Born 5 July 1858 at The Byeen in Toodyay, Western Australia [40]
Son of Duncan MACPHERSON and Mary WILSON [40]
Resided with his parents at The Byeen in the Newcastle-Toodyay district 1858-1867 [127: pages 86, 182]
Arrived in what is now the Carnamah district with his parents in 1868 [8: page 5 - was 9 when they came] [120: 9-Jan-1930]
Initially resided with his parents in a three roomed stone cottage near the Mulliah / Yarra Yarra Lakes in Carnamah [119]
Later resided with his parents at Carnamah House, situated on Victoria Location 1172 of his father's Carnamah Station [119]
Breeder and Grazier of sheep, cattle and horses in Carnamah [4: 15-Aug-1931]
Ran Carnamah Station with his father and brothers, and following his father's death ran the station with his brother George [8: page 8]
Donald and George inherited their father's leasehold and freehold land in Carnamah [8: page 8]
The land was Carnamah Station and Yarra Yarra Farm (also known as Yarie Yarie, situated along the Mulliah / Yarra Yarra Lakes) [P93]
Carted wool produced on the station from Carnamah to Guildford, the return trip taking two weeks [120: 9-Jan-1930]
Employed local Aboriginal men as shepherds for the sheep, including Carnamah Tommy and "Dido" Joachim DIDO [P300]
Had a woolshed with a screw-press wool-press in scrub southwest of their homestead Carnamah House [P399]
The press was surrounded by a platform that Aboriginal employees walked around, pressing the wool down into the bale [P399]
The screw pulled over the flap of the wool-bale, and they then sewed down the flap [P399]
In the early years at Carnamah they bred horses that were shipped to Singapore after herding them overland to Perth [12: 20-Aug-1931]
He and their neighbour Frank NAIRN of Noolooloo Station took sheep to Geraldton for sale during January 1894 [383: 26-Jan-1894]
Also bred thoroughbred racehorses at Carnamah, many of which won prizes in races at Perth and on the goldfields [12: 20-Aug-1931]
One of his best racehorses was named "Carnamah" and won many races [12: 20-Aug-1931]
His racehorse named Carnamah born in about 1905, the child of racehorses Gossaire and Sunbeam [81: 23-Jan-1912]
With Western Australian Turf Club approval he leased his horse Carnamah to Ernest B. MCKEON in March 1910 [120: 26-Mar-1910]
Two months into the 1912 season Carnamah had won a 1st, three 2nd and a 3rd place at Perth and goldfields races [120: 27-Sep-1912]
In 1917 "The celebrated blood sire Carnamah" stood for the season at Glenholm, Moora for a fee of £13/3/- [10: 31-Aug-1917, 7-Sep-1917]
Carnamah also stood at Glenholm, Moora in 1918 and was a "sure foal-getter," at the same stud fee of £13/3- [10: 9-Aug-1918]
His horse named Carnamah was remarked as "the well known blood horse" and "winner of numerous races" [10: 11-Oct-1918]
He imported the English stallion Grenelle, "a commanding looking chestnut, splendidly timbered and truly an aristocrat" [9]
Grenelle was the Champion horse and best Thoroughbred Stallion exhibited at the Perth Royal Show in 1910 [9: 16-Sep-1910, 4-Nov-1910]
His thoroughbred stallion Grenelle stood the 1910 season on his property in Carnamah, for a fee of £10/10/- per mare [9: 7-Oct-1910]
In 1919 Grenelle won blue ribbons at both the Perth Royal Show and the Moora Agricultural Show [4: 15-Aug-1931]
He and his brother George transported wagons full of supplies and machinery from Perth to Rothsay Mine [12: 20-Aug-1931]
They also gathered timber which they carted and sold to the Great Fingal Mine in Cue [12: 20-Aug-1931]
By 1900 they had ringbarked 500 acres of their Conditional Purchase land one mile east of the Mulliah / Yarra Yarra Lakes [39: 13-Nov-1900]
The land was Salmon Gum country, and in 1900 they had 50 acres of it under crop, expected to yield two tons to the acre [39]
An inspector reporting to the Minister of Lands reported that it was the best crop he had seen in the locality [39]
The inspector reported that their land gave "a splendid illustration of what the salmon gum land will produce" [39]
Following George's tragic death in 1904 Donald carried on alone with the management of Carnamah Station [P10]
Along with his sisters Maggie and Bessie continued to reside in the family homestead, Carnamah House, on Carnamah Station [119]
They had a number of peacocks which roamed freely around the family homestead [7: page 14]
Appointed in 1887 under the provisions of the Aborigines' Protection Act 1886 to witness contracts of Aboriginal People [39: 26-Aug-1887]
His good relationship with Aboriginal people is testified by the fact that over a dozen sent floral tributes when he died [4: 22-Aug-1931]
In June 1898 he made a donation of £1 to the Home of the Good Shepherd through Mrs Eliza M. MOORE of Dongara [39: 23-Jun-1898]
