Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


Charles Aloysius NOLAN

Born C.1875 [24] in Clunes, Victoria, Australia [54]
Son of John NOLAN [15]
Married Frances GLASHEEN in 1896 in Victoria, Australia [54]
Farmer of Sunnyside Farm in Kununoppin, Western Australia 1909-1926 [6] [50] [80: 28-Oct-1925] [354: 25-Mar-1927]
     He took up 1,500 acres of heavy gimlet and salmon gum country with his brother in 1909 [354: 25-Mar-1927]
     He had and used the registered horse and cattle firebrand of 3CN [80: 28-Oct-1925]
     Member of the Kununoppin Progress Association - was Vice President in 1910-11 [39: 1-Dec-1910]
     He was next of kin for his brother Rudolph Alexander NOLAN who served with the A.I.F. during the First World War [30: item 8002509]
     Another brother, Ulic Bourke NOLAN served with the A.I.F. and was Killed in Action in Belgium in 1917 [30: item 8002532]
     In 1921 he was appointed to the Management Board of the Kununoppin Recreation Reserve [80: 23-Dec-1921]
     He received his late brother's war medals in 1924 as their parents had died and he didn't know where their eldest brother was [30]
     Initially he kept 50 to 60 horses to work his farm in Kununoppin but by 1924 had replaced them with tractors [120: 30-Oct-1924]
     In 1924-25 he had a Dodge car or truck registered with the Kununoppin-Trayning Road Board with number-plate KTY-49 [325]
     The following year, in 1925-26 he still had number-plate KTY-49 however it had moved onto an Essex car or truck [325]
     Member of the Kununoppin Rifle Club in 1925 [39: 8-Jun-1925]
     He concluded that his land was too heavy for the rainfall unless he could adopt modern fallowing methods and sheep [354: 25-Mar-1927]
     Sheep would help rid the land of a variety of weeds but were not a viable prospect on account of dingoes [354: 25-Mar-1927]
     He sold his Kununoppin farm and travelled over 2,000 miles in his car looking for a new farm, which he found in Arrino [354: 25-Mar-1927]
Farmer in Dudawa, East Arrino in 1926 [39: 9-Jul-1929] [354: 25-Mar-1927]
     He'd purchased his new farm at Dudawa in East Arrino from Cornelius and Amy F. SHEAHAN [4: 3-Sep-1927]
     The farm was 1,427 acres in size and consisted of Lots 21, 27 and 28 of the Dudawa Estate [39: 11-Dec-1926] [44]
     He enrolled his son Aloysius at the Dominican Convent School in Three Springs in February 1926 [98]
     In 1926-27 he had an Austin car and a Graham truck registered with the Mingenew Road Board with plates MI-120 and MI-121 [325]
     Chairman of the North Midlands Football Association in 1926 [9: 29-Oct-1926]
     In addition to his farm at Arrino he also took up and began farming 5,000 acres of sandplain west of Coorow [354: 25-Mar-1927]
     His crops in Arrino yielded seven bags per acre and crops on his sandplain block at Coorow about six bags per acre [354: 25-Mar-1927]
     Sold his farm at Dudawa to South Australian farmer William MUTTER in late 1926 [4: 3-Sep-1927] [39: 11-Dec-1926]
Farmer of Monomeath Farm in Coorow, Western Australia 1926-1929 [19] [24] [81: 26-Dec-1926]
     His farm in Coorow was the 1,477 acre Lot M1142 of Victoria Location 2023, which he owned freehold [3] [61]
     He is believed to have purchased Lot M1142 from James FARLEY, who had it listed for sale in November 1926 [81: 14-Nov-1926]
     Purchased in Perth in late 1926 a Fiat truck with a special body built to his own design to cart sheep [4: 1-Jan-1927] [81: 26-Dec-1926]
     The special design was so he could transport sheep from his farm to the railway siding or convert it into a light delivery truck [39]
     His new truck was licensed with the Carnamah District Road Board and contained number-plate CA-188 [325]
     Sold his older Graham truck to Coorow wheat carting contractor John Robert LESLIE for £350 [39: 20-Mar-1928]
     During May 1927 he purchased a model 30 Caterpillar tractor, which was 25 horsepower [81: 27-Mar-1927]
     By 1929 the farm was all sheep-proof fenced, was divided into five paddocks and was almost entirely cleared [39: 14-Mar-1930]
     The farm, which was first-class land, contained a five-roomed house, good outbuildings and an abundant water supply [39: 14-Mar-1930]
     Paid a visit to Perth and stayed at Hotel Australia in January, February and July of 1927 [408: 21-Jan-1927, 4-Feb-1927, 29-Jul-1927]
     Purchased "a fine Holt tractor" in 1927 from Winchester farmer John RAFFAN, who was the local agent for Wigmore's [4: 7-May-1927]
     In 1927 he also still had and was developing his 5,000 acres of sandplain country to the west of Coorow [39: 2-May-1927]
     He had a 5-ton tractor with two 24-disc drills and two 14-disc ploughs at work on his sandplain property in May 1927 [39: 2-May-1927]
     In 1927 had a system from the Sewerage Disposal & Concrete Construction Company installed at his farmhouse [4: 13-Aug-1927]
     At the time septic systems were a new concept, with it being reported that he was progressive for "keeping abreast of the times" [4]
     Steward and Vice President of the Picnic Race Meeting held in Three Springs on Saint Patrick's Day on 17 March 1928 [124]
