Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


"Charlie" Charles Cleaver BOTHE

Born 4 October 1887 in Walkerville, South Australia [55]
Son of "Heinie" Heinrich Wilhelm BOTHE and "Mina" Eliza Wilhelmina NEWMAN [55]
Resided with his parents at the Kensington Hotel at 182 Wellington Street in Perth, Western Australia [6]
Farmer in Wagerup 1908-1910 [6] [44]
     He made a small donation to the W.A. Deaf and Dumb Institution in early 1909 [39: 13-Feb-1909]
Settled in Coorow with his parents, sister May and brother Baxter in 1910 [110]
In 1909 he travelled from Wagerup to Coorow to inspect prospective land with his brother Baxter and Fred KAU [110]
     He, his brother and their father applied for and were successful in taking up land at Coorow in November 1909 [31: 19-Nov-1909]
     He took up the 160 acre Victoria Location 3960, his brother Victoria Location 3956 and their father Victoria Location 3957 [31]
     All three blocks were priced at 10 shillings per acre and had opened for selection the previous month [9: 22-Oct-1909]
Farmer in Coorow [19]
Farmer and Grazier in Coorow in partnership with his brother Baxter D. BOTHE as "Bothe Bros" 1915-1925 [27] [44]
     From 1910 to 1914 he was the owner of 224 acres, his brother Baxter 158 acres and their father 246 acres in Coorow [44]
     They farmed their 1,222 acres (Victoria Locations 3956, 3960 and 6619) and their father's 246 acre Victoria Location 3957 [44]
     By 1911, after 12 months in Coorow, they had cleared and cropped 60 acres, erected five miles of fencing and sunk a dam [338]
     They planned 300 acres of crop in 1912 and were described enthusiastically as "saplings barely out of their teens" [388: 26-Aug-1911]
     Around 1914 they applied but then cancelled an application to take up the 300 acre Victoria Location 5970 in Coorow [86: 21-Jul-1914]
     In February 1916 they sold 50 bags of Gluyas wheat to the Midland Railway Company [34]
     The Midland Railway Company paid them £48.7.0, or 8/- an acre, to strip 119 acres of crop on Lot M963 in Coorow in 1916 [34]
     In 1917 had 450 acres of wheat crop - the third highest acreage in crop for the Coorow district that year [10: 19-Jun-1917]
     "These men are very good farmers" was the comment of a Midland Railway Company official in 1918 [34]
     Extended their farmland with three purchases of land in Coorow from the Midland Railway Company [27]
          Purchased the 1,101 acre Lot M1068 of Victoria Location 2023 for £770/19/7 (14/- per acre) on 11 October 1918 [27]
          Purchased the 1,477 acre Lot M1142 of Victoria Location 2023 for £923/7/4 (12/6 per acre) on 10 February 1919 [27]
          Purchased 800 acres in Lots M960 and M962 of Victoria Location 2023 for £2400 (£3 per acre) on 29 June 1922 [27]
          Lots M1068 and M1142 were purchased as virgin bush, while Lots M960 and M962 were developed farmland [27]
     They purchased an Essex car in March 1923, which contained licence plate MI-20 and later CA-25 [81: 25-Mar-1923] [325]
     In 1923 they used 150 pounds of superphosphate to the acre on their wheat crops [10: 6-Mar-1924]
     Bothe Bros won 1st prizes for Early Cabbage and Swedes at the Annual Show & Sports Carnival in Carnamah in 1923 [86: 4-Oct-1923]
     By mid 1924 they had also purchased the 390 acre Victoria Location 7246, which took their farmland to a total of 5236 acres [44]
     Appear to have dissolved their partnership in 1925, when they split their farmland between themselves [3] [27] [44]
Attended the Coorow Football Club's Annual Sports Day held in Coorow on 30 September 1913 [9: 10-Oct-1913]
    He came 2nd in the High Jump and together with his brother Baxter they won the Three-Legged Race [9]
Married (1) Margaret MCGILL on 19 March 1917 at Saint George's Cathedral in Perth [39: 18-Apr-1917]]
Farmer of Glenfield Farm in Coorow [P98]
