ODonnell, Jack | Leederville Technical College Mortar | Instructor P Nil | 1977 |
ODonnell, Jack | Northcliffe District High School | Master (Teacher) | 1978 |
ODonnell, Jack | Leederville Technical College Mortar | Instructor | 1979 |
ODonnell, Jack | Northcliffe District High School | Mistress (Teacher) | 1979 |
Odonnell, John | Esperance High School | Temporary Master (Teacher) | 1969 |
Odonnell, John Patrick | Forrestdale Primary School | Mistress (Teacher) | 1978 |
Odonnell, Kathryn | Victoria Park East Primary School | Mistress (Teacher) on Probation | 1970 |
ODonnell, Kerry Helen | Lake King Primary School | Mistress (Teacher) | 1980 |
Odonnell, Raymond | Wellstead Primary School | Headmaster | 1967 |
ODonnell, Raymond Pearce | Floreat Park Primary School | Deputy Principal | 1978 |
ODonnell, Terence Patrick | Kwinana Senior High School | Deputy Principal | 1977 |
ODonnell, Terence Patrick | Kwinana Senior High School | Deputy Principal | 1979 |
ODonnell, Terence Patrick | Kwinana Senior High School | Deputy Principal M | 1980 |
Odonnell, Terrance | Applecross Senior High School | S MA Eng | 1968 |
Odonnell, Terrence | Applecross Senior High School | Senior Master (Teacher) ENG. | 1967 |
Odonnell, Thomas | John Curtin Senior High School | Temporary Master (Teacher) | 1967 |
Odonnell, Thomas | John Curtin Senior High School | Temporary Master (Teacher) | 1968 |
ODonnell, Thomas | John Curtin Senior High School | Master (Teacher) | 1975 |
ODonnell, Thomas | John Curtin Senior High School | Master (Teacher) | 1979 |
ODonoghue, Anne Kate | Middle Swan Primary School IA | Mistress (Teacher) | 1975 |
ODonoghue, Anne Kate | Middle Swan Primary School | Mistress (Teacher) | 1978 |
ODonoghue, Eileen | Victoria Park East III | Monitor | 1921 |
ODonoghue, Eileen | Victoria Park East II | Monitor | 1922 |
ODonoghue, Jocelyn | West Greenwood Primary School | Mistress (Teacher) | 1980 |
ODonohoe, eal John | Cyril Jackson Senior High School | Master (Teacher) | 1979 |
ODonohoe, Margaret | Mount Pleasant Primay School | Mistress (Teacher) on Probation | 1967 |
ODonohoe, Michael John | Governor Stirling Senior High School | Master (Teacher) | 1971 |
ODonohoe, Michael John | Governor Stirling S HS | Master (Teacher) | 1972 |
ODonohue, Maurice | Northam I | A. and Science | 1914 |
ODonohue, Maurice | Northam I. | A. and Science | 1915 |
Odonohue, Michael | Derby Junior High School | Master (Teacher) on Probation | 1968 |
Odonohue, Michael J. | Derby V Junior High School | Master (Teacher) on Probation | 1969 |
ODonohue, Michael J. | Governor Stirling Senior High School | Master (Teacher) | 1970 |
ODonovan, Tia J. | Belmont Senior High School | Mistress (Teacher) | 1969 |
Odriscoll, Francine | Mount Lawley Primary School | Mistress (Teacher) | 1967 |
ODriscoll, Mary | Cunderdin South VII | Head Teacher on Supply | 1922 |
ODriscoll, Mary | CunderdinSouth VII | Head Teacher on Supply | 1925 |
ODriscoll, Mary | Cunderdin South VII | Head Teacher on Supply | 1926 |
ODriscoll, Mary | Southern Brook VII | Head Teacher | 1927 |
ODriscoll, Mary | Grass Valley VII | Head Teacher | 1934 |
ODriscoll, Mary | Bolgart VII | Temporary Head Teacher | 1939 |
ODriscoll, Patricia | Capel Primary School III | Mistress (Teacher) on Probation | 1955 |
ODriscoll, Patricia | Capel Primary School | Mistress (Teacher) on Probation | 1956 |
ODriscoll, Patricia | Queens Park Primary School | Mistress (Teacher) | 1957 |
ODriscoll, Patricia | Queens Park Primary - Class I | Mistress (Teacher) | 1958 |
ODriscoll, Patricia | Wattle Grove Primary School III | Mistress (Teacher) | 1960 |
ODriscollSp, Patricia | Avonvale Primary School | Mistress (Teacher) | 1959 |
Odwyer, Douglas | Swanbourne Senior High School | Deputy Principal Gde. II. | 1967 |
Odwyer, Douglas | Secondary Technical College | Lect I Practice | 1969 |
ODwyer, Francis | Australind VII | Head Teacher | 1934 |