He was one of 53 who requested William T. LOTON run as the Member for Greenough in the Legislative Council in 1889 [383: 26-Jan-1889]
Justice of the Peace for the Victoria Magisterial District from 1897 until his death in 1931 [4: 16-Feb-1929] [39: 19-Nov-1897] [120: 9-Jan-1930]
In 1903 he grew wheat and oats, with yields of 25 bushels per acre for the wheat and 71 bushels per acre for the oats [120: 9-Jan-1904]
Both crops were grown on Salmon Gum country and without the use of manure or fertiliser, except from sheep [120: 9-Jan-1904]
By 1917 he had 400 acres of wheat crop on his Carnamah land [10: 19-Jun-1917]
The thoroughbred stallion and racehorse Homeward Bound stood on his Carnamah Station in 1907 [9: 4-Oct-1907]
Mares could be sent to Carnamah by train and bred with the stallion for £5/5/- and paddocked for 2/- per week [9: 4-Oct-1907]
In 1908 was the farmer and grazier of 59,655 acres in Carnamah (made up of freehold land, pastoral leases and grazing leases) [44]
He may have had more than 59,655 acres as he had a 40,300 acre pastoral lease from the Midland Railway Company [34] [44]
This pastoral lease appears in rate books only as 38,000 acres, so in total he may have had 61,955 acres in 1908 [34] [44]
Although in lesser amounts, he continued leasing land in Carnamah from the Midland Railway Company until at least 1915 [34]
In 1908 a visitor remarked that he was "a farmer and grazier, postmaster and Heaven alone knows how many other things" [81: 11-Oct-1908]
The visitor commented on the "post and telegraph office in full swing" at their homestead and called Carnamah an ancient place [81]
Exhibited in the Horse and Cattle sections of the Irwin Agricultural Society's Annual Show in Dongara in 1908 [9: 9-Oct-1908]
Won 1st prize for Blood Stallion with his Homeward Bound, 1st for Cow for Beef, 1st for Fat Cow and 2nd for Shorthorn Bull [9]
He was the Irwin Electoral District's Postal Vote Officer in Carnamah until resigning in 1908 [9: 4-Sep-1908]
Attended the Grand Concert & Dance held at the schoolroom in Three Springs on Saint Patrick's Night 17 March 1909 [9: 2-Apr-1909]
In 1909 he gathered £8/17/- for the Moora District Hospital Fund, which included a £1/10/- donation from himself [9: 9-Apr-1909]
Attended the Midland Railway Company's 9th Subdivision Sale at the Builders & Contractors' Exchange in Perth on 18 June 1909 [39]
The sale was the Company's first of agricultural blocks of virgin bush and townsite blocks in Three Springs [39: 19-Jun-1909]
He was the successful bidder of the first agricultural block of 10,617 acres for £3715/19/-, payable by instalments over 15 years [39]
The block was adjusted to 10,660 acres for £3,731 (7/- per acre), for which he paid a cash deposit of £371/10/- [27]
The repayments were then set out with a first instalment of £223/10/10 followed by 14 annual instalments of £224 [27]
The land was mainly in Three Springs but partly in Carnamah and was Lot M765 of Victoria Locations 1934, 2020 and 2022 [27]
He was one of numerous Vice Presidents of the Kadathinni Cricket Club in Three Springs upon its formation in 1909 [9: 20-Aug-1909]
In 1910 his well known station was said to have been "one of the best appointed stations to be seen in the Midland district" [9: 16-Sep-1910]
His horse named Carnamah won the £50 Farewell Welter at the Helena Vale Races on Saturday 30 October 1909 [81: 31-Oct-1909]
Three months later Carnamah won the £50 Welter Handicap at the Canning Park Races on Saturday 22 January 1910 [81: 23-Jan-1910]
Served and represented Carnamah on the Upper Irwin Road Board administered at Mingenew 1910-1917 [101: page 152]
Attended his first meeting as a member of the Upper Irwin Road Board in Mingenew on 15 April 1910 [9: 29-Apr-1910]
He wrote apologising for his absence at the Board's meeting in August 1910, due to being ill with influenza [9: 26-Aug-1910, 2-Sep-1910]
At the December 1912 meeting he reported that a direct route or road was needed from Carnamah to Five Gums [9: 20-Dec-1912]
In August 1916 took Upper Irwin Road Board chairman "Pat" Charles W. O'HALLORAN on a tour of the Carnamah district [10]
It was said he drove the chairman "into every hole and boulder about the district" to get money allotted to local roads [10: 18-Aug-1916]
Served and represented Carnamah on the Mingenew Road Board (previously the Upper Irwin Road Board) 1921-1923 [101: page 152]
Attended a meeting in Three Springs on 24 August 1922 about the possible division of the Mingenew Road Board [9: 8-Sep-1922]
The meeting decided the expense was too great, and agreed to remain under the governance of the Mingenew Road Board [9]
Founding Member of the Carnamah District Road Board in 1923, and served on the Board in 1923-24 [7: page 111]
