WA State School Teachers 1900-1980

Name School Position Year
ODonnell, JackLeederville Technical College Mortar Instructor P Nil1977
ODonnell, JackNorthcliffe District High School Master (Teacher)1978
ODonnell, JackLeederville Technical College MortarInstructor1979
ODonnell, JackNorthcliffe District High SchoolMistress (Teacher)1979
Odonnell, JohnEsperance High SchoolTemporary Master (Teacher)1969
Odonnell, John PatrickForrestdale Primary SchoolMistress (Teacher)1978
Odonnell, KathrynVictoria Park East Primary SchoolMistress (Teacher) on Probation1970
ODonnell, Kerry HelenLake King Primary SchoolMistress (Teacher)1980
Odonnell, RaymondWellstead Primary SchoolHeadmaster1967
ODonnell, Raymond PearceFloreat Park Primary SchoolDeputy Principal1978
ODonnell, Terence PatrickKwinana Senior High School Deputy Principal1977
ODonnell, Terence PatrickKwinana Senior High SchoolDeputy Principal1979
ODonnell, Terence PatrickKwinana Senior High SchoolDeputy Principal M1980
Odonnell, Terrance Applecross Senior High School S MA Eng1968
Odonnell, TerrenceApplecross Senior High SchoolSenior Master (Teacher) ENG.1967
Odonnell, ThomasJohn Curtin Senior High SchoolTemporary Master (Teacher)1967
Odonnell, Thomas John Curtin Senior High School Temporary Master (Teacher)1968
ODonnell, ThomasJohn Curtin Senior High SchoolMaster (Teacher)1975
ODonnell, ThomasJohn Curtin Senior High SchoolMaster (Teacher)1979
ODonoghue, Anne KateMiddle Swan Primary School IAMistress (Teacher)1975
ODonoghue, Anne KateMiddle Swan Primary SchoolMistress (Teacher)1978
ODonoghue, EileenVictoria Park East IIIMonitor1921
ODonoghue, EileenVictoria Park East IIMonitor1922
ODonoghue, JocelynWest Greenwood Primary SchoolMistress (Teacher)1980
ODonohoe, eal JohnCyril Jackson Senior High SchoolMaster (Teacher)1979
ODonohoe, Margaret Mount Pleasant Primay SchoolMistress (Teacher) on Probation1967
ODonohoe, Michael JohnGovernor Stirling Senior High SchoolMaster (Teacher)1971
ODonohoe, Michael JohnGovernor Stirling S HSMaster (Teacher)1972
ODonohue, MauriceNortham IA. and Science1914
ODonohue, Maurice Northam I.A. and Science1915
Odonohue, Michael Derby Junior High School Master (Teacher) on Probation1968
Odonohue, Michael J.Derby V Junior High SchoolMaster (Teacher) on Probation1969
ODonohue, Michael J.Governor Stirling Senior High SchoolMaster (Teacher)1970
ODonovan, Tia J.Belmont Senior High SchoolMistress (Teacher)1969
Odriscoll, FrancineMount Lawley Primary SchoolMistress (Teacher)1967
ODriscoll, MaryCunderdin South VIIHead Teacher on Supply1922
ODriscoll, MaryCunderdinSouth VIIHead Teacher on Supply1925
ODriscoll, MaryCunderdin South VIIHead Teacher on Supply1926
ODriscoll, MarySouthern Brook VIIHead Teacher1927
ODriscoll, MaryGrass Valley VIIHead Teacher1934
ODriscoll, MaryBolgart VIITemporary Head Teacher1939
ODriscoll, PatriciaCapel Primary School IIIMistress (Teacher) on Probation1955
ODriscoll, PatriciaCapel Primary SchoolMistress (Teacher) on Probation1956
ODriscoll, PatriciaQueens Park Primary SchoolMistress (Teacher)1957
ODriscoll, PatriciaQueens Park Primary - Class IMistress (Teacher)1958
ODriscoll, PatriciaWattle Grove Primary School IIIMistress (Teacher)1960
ODriscollSp, Patricia Avonvale Primary SchoolMistress (Teacher)1959
Odwyer, DouglasSwanbourne Senior High SchoolDeputy Principal Gde. II.1967
Odwyer, DouglasSecondary Technical CollegeLect I Practice1969
ODwyer, FrancisAustralind VIIHead Teacher1934