WA State School Teachers 1900-1980

Name School Position Year
Thomas, Andrew GeorgeBunbury Special SchoolPrincipal1978
Thomas, Ann Wembley Downs Primary School Mistress (Teacher) on Probation1968
Thomas, Ann E.Maylands Primary SchoolMistress (Teacher) on Probation1969
Thomas, Ann E.Maylands Primary SchoolMistress (Teacher) on Probation1970
Thomas, Ann ElizabethNorth Scarborough Primary SchoolMistress (Teacher)1971
Thomas, AnneMorawa Junior High SchoolMistress (Teacher) on Supply1956
Thomas, AnneWagin Primary - Junior High SchoolMistress (Teacher) on Supply1958
Thomas, AnneBurracoppin Primary SchoolMistress (Teacher) on Supply1966
Thomas, AnneGeraldton Primary SchoolTemporary Mistress (Teacher)1967
Thomas, AnneGeraldton Primary SchoolTemporary Mistress (Teacher)1968
Thomas, AnneGeraldton Primary SchoolTemporary Mistress (Teacher)1969
Thomas, AnneGeralton Primary SchoolMistress (Teacher)1970
Thomas, AnneGeraldton Primary SchoolMistress (Teacher)1971
Thomas, Anne Geraldton Primary School IMistress (Teacher)1973
Thomas, AnneGeraldton Primary School IAMistress (Teacher)1975
Thomas, AnneGeraldton Primary School IAMistress (Teacher)1976
Thomas, Anne Geraldton Primary SchoolMistress (Teacher)1977
Thomas, Anne Geraldton Primary SchoolMistress (Teacher)1978
Thomas, Anne Geraldton Primary SchoolMistress (Teacher)1979
Thomas, AnneRangeway Primary SchoolMistress (Teacher)1980
Thomas, ArthurPerth Technical College - Trade - Furniture SectionMaintenance Tradesman1956
Thomas, ArthurPerth Technical College Department of Trade Furniture SectionMaintenance/Tradesman1957
Thomas, ArthurPerth Technical College Furniture SectionMaintenance Tradesman1958
Thomas, ArthurPerth Technical College Furniture Section Maintence Tradesman 1960
Thomas, ArthurLeederville Technical - Plumbing SectionMaint.Tradesman.1961
Thomas, Arthur G.Perth Technical College FurnitureMaintenance Trademan1959
Thomas, Arthur Ronald Collie Senior High School Principal1978
Thomas, BarbaraCarnarvon Junior High School Clerical Assistant on Supply (1/51963
Thomas, BarbaraCarnarvon Junior High School Clerical Assistant on Supply 1/51964
Thomas, BarbaraQueens Park Primary SchoolTemporary Mistress (Teacher)1967
Thomas, Barbara Cloverdale Primary School Temporary Mistress (Teacher)1968
Thomas, BarbaraCloverdale Primary SchoolTemporary Mistress (Teacher)1969
Thomas, BarbaraCloverdalePrimary SchoolTemporary Mistress (Teacher)1970
Thomas, Barbara MurielCloverdale Primary SchoolMistress (Teacher)1971
Thomas, Barbara MurielMundaring Primary SchoolMistress (Teacher)1972
Thomas, Barbara MurielMundaring Primary School IIMistress (Teacher)1973
Thomas, Barbara MurielMundaring Primary School IIMistress (Teacher)1975
Thomas, Barbara MurielMundaring Primary School IIMistress (Teacher)1976
Thomas, Barbara MurielMundaring Primary SchoolMistress (Teacher)1977
Thomas, Betty Jean RoSSmoyne Senior High School Mistress (Teacher)1978
Thomas, Betty JeanRossmoyne Senior High SchoolMistress (Teacher)1979
Thomas, Betty JeanRossmoyne Senior High SchoolMistress (Teacher)1980
Thomas, BeverleyMoora Junior High SchoolTemporary Mistress (Teacher)1969
Thomas, BeverleyMoora Junior High SchoolTemporary Mistress (Teacher)1970
Thomas, Beverley JoyMoora High SchoolMistress (Teacher)1971
Thomas, Beverley JoyMoora Senior High SchoolMistress (Teacher)1972
Thomas, Brian Merredin Senior High SchoolMaster (Teacher) on Probation1960
Thomas, BrianMerredin High School MA./P.1961
Thomas, BrianPerth Tech College Mathematics and PlysicsLecturer T. IIIA1962
Thomas, BrianPerth Technical College Department of MA.THS. and Physics Lecturer II1963