     In June 1928 he purchased a Chevrolet car with registration Perth 9994 from an E. PAGE [39: 21-Jun-1928]
     He was the first in Coorow to finish harvesting his crops in 1928-29 - reaping over a five bag average from 1,200 acres [39: 2-Feb-1929]
     He was one of 98 people from the Coorow district who signed a petition in 1929 for a local hotel license to be granted [39: 6-Feb-1929]
     Gave evidence in favour of a hotel license for Coorow when the Licensing Board met in Coorow on 3 May 1929 [10: 29-May-1929]
     Member of the Coorow Football Club - was Chairman in 1929 [86: 20-Apr-1929]
     Member of the Coorow-Waddy Forest Progress Association - was President in 1929 [86: 19-Mar-1929]
     Gave evidence before the Licencing Court on 3 May 1929 in support of the petition for a hotel licence at Coorow [86: 24-May-1929]
          The petition was granted resulting in the construction of the Coorow Hotel, which opened in 1930 [39: 16-Jun-1930] [86: 24-May-1929]
By 1929 was also the owner of Farley's Farm in Coorow but was no longer the owner of the sandplain country to the west [39: 7-Mar-1930]
     Farley's Farm in Coorow had previously been owned by Mrs Daisy H. WIGGIN and T. Reginald SIZER [39: 8-Nov-1927, 31-Jan-1928]
     The farm was 1,331 acres in size and consisted of Lots M947, M961 and M1121 of Victoria Location 2023 [3] [39: 7-Mar-1930]
     Farley's was all six-wire fenced, subdivided into nine paddocks with 900 of the 1,331 acres of first-class land cleared [39: 7-Mar-1930]
     The property also contained a good house, usual outbuildings and like his home property had an abundant water supply [39: 7-Mar-1930]
     Most of Farley's Farm had originally been Dartmouth Farm, the Ready-Made Farm purchased by Capt. Philip FARLEY in 1912 [19] [27]
Employed the services of Elder Smith & Co Ltd to hold a special sheep sale on Monomeath Farm at 2 p.m. on Friday 1 March 1929 [39]
     At the sale he put up for auction 2,600 well bred merino sheep in very good condition [39]
     The sheep consisted of 1,000 two and three year old wethers with large frames, forward to fat condition and early shorn; [39]
     1,000 merino ewes from fourth to sound mouth that had been mated to merino rams the preceding December; [39]
     300 1½ and 2½  year old merino ewes; and 300 ½ and 2½  year old merino wethers [39: 15-Feb-1929]
He took ill on Saturday 22 June 1929 and was subsequently admitted to the hospital in Three Springs [4: 29-Jun-1929]
Passed away in Three Springs from Bright's Disease, also known as kidney disease, at the age of 54 years [24] [39: 9-Jul-1929]
Father of Mary Agnes, Charles Edmond, Denis Joseph, Eileen Frances and Aloysius Gerald [39: 22-Oct-1929] [54]
Died 30 June 1929; buried at the Three Springs General Cemetery in Three Springs, Western Australia (Roman Catholic, Plot 4) [24]
In his will he bequeathed £700 to Mrs Daisy WIGGIN of Coorow, £500 to his daughter Eileen Frances NOLAN, [39]
     an annuity of £216 to his widow Mrs Frances NOLAN, a farm in Coomberdale to his sons Denis J. and Charles E. NOLAN, [39]
     and his farmland in Coorow and the residual of his estate to his youngest son Aloysius Gerald NOLAN [39: 22-Oct-1929]
Machinery, furniture and sundries from his farm in Coomberdale were auctioned at 1.30 p.m. on Friday 14 March 1930 [39: 7-Mar-1930]
     Items put up for sale included two State ploughs, two Case tandem harrows, two International Harvester Company harrows, [39]
     two Shearer ploughs, McKay combine, Robinson header, Shearer drill, Chevrolet truck, drilling machine, [39]
     two sets of stocks and dies, forge, petrol pumps; and a quantity of tools, furniture and sundries [39: 7-Mar-1930]
His two farms in Coorow along with livestock, plant and furniture were put up for auction on Friday 21 March 1930 [39: 7-Mar-1930]
     The plant and machinery included a Massey header, plough, Shearer drill, 30-foot harrows, dam plough, 2-stand shearing plant, [39]
     dray, spring cart, 4-wheel buggy, harrows, wool-press, seed pickler, top-dressing machine, wool table, 100-gallon tank, tools, [39]
     quantity of galvanised iron, bags, and sundries; while livestock included 150 ewes mated to Border Leicester rams, 260 ewes, [39]
     200 weaners, two cows, 2-year pedigreed bull of milking shorthorn strain, and 30 pigs including a number of breeding sows [39]
     The furniture was the contents of his five roomed house and included a wireless set, gramophone, records and cooking utensils [39]
Monomeath Farm was leased to Clement M. WARREN & Frederick U. FIRMSTONE and later to Milton J. TILLY [3] [5: 22-Mar-1935] [19]
     The farm was again put up for auction at 3.15 p.m. on Thursday 25 November 1937 at Wool Exchange Pastoral House in Perth [39]
     At the time about 1,407 of the farm's 1,477 acres were cleared and 300 acres had been fallowed [39: 19-Nov-1937]
     The farm appears not to have sold at the auction and was leased for another few years to Milton J. TILLY [3]
     Over ten years after his death, in the 1940-41 financial year, Monomeath Farm was sold from his estate to Donald MCDONALD [3]
By 1932 his Farley's Farm, was owned by Daniel P. FARLEY who'd previously owned the property and was possibly its mortgagee [3]