     After dissolving partnership with his brother he was the owner of 2,277 acres in Lots M960, M962 and M1142 [27]
     He appears to have sold his 1,477 acre Lot M1142 to James FARLEY, who was its owner by 1926 [81: 14-Nov-1926]
     A few years later he purchased 1,270 acres in Lots M1046 and M1231 from the same James FARLEY [3] [27] [44]
     Later purchased Lots M947, M961 and M1121 from Daniel P. FARLEY and Lot M1548 from Mrs Eliza M. JACKS [3]
     This took his farm to 3,801 acres consisting of Lots M947, M960, M961, M962, M1046, M1121, M1231 and M1548 [3]
Foundation Chairman of the Coorow Farmers' Progress Association in 1911 [39: 4-Aug-1911]
Attended the Coorow Farmers' Progress Association's Picnic & Sports Meeting in Coorow on 7 October 1911 [39: 12-Oct-1911]
     Won the High Jump, with his brother Baxter won the Siamese Race, and came 2nd after his brother Baxter in the Pillow Fight [39]
Member of the Coorow branch of the Farmers and Settlers' Association of Western Australia in 1912 [9: 21-Jun-1912]
On behalf of the people of Coorow made a presentation to Donald M. and Isabella BAIN at their farewell in March 1916 [9: 10-Mar-1916]
He and his brother advertised in The West Australian newspaper in 1918 that they were wanting to buy a Staghound dog [39: 4-May-1918]
Member of the Coorow Hall Committee - was Chairman in 1921 and Secretary in 1923 [9: 23-Feb-1923] [215]
     In a secret ballot at a public meeting those present decided to build the hall on the east side of the Coorow townsite [215]
Wrote to the Education Department in May 1921 encouraging them to build their school on the east side of the Coorow townsite [215]
     The Midland Railway Company had provided a block for the school right next to the site of the proposed Coorow Hall [215]
     He informed them this block was also more centrally situated, had better drainage and would be more easily cleared [215]
     An Education Inspector concurred with his comments and the school was erected on the Midland block in May 1922 [215]
Member of the Coorow Progress Association - was Secretary in 1923 [34]
In April 1924 requested that the Carnamah District Road Board work on roads in Coorow, especially the Jun Jun Road [10: 1-May-1924]
     His request and one from the Coorow Progress Association resulted in tenders being called for work on the road [10: 26-Jun-1924]
The Sunday Times newspaper reported on 4 October 1925 that he had purchased a new Model 501 Fiat car [81: 4-Oct-1925]
     His Fiat car was registered with the Carnamah District Road Board and received licence plate CA-71 [325]
     He "was so pleased with his purchase" that two weeks later his brother Baxter also purchased a Model 501 Fiat car [225: 17-Oct-1925]
     In February 1927 he purchased a new Model 503 Fiat car "fitted with Italian de luxe body" [81: 13-Feb-1927]
He was one of 98 people from the Coorow district who signed a petition in 1929 for a local hotel license to be granted [39: 6-Feb-1929]
He visited the Education Department in Perth in November 1929 and requested that the Coorow State School be reopened [215]
     He wanted his children to be at home rather than at boarding school, especially as his daughter was outgrowing her strength [215]
     After getting the paperwork completed by local residents he officially requested the school be reopened on 8 January 1930 [215]
     His request was promptly granted and arrangements were made for him to take delivery of furniture and stock upon its arrival [215]
     Furniture and some stock for the school was railed from Mingenew with a supply of registers and books being railed from Perth [215]
     The Coorow State School was reopened by Miss Eileen F. NOLAN on 10 February 1930 with 15 students [215]
Sustained a broken rib after being kicked by a horse towards the end of April 1930 [86: 10-May-1930]
