Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


Eileen Frances NOLAN / MORRIS

Born 1910 [15]
Daughter of Charles Aloysius NOLAN [39: 22-Oct-1929]
Presumably resided with her father and siblings on Monomeath Farm in Coorow [19] [24] [98]
Following her father's death in 1929 she was to inherit £500 as bequeathed to her in his will [39: 22-Oct-1929]
As she was already living in Coorow and willing to take on the job she was appointed to take charge of the Coorow State School [215]
School Teacher of the Coorow State School in Coorow 1930-1933 [73]
     After a closure of a few years she reopened the Coorow State School from the Coorow Hall on 10 February 1930 [215]
     She reopened and initially conducted the school from the hall as during its closure the school building had been let to a tenant [215]
     On 24 February 1930 the tenant moved out and she immediately moved the school in and continued teaching [215]
     Received an annual salary from the Education Department of £180 in 1930 and 1931, and £208/14/- in 1932 and 1933 [73]
Attended the evening Ball following the Carnamah Races on 2 October 1930 in a dress of jade green georgette [4: 18-Oct-1930]
Member of the Coorow Tennis Club in 1930 and 1933 [5: 10-Mar-1933] [86: 21-Jun-1930]
In July 1932 organised a concert in Coorow to support G. RAFFAN in the local Popular Football Competition [5: 15-Jul-1932]
Attended the Carnamah Grand Ball at the Carnamah Town Hall on 28 July 1932 in a gown of red crepe-de-chine [5: 5-Aug-1932]
She and Mrs WELLS played the piano at the Carnamah Roman Catholic Church's Annual Ball on 6 August 1932 [5: 19-Aug-1932]
Attended the Carnamah Roman Catholic Church's Annual Ball in Carnamah in a gown of white crepe de cafe [5: 19-Aug-1932]
Inaugural Committee Member of the Coorow-Waddy Forest Districts Agricultural Society in 1932 and 1933 [4: 9-Apr-1932] [5: 23-Dec-1932]
Exhibited and won prizes in two sections of the first Coorow-Waddy Agricultural Show on Thursday 8 September 1932 [5: 16-Sep-1932]
     Won 1st prize for Cream puffs and 2nd prize for Fruit Cake in the Confectionary section [5]
     Won 1st prizes for an Embroidered Apron and White Centre or Tablecloth and 2nd prize for Best Worked Undergarment [5]
The Coorow State School, of which she was the sole teacher, won 1st prize for Wildflowers at the Coorow Show in 1932 [5] [70]
     A week later the Coorow State School also won 1st prize for Wildflowers at the Carnamah Agricultural Show [5: 23-Sep-1932]
Wore a Tango Satin Ensemble to the  Show Ball after the Carnamah Agricultural Show on Thursday 15 September 1932 [5: 23-Sep-1932]
She was presented with a gold wrist watch by Father Christmas at the Christmas Tree at the Coorow Hall on 17 December 1932 [5]
     The watch was in recognition for all the good work she had done for the children during and outside of school hours [5: 23-Dec-1932]
     Also played the piano at the Coorow Christmas Tree for some of her pupils, who she had been teaching how to dance [5: 23-Dec-1932]
Played the piano and the drums at the evening social tendered to Nell NORTHEY in Winchester on 29 June 1933 [5: 7-Jul-1933]
Provider of music at the social tendered to recently married Brian and Gerda STACY at the Carnamah Hall on 1 July 1933 [5: 7-Jul-1933]
Organiser of the Card Party which was held at the Coorow Hostel on Saturday 15 July 1933 [5: 21-Jul-1933]
Attended the Carnamah Football Club's Monster Ball at the Carnamah Hall on 2 September 1933 in a dress of tango satin [5: 8-Sep-1933]
Exhibited in the Fancy Work section of the Coorow-Waddy Agricultural Show at Maley Park, Coorow on 7 September 1933 [5]
     Won 1st prize for a Worked Undergarment and 2nd prizes for both a Toilet Set and an Embroidered Apron [5: 15-Sep-1933]
Member of the Coorow Parents & Citizens Association - was Secretary in 1933 [5: 10-Nov-1933]
     On behalf of the Association she wrote to the Education Department about the cost of rabbit proof netting for the school garden [215]
Provider of music at the Anglican Church Bazaar and Dance at the Coorow Hall on Saturday 18 November 1933 [5: 24-Nov-1933]
Sponsor of the baptisms of Eileen A., Verna M., Thomas K. and Loris E. DOWNES of Coorow on 24 December 1933 [91]
She was farewelled by the people of Coorow and Waddy at a public farewell at the Coorow Hall on Wednesday 3 January 1934 [5]
     Received an inscribed travelling case and a set of cut glass from the local sporting bodies and the Parents & Citizens Association [5]
     The Coorow Hall was overcrowded by the many people who had come to wish her a happy farewell [5: 5-Jan-1934]
Married Noel MORRIS in Perth in 1942 [66]
Resided of late in the Perth suburb of Wembley [2]
Died 9 February 1982; buried Karrakatta Cemetery, Perth WA (Roman Catholic, PC, 80) [2]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Eileen Frances Nolan / Morris' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 26 March 2025 from [reference list]

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