From The Moora Herald & Midland Districts Advocate newspaper, Wednesday 3 July 1929:
"In the Three Springs Hospital on Sunday afternoon last Mr C. Nolan, of Coorow, died after a short illness. The late Mr Nolan was a farmer in a good way in the Coorow district and was fairly well known in trotting circles at Moora, where his horses one several races."

From The Irwin Index newspaper, Saturday 6 July 1929:
Obituary - Death of Mr C. Nolan
    "Death has just removed a well-known settler of the Coorow district in the person of Mr C. Nolan, who passed away at Three Springs Hospital on Sunday, after a brief illness, at the age of 58. The late Mr Nolan was formerly farming at Northam and Kununoppin coming to Dudawa later, where he purchased a property from Mr C. Sheahan, removing to Coorow a little over two years ago. He was apparently
in perfect health until the week before last when, as he was preparing to go to Perth, he suddenly fell to the floor and on being taken to the Three Springs Hospital was found to be suffering from Bright's disease. He leaves three sons and a daughter to mourn his loss.
     The funeral took place at Three Springs on Monday afternoon, the arrangements being carried out by Mr D. Todd. The Rev. Father M. Lynch officiated at the graveside, where there was a large gathering of friends, among whom the following were noticed:— Mr R.
Barnhart, representing the Three Springs Football Club; Mr W. Skewes, manager North Midlands Co-op.; Mr E. Hunt, Three Springs Road Board and North Midlands Football Association; Mr L. P. Parker, Carnamah Road Board; Messrs. T. Berrigan, F. Badrick, M. Cook, State Implement Works; Battersby, C. Lynch, C. Kroschel, Scott Wylie, C. Bothe, H. W. Bothe, D. McDonald, J. Melvin, Mrs Wiggin, Messrs. F. Barrett, I. Wallace, E. K. Byrne, John Lynch, P. Lynch, senr., P. Lynch, junr., J. Driscoll, J. Lynch, C. F. Thomas, Mrs Thomas, Miss Thomas, Miss N. Thomas, Messrs C. L. Evans, M. Buck, K. B. Johnston, R. A. Caldow, E. Dawson, E. Bassola, Mrs Sarah Maley, Mr and Mrs C. F. Thomas, junr., Messrs E. Burge, W. Turner, the Misses Turner, Messrs I. Rees, R. Honner, D. Deegan, A. Clyman, T. Byrne, Boys from the Dominican Convent School."

From The West Australian newspaper, Tuesday 9 July 1929:
Country News - Three Springs
"There was a large attendance at the funeral of the late Mr. C. Nolan, who died in the local hospital on June 30 of Bright's disease. The Rev. Father M. Lynch officiated at the graveside. Mr. Nolan had recently been farming at Coorow, but prior to purchasing a property there had farmed in the Dudawa district, near Three Springs, and was widely known and respected."

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Charles Aloysius Nolan' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 7 March 2025 from [reference list]

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