Attended the funeral of "Father of Carnamah" Donald MACPHERSON at the Winchester Cemetery on 14 August 1931 [4: 22-Aug-1931]
Foundation Committee Member of the Coorow-Waddy Forest District Agricultural Society 1932-1939 [4: 9-Apr-1932] [150]
Pallbearer at the funeral of Mrs Janet Allison RAFFAN of Winchester on 26 February 1932 at the Winchester Cemetery [4: 5-Mar-1932]
Exhibited in the Cattle and Horse sections of the inaugural Coorow-Waddy Agricultural Show on 8 September 1932 [5: 16-Sep-1932]
     Awarded 2nd prizes for a Jersey Heifer in the Cattle section and for a Draught Stallion and a Brood Male in the Horse section [5]
Member for Coorow on the Carnamah-Coorow Anglican Church Vestry in 1933 [5: 2-Jun-1933]
Attended the Valedictory Dinner tendered to Alexander B. GLOSTER at the Coorow Hotel on Monday 3 July 1933 [5: 7-Jul-1933]
Won 2nd prizes for Draught Brood Mare and 3 Ewes for Breeding Export Lambs at the Coorow-Waddy Show in 1933 [5: 15-Sep-1933]
In October 1933 purchased a new Sunshine harvester [5: 3-Nov-1933]
Won 1st prize for Illawarra Shorthorn Cow and 2nd for Crossbred Ewe & Twin Lambs at the Coorow-Waddy Show 1934 [5: 7-Sep-1934]
Attended the funeral of Mrs Christina B. D. FORRESTER of Carnamah at the Winchester Cemetery on 31 August 1934 [4: 8-Sep-1934]
Represented Coorow at meetings in Carnamah of the amalgamated Coorow-Three Springs Anglican Parish in 1934 [5: 16-Nov-1934]
Rector's Warden of the South Section of the North Midlands Anglican Church in 1935 [5: 17-May-1935]
Sold 71 lambs for between 13/1 and 17/10 and eleven wethers for 22/4 each at the Midland Market on 17 July 1935 [5: 19-Jul-1935]
Exhibited in the Horses in Action, Horse, Cattle, Sheep and Poultry sections of the Coorow-Waddy Agricultural Show in 1935 [5]
     Awarded two 1st prizes for Best Pony 14 Hands & Under and Two Year Old Gelding bred by exhibitor [5: 13-Sep-1935]
     Won 2nd prizes for 2 Year Old Filly bred by exhibitor, Illawarra Shorthorn Heifer, Southdown Ram, and female White Leghorn [5]
Member of the Coorow Golf Club in 1935 [5: 9-Aug-1935]
Attended the Ratepayers Meeting of the Carnamah District Road Board in Carnamah on Wednesday 23 October 1935 [5: 25-Oct-1935]
Sold six bales of wool at 14½d. per pound through Elder Smith & Co Ltd at the Wool Sale in Perth on 28 October 1935 [5: 1-Nov-1935]
At about 3 p.m. on Sunday 3 November 1935 a Dodge truck suddenly left the road and crashed into a gum tree near his farm [5]
     He conveyed the injured two men to the Carnamah Private Hospital, after being alerted to the accident by one of his employees [5]
     The truck was driven by T. POLLETT of the Department of the Interior with Mr W. F. BARKER as a passenger [5: 8-Nov-1935]
He transported two injured Federal Officers to the Carnamah Private Hospital on 4 November 1935 [303: 12-Nov-1935]
    The two were injured when their truck ran head on into a tree on main road near his farm [303: 12-Nov-1935]
Sold a pig for £3/3/3, one for £2/10/- and two for £2/2/- per head through Elder Smith & Co Ltd on 13 November 1935 [5: 15-Nov-1935]
Attended the entertainment for the Commonwealth Grants Commission at the Coorow Hotel on 21 November 1935 [5: 29-Nov-1935]
Attended the funeral of Miss "May" Mary L. LANG of Carnamah at the Winchester Cemetery on 26 November 1935 [5: 29-Nov-1935]
Waddy Forest farmer Lionel R. GRONOW and himself comprised the Coorow Anglican Church Vestry in 1936 [5: 25-Sep-1936]
Along with his brother Baxter held a Surplus Sale on his Glenfield Farm in Coorow at 12 p.m. on Friday 28 February 1936 [5]
     They were curtailing their cropping operations and held the sale to sell off surplus livestock, farming plant and machinery [5]
     Sold 35 Draught horses consisting of mares, geldings, fillies, yearlings, foals and hacks; 13 of which they'd bred themselves [5]
