WA State School Teachers 1900-1980

Name School Position Year
Thomas, BrianPerth Technical College - Dept. of Mathematics and Physics Lecturer II1964
Thomas, BrianPerth Technical College Department of Mathematics andTemporary Lecturer I1965
Thomas, BrianPerth Technical College Department ofLecturer I1966
Thomas, BrianPerth Technical College Dept ofTs. Lecturer I.1967
Thomas, BronwenMeckering Mistress (Teacher) on Supply1959
Thomas, BronwenThornlie High SchoolMistress (Teacher)1973
Thomas, BronwynPemberton Junior High School IIMistress (Teacher) on Probation1966
Thomas, BronwynPemberton Junior High SchoolMistress (Teacher) on Probation1967
Thomas, BronwynGreenmount Primary SchoolMistress (Teacher) on Probation1968
Thomas, Bronwyn ElizabethLake Grace Junior High SchoolMistress (Teacher)1972
Thomas, Bronwyn M.Greenmount Primary SchoolMistress (Teacher)1969
Thomas, C. L.Armadale Senior High SchoolTemporary Master (Teacher)1970
Thomas, Carol Anne Balcatta Senior High School Mistress (Teacher)1978
Thomas, Carolyn LeeWilliams District High School Mistress (Teacher)1977
Thomas, Carolyn LeeWilliams District High SchoolMistress (Teacher)1978
Thomas, Catherine F. M.Caversham VIMonitor on Supply and Sewing Mistress1911
Thomas, CharlesPerth Technical College Tr. Inst. C1. B./11948
Thomas, CharlesPerth Technical CollegeTr. Inst. CI. B./21949
Thomas, CharlesPerth Technical CollegeTr.Inst.1950
Thomas, CharlesPerth Technical College Sp TR.INST.1951
Thomas, CharlesPerth Technical College SpecialTR. INST.1952
Thomas, CharlesPerth Technical College SpTR.INST.1953
Thomas, CharlesPerth Technical College [Department of Trade] Printing Instructor1955
Thomas, CharlesPerth Technical College - Trade - Printing Section Instructor1956
Thomas, CharlesPerth Technical College Department of Trade Printing SectionInstructor1957
Thomas, CharlesPerth Technical College Printing SectionInstructor1958
Thomas, Charles Perth Technical College Printing Section Senior Instructor1960
Thomas, CharlesPerth Technical College - TradesSenior Instructor1961
Thomas, CharlesPerth Tech College Trades PrintingSenior Instructor 1962
Thomas, CharlesPerth Technical College Department of Trades Printing Section Senior Lecturer1963
Thomas, CharlesPerth Technical College - Printing Section Senior Instructor 1964
Thomas, CharlesPerth Technical College Printing SectionSenior Instructor 1965
Thomas, CharlesPerth Technical College Printing SectionSenior Instructor 1966
Thomas, CharlesPerth Technical College Printing SectionSenior Instructor1967
Thomas, Charles LloydArmadale Senior High SchoolMaster (Teacher)1972
Thomas, Charles LloydArmadale Senior High SchoolMaster (Teacher)1973
Thomas, Charles V.Perth Technical College Printing SectionS./INST.1959
Thomas, Charles V.Perth Technical College Printing Section S Inst1968
Thomas, Charles V.Perth Technical College Printing Trade SectS Inst1969
Thomas, Charles V.Perth Technical College - Printing Trades SectionS./INST.1970
Thomas, Charles VivianArmadale Senior High SchoolMaster (Teacher)1971
Thomas, Charles VivianPerth Technical College PrintingSenior Instructor1972
Thomas, Charles VivianPerth Technical College Printing DeptHead of Department B.1973
Thomas, Charles VivianPerth Technical College - Printing Dept.Head of Depatrtment B1975
Thomas, Charles VivianPerth Technical College - Printing Dept Head of Depatrtment B1976
Thomas, Charles VivianPerth Technical College Printing Dept. Head of Department B P Ct1977
Thomas, Charles Vivian Technical College Printing Dept. Head of Department B1978
Thomas, Charles VivianPerth Technical College Printing Dept.Head of Department B.1979
Thomas, Charles VivianPerth Technical College Printing Dept.Head of Department B1980
Thomas, Cheryl JeanineCarnarvon Primary SchoolMistress (Teacher)1979