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Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


Adria Catherine Emily COWPER-COLES / TODD

Born 19 September 1867 in Mussoorie, Bengal, India [272]
Daughter of Richard George COLES and Jane Campbell NAPIER [21] [272] [403]
Her father was a Lieutenant Colonel in the 2nd Battalion of the Royal Regiment of Scotland [272] [403]
She was baptised on 16 October 1867 in Mussoorie, Bengal, India [272]
In 1871 she was living with her mother Jane and brother William on Hurley Road in Penge, Surrey, England [20]
Ten years later she, her brother and their widowed mother were living at 7 Westerhall Villa in Radipole, Dorset, England [20]
In 1891 they were living at 27 Thurlowe Place, Brompton in London, England [20]
Married Cowper Sutton TODD on 31 August 1897 at Saint Mary the Virgin Church in Twickenham, Middlesex, England [403]
In 1901 was living with her husband and daughter on Huntingrove Farm in Slinfold, Sussex, England [20]
They departed London, England on the steamship Waratah on 6 November 1908 bound for Adelaide, South Australia [203]
By 1910 they had shifted to Western Australia, at which time her address was Bay View Terrace in the Perth suburb of Claremont [50]
Resided with her husband and children on Ditcham Farm in Latham, Western Australia 1910-1918 [6] [19] [152]
Came 3rd in the Married Ladies' Race at the Coorow Farmers' Progress Association's Picnic & Sports on 7 October 1911 [39: 12-Oct-1911]
Departed Fremantle, Western Australia on the steamship Otway and arrived in London, England on 23 December 1911 [204]
Purchased the quarter acre Lots 1 and 2 of the Coorow townsite from the Midland Railway Company on 20 February 1914 [27]
     The two lots cost £20 each, or a total of £40, which she completed paying for by instalments over 18 months [27]
     She owned the two quarter-acre blocks for twelve years and then in about 1926 sold them to Heinrich W. BOTHE of Coorow [34]
Resided at 34 Hill Street in the Perth suburb of East Perth 1920-1922 [6] [50]
They departed Wellington, New Zealand on the steamship Ruahine and arrived in Southampton, England on 4 August 1922 [204]
In 1924 and 1925 they were living at Radnor House on Oakington Avenue in Harrow, London, England [377]
Her husband left England on the steamship Hobsons Bay and arrived in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia on 28 August 1925 [63]
In 1926 she resided at 46 West Cromwell Road in Earls Court, London, England [203]
She departed London, England on the steamshop Orvieto on 24 December 1926 bound for Fremantle, Western Australia [203]
In 1929 she and her son were living together at 30 Cook Street in West Perth [50]
Along with her son she departed Durban, South Africa on the motor-ship Thermopylae and arrived in Fremantle on 6 April 1932 [338]
Resided at 15 Clifton Crescent in the Perth suburb of Mount Lawley in 1936 and 1937 [50]
Departed London, England on the steamship Gloucester Castle on 23 September 1938 bound for South Africa [203]
In 1943 she was living with her son and daughter-in-law Sarah at 83 Carr Street in West Perth [50]
Mother of Constance and Richard [215]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Adria Catherine Emily Cowper-Coles / Todd' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 26 March 2025 from [reference list]

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