     Sold ten cattle consisting of nine cows and heifers, and the pedigree milking strain Shorthorn bull named Polaris Prince [5]
     Sold 500 Merino ewes between 2½ and 4½ years which were mated to Border Leicester rams, and 100 wethers and hoggets [5]
     Plant and Machinery up for sale included a 10-foot McKay harvester, two 16-run Massey combines, 16-run McKay combine, [5]
     35-tyne McKay cultivator, 15-tyne Standard scarifier, 12-disc Shearer twin disc plough, 12-disc Sun General twin disc plough, [5]
     6-furrow Shearer mouldboard plough, I.H.C. steel wheel lorry, 7-ton wagon, 20-run Massey disc drill, 8-foot Mitchell drill, [5]
     21-run Massey Harris drill, Horwood Bagshaw header, 6-furrow McKay disc plough, 4-furrow Shearer mouldboard plough, [5]
     17-run 12-furrow twin Shearer mouldboard skim plough, 10-disc Shearer cultivating plough, 30-tyne McKay cultivator, [5]
     8½-inch mouth Salmon chaffcutter, Eclipse feed grinder, 2 sets of Shearer drill harrows, two 10-horse McKay leading sets, [5]
     4-ton Trewhella jack, set of 8 McKay harrows, hay rake, two 10-horse sets of swingle trees and spreader bars, [5]
     1½-horsepower Lister engine, 4½-horsepower Lister engine, and harness and chains for 25 horses [5: 14 & 21-Feb-1936, 6-Mar-1936]
     Their sale attracted a "record attendance" of buyers from as far away as Northampton and Goomalling who paid top prices [5]
During April 1936 purchased a new 16.33 rigid tyne combine from Westralian Farmers Ltd [5: 10-Apr-1936]
Attended the meeting in Carnamah on 6 May 1936 at which the North Midlands Stud Breeders Association was formed [5: 8-May-1936]
Member of the Coorow Rifle Club in 1936 and 1949, and Treasurer in 1937-38 [5: 31-Jul-1936, 30-Jul-1937, 18-Aug-1949]
     Loaned machinery and spent considerable time helping construct the Coorow Rifle Range in July 1934 [5: 20-Jul-1934]
     He competed at the Official Opening of the new Coorow Rifle Range on 6 August 1949 [5: 18-Aug-1949]   
Exhibited in four sections of the Coorow-Waddy Agricultural Show at Maley Park, Coorow on 3 September 1936 [5: 11-Sep-1936]
     In the Poultry section won both 1st and 2nd prizes for male White Leghorn, and in Cattle won 2nd for Illawarra Shorthorn Cow [5]
     Won 2nd for Best Pony 14 hands or under in Horses in Action, and in Sheep won 2nd for Three Lambs Suitable for Export [5]
Attended the dinner in Coorow tendered to the Archbishop of Perth Henry F. LE FANU on Sunday 20 September 1936 [5: 25-Sep-1936]
Sold five baconers at £3/10/6 per head through Elder Smith & Co Ltd at the Midland Market on 7 October 1936 [5: 9-Oct-1936]
Attended Roy M. PATTON's birthday at the dam on Longforest Farm in Waddy Forest on Sunday 8 November 1936 [5: 13-Nov-1936]
Attended the Ratepayers Meeting of the Carnamah District Road Board in Coorow on Wednesday 25 November 1936 [5: 27-Nov-1936]
Sold 18 hoggets at 19/10, 15 lambs at 19/10, and 4 lambs at 16/4 through Elder Smith & Co Ltd on 10 February 1937 [5: 12-Feb-1937]
A cloud burst occurred over his farm on 2 March 1937 which resulted in about 60 points of rain falling within a few minutes [5]
     The sudden rain was accompanied by heavy hail and filled the dams on his farm [5: 5-Mar-1937]
Attended his father's surprise 75th birthday in Coorow on Tuesday evening 13 April 1937 [5: 16-Apr-1937]
Member of the North Midlands Anglican Church Vestry in 1937 [5: 4-Jun-1937]
Exhibited in the Cattle and Sheep sections of the Coorow-Waddy Agricultural Show in 1937 [5: 10-Sep-1937]
     Awarded 1st prize for Illawarra Shorthorn Bull and 2nd for Illawarra Shorthorn Cow in the Cattle section [5]
     Won 1st prize for Three Ewes for Breeding Export lambs which the judge said were "of Royal Show standard" [5]
Attended the funeral of Waddy Forest farmer Stanley L. FOLLAND at the Moora Cemetery on Monday 25 August 1941 [4: 30-Aug-1941]
