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Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


"Dick" Richard Arthur Phipps TODD

Born 1903 in Sussex, England [21]
Son of Cowper Sutton TODD and Adria Catherine Emily COWPER-COLES [215]
Departed London, England with his parents on the steamship Waratah on 6 November 1908 bound for Adelaide, South Australia [203]
Settled with his parents and sister Constance on prospective farmland in Latham, Western Australia in 1910 [19] [152]
Resided with his parents on Ditcham Farm in Latham 1910-1912 [19] [152]
Resided with his parents at Todd's Store at Lot 99 of the Coorow townsite in 1912 and 1913 [215]
Student at the first Coorow State School in a bush shed on BATTERSBY's Wattle Vale Farm in Coorow in 1912 [215]
His and his sister's names were put forward as students for the proposed reopening of the Coorow State School in 1913 [215]
Later in 1913 he was boarding in Three Springs and attending the Three Springs State School [215]
If the Coorow State School reopened he was to return, and his father guaranteed to contribute to a teacher's salary if necessary [215]
Student at the Coorow State School at Coorow House on Victoria Location 385 in Coorow in 1914 [215]
Presumably resided with his parents at 34 Hill Street in the Perth suburb of East Perth 1920-1922 [6] [50]
Departed from New Zealand with his parents on the steamship Ruahine and arrived in Southampton, England on 4 August 1922 [204]
They intended to return to Australia and their address following their arrival was Sidford Lodge in Shirley, Southampton, England [204]
Prior to leaving England in 1925 he had worked as an Estate Agent and lived at 24 Oakington Avenue in Wembley Park, London [203]
Departed London, England on the steamship Moreton Bay and arrived in Fremantle, Western Australia on 3 July 1925 [63]
Later in 1925 he was working as an Estate Agent and was living at 7 Stirling Road in the Perth suburb of Claremont [50]
In 1929 he was working as a Salesman and living with his mother at 30 Cook Street in West Perth [50]
Departed Durban, South Africa with his mother on the Thermopylae and arrived in Fremantle, Western Australia on 6 April 1932 [338]
In 1936 he was working as a manager and living with his mother at 15 Clifton Crescent in the Perth suburb of Mount Lawley [50]
Later worked as a Chiropractor and in 1943 was living at 83 Carr Street in West Perth [50]
Resided at 39 Hobbs Avenue in the Perth suburb of Dalkeith in 1960 [338]
Departed from London, England on Qantas Empire Airways flight EM 546/015 and arrived in Perth on 15 February 1960 [338]
Resided of late in the Perth hills suburb of Greenmount [2]
Died 10 August 1992; ashes interred at the Karrakatta Cemetery in Perth (Sir T. Meagher Gardens, Lawn 5B, D, 66) [2]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Richard Arthur Phipps Todd' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 19 December 2024 from [reference list]

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