgers, ThomasPerth South Primary School IMaster (Teacher) on Probation1962
Odgers, ThomasSouth Perth Primary School IMaster (Teacher)1963
Odgers, ThomasPerth South Primary School IMaster (Teacher)1964
Odgers, Thomas WarnerSecondary Teachers CollegeActing Lecturer A.P-1971
Odgers, Thomas WarnerGraylands Teachers CollegeLecturer B1972
Odgers, Thomas WarnerGraylands Teachers CollegeLecturer B.1973
ODoherthy, EthneSutherland Primary SchoolMistress (Teacher)1978
ODoherty, EdithKewdale Senior High SchoolMistress (Teacher)1972
ODoherty, EdithPingelly District High SchoolMistress (Teacher)1975
ODoherty, EdithPingelley Primary SchoolMistress (Teacher)1979
ODoherty, JamesKewdale High SchoolTemporary Master (Teacher)1970
ODoherty, James PhilipPingelly District High SchoolD. Pr. M DH1979
ODoherty, James PhilipPingelly District High SchoolD.PR. M DH.1980
ODoherty, James PhillipKewdale High SchoolMaster (Teacher)1971
ODoherty, James PhillipKewdale Senior High SchoolMaster (Teacher)1972
ODoherty, James PhillipPingelly District High SchoolDeputy Principal1975
ODoherty, Norah DaphneKewdale High SchoolMistress (Teacher)1971
ODonell, CarolineHilton Junior Primary SchoolMistress (Teacher)1972
ODonnel, JackNorthcliffe Junior High SchoolMaster (Teacher)1969
ODonnel, TerrenceHamilton Senior High School Senior Master (Teacher)1964
ODonnel, Terrence P.Applecross Senior High SchoolS MA Eng1969
Odonnel, ThomasJohn Curtin Senior High School Master (Teacher)1977
ODonnell, AnnePerth Technical College Art Dept. Lecturer A T Nil1977
ODonnell, Anne VeronicaNorthcliffe District Primary SchoolMistress (Teacher)1975
ODonnell, AvisWiluna South VAssistant Teacher on Probation1934
ODonnell, AvisWiluna South VAssistant Teacher on Probation1935
ODonnell, Brain JamesTechnical Extension Service Engineering and Science Dept. Lecturer B P Ct1977
Odonnell, BrianWembley Technical Schools Fitting & Machining SectInstructor1967
ODonnell, Brian JamesPerth Technical College Engineering and Science Dept.Lecturer B1979
ODonnell, Evelyn MayNorth Kalgoorlie Primary SchoolMistress (Teacher)1975
ODonnell, Evelyn MayOrange Grove Primary SchoolMistress (Teacher)1980
Odonnell, JackJohn Curtin Senior High SchoolMaster (Teacher)1967
ODonnell, JackNorthcliffe District High SchoolMaster (Teacher)1975