Committee Member of the Coorow-Waddy Forest Agricultural Society and Patriotic Funds Committee in 1945 [0: image 04319]
Private in the local Volunteer Defence Corps during the Second World War [16]
Offered in The North Midland Times a £1 reward for returning a gold wristlet watch lost in Carnamah on 3 March 1945 [5: 9-Mar-1945]
Pallbearer at the funeral of retiree Thomas BONHAM on 10 August 1945 at the Winchester Cemetery in Carnamah [5: 24-Aug-1945]
Sent a floral tribute for the grave of Mrs Mary L. GRONOW of Waddy Forest at Winchester Cemetery on 11 August 1945 [5: 24-Aug-1945]
Member of the Coorow-Waddy Forest branch of the Primary Producers' Association in 1945 and 1946 [5: 30-Mar-1945, 2-Aug-1946]
    At meeting of the P.P.A. on 17 August 1946 he promised to give a donation of £10 to the Wheat Fighting Fund [5: 30-Aug-1946]
Sent a floral tribute for the grave of John Maurice HAIG of Carnamah  at Winchester Cemetery on 4 May 1946 [5: 10-May-1946]
Pallbearer at the funeral of Waddy Forest farmer Price Willis HUNT on 11 September 1946 at the Winchester Cemetery [5: 20-Sep-1945]
Inaugural Member of Coorow-Waddy Forest branch of the Farmers' Union of Western Australia in December 1946 [5: 20-Dec-1946]
Became a member of the Carnamah Masonic Lodge No.150 WAC on 20 December 1946 [96]
Proposed one of the toasts at the 21st birthday for his nephew Lloyd BOTHE at the Coorow Hall on 10 May 1947 [5: 23-May-1947]
During the 1947-48 financial year purchased William M. C. LAWSON's 2,354 acre Clerklands Farm in Winchester, South Carnamah [3]
     Clerklands Farm's 2,534 acres consisted of Lots M1075, M1088 and M1089 of Victoria Locations 1937 and 1938 [3]
Supported the toast to The Hostesses at the Coming of Age Party for Bronte WALDECK in Coorow on 2 January 1948 [5: 9-Jan-1948]
Member of the Coorow-Marchagee Bush Fire Brigade - was Lieutenant in 1948 [5: 2-Apr-1948]
Won 1st and 2nd for Crossbred Fleeces (Border Leicester-Merino) at the Coorow-Waddy Agricultural Show in 1948 [5: 23-Sep-1948]
Requested with the Carnamah District Road Board for a stone crossing at a creek near the Billeroo School Hall in 1949 [5: 10-Feb-1949]
He and his wife later left Coorow and lived at 59 Oceanic Drive in the Perth suburb of Floreat Park [50]
His son Ron took over and farmed his Glenfield Farm in Coorow and his son Bill Clerklands Farm in Winchester [P98]
Two days before their 40th wedding anniversary, on 17 March 1957, his wife Maggie passed away at the age of 61 years [1] [14]
Married (2) Irene Eileen SHEEHAN in Perth in 1958 [66]
Continued to live at 59 Oceanic Drive in Floreat [50] and was a resident of Floreat at the time of his death in 1970 [2]
Father of Thelma, Bill, Ron and Yvonne [14]
Died 30 January 1970; ashes interred at the Karrakatta Cemetery in Perth (Crematorium Rose Gardens, 16, 115) [2]

From The South Australian Advertiser newspaper, Wednesday 5 October 1887:
"BOTHE. – On the 4th October, at Hampstead Hotel, the wife of H.W. Bothe, of a son."

From The North Midland Times newspaper, Thursday 6 October 1949:
Off Shears Sale – Coorow
"... Friday October 14 at 3 p.m. Elder, Smith & Co Ltd have received instructions from Vendors ... including C. C. Bothe and Sons who are changing over to Merinos their entire flock of 1100 Ewes, mainly Border Leicester Cross. These are mid-August shorn, dipped, in excellent order, and will be submitted in lines of one age only, wherever possible. Free delivery counts on truck will be given by Messrs Bothe and Sons to outside buyers of their ewes if truck supply is delayed. Messrs Bothe & Sons flock comprises 70 1½ and 2½ years; 235 3½ and 4½ years, 309 sound mouth, 230 full mouth, 180 cast for age. ..."

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Charles Cleaver Bothe' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 12 March 2025 from [reference list]

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