Exhibited in the Horse and Cattle sections at the Irwin Agricultural Society's Annual Show in Dongara on 28 September 1910 [9]
Won 1st prizes for Clydesdale or Heavy Draught Stallion, WA bred Clydesdale, Blood Stallion, Blood Mare and Lady's Hack [9]
Received both 1st and 2nd for Fat Cow, and 1st prizes for Shorthorn Bull, Shorthorn Cow and Cow for Beef [9]
Among his prize winning exhibits were the Champion Stallion, Champion Mare, Champion Bull and Champion Cow [9: 7-Oct-1910]
Attended a meeting about forming a race club at the Commercial Hotel in Three Springs on Saturday 10 December 1910 [31]
Founding Member and Inaugural President of the Three Springs Race Club in 1910 [9: 23-Dec-1910] [31: 19-Dec-1910]
At the formation of the club he offered the use of his land in Three Springs for the site of their race track, and donated £10 [9]
Vice President of the Three Springs Race Club in 1929 [4: 23-Feb-1929]
In 1911 he was referred to as "the one notable personage" of Carnamah [388: 26-Aug-1911]
His horses Sunsplit, Black Kitty and Carnamah ran in the Three Springs Race Club's Inaugural Races on 9 March 1911 [9: 17-Mar-1911]
Sunsplit won the Trial Stakes while Black Kitty and Carnamah came 2nd in the Carnamah Plate and Three Springs Handicap [9]
Although he didn't win the main race, he was reported to have been "the principal winner" [86: 11-Mar-1911]
His hose named Carnamah won the Moora Cup and the Midland Handicap at the Moora Races on Wednesday 29 March 1911 [9]
In addition Black Kitty came 2nd in the District Handicap and Sunsplit came 2nd in the Flying Handicap [9: 24 & 31-Mar-1911]
His horses Sunsplit and Dandy ran at the Upper Irwin District Race Club's Inaugural Race Meeting in Mingenew on 28 April 1911 [9]
Sunsplit won the Flying Handicap of five furlongs (winning £15) and the Farewell Handicap of seven furlongs (£8) [9: 5-May-1911]
His Grenelle won 2nd for Thoroughbred Stallion at the Royal Agricultural Society's Annual Horse Parade in Perth in 1912 [39: 7-Aug-1912]
He contracted blacksmiths and wheelwrights TODD Bros in Three Springs to make him a four-ton lorry in mid 1912 [9: 5-Jul-1912]
The lorry was said to have been "very strongly built" with "a handsome appearance" and had an undercarriage of local timber [9]
Member of the Carnamah Football Club - was a playing member and the Club's manager in 1913 [9: 11-Jul-1913]
His racehorse named Carnamah was returned to him in July 1913 after being leased to Tom TIGHE [81: 27-Jul-1913]
Carnamah hadn't performed well during the leasing on account of an injury and had broken down during a race in July [81]
He won the Old Buffers Race at the Coorow Football Club's Annual Sports Day in Coorow on 30 September 1913 [9: 10-Oct-1913]
Member of the Carnamah Cricket Club in 1914-15 and 1915-16 [10: 27-Oct-1915, 19-Nov-1915]
During the winter of 1914 he transported local cricketers to Three Springs for Carnamah versus Three Springs matches [10: 30-Jun-1914]
Three Springs also travelled to Carnamah, however it was claimed his team aimed to hit the ball into rabbit burrows [10: 17-Jul-1914]
Took his team of Carnamah cricketers to Three Springs for the opening of the 1914-15 season on 25 October 1914 [10: 27-Oct-1914]
In October 1914 he had his sheep shorn by shearers from New Norcia, who during their brief sojourn added to his cricket team [10]
He was presented with a travelling rug and a driving whip after a cricket match in Carnamah on Saturday 4 July 1914 [9: 10-Jul-1914]
Edgar J. CLARK made the presentation and "spoke in eulogistic terms" of his worthiness [9]
He "was a former athlete of no mean repute, and was the life and soul of the Carnamah Cricket and Football Clubs" [9]
When he didn't play he provided transport for the clubs and headed enthusiasm to cheer and stimulate both clubs [9]
Moved a vote of confidence in Country Party candidate James GARDINER at his address in Carnamah on 8 October 1914 [10: 9-Oct-14]
Attended the Saint Patrick's Day Sports Meeting held at the recreation ground in Three Springs on 17 March 1915 [10: 26-Mar-1915]
He took with him a number of people from Carnamah, and during the day's events his horse Dandy came 2nd in the Mile Trot [10]
His horse Yorkey came 2nd in the Hack Race at the Annual Sports Meeting in Arrino on Easter Monday 1 April 1915 [10: 15-Apr-1915]
President of the Three Springs Day in 1915, a fete preceding the local show, that was held in Three Springs each year [10: 24-Sep-1915]
Won the Gents Prize at the Euchre Part & Dance held in Three Springs on Friday 8 October 1915 [10: 12-Oct-1915]
Founding Member and Inaugural President of the Three Springs Rifle Club in 1915[10: 29-Oct-1915]
In 1915, during the First World War, he donated a fat sheep which raised £5/4/- through raffling for the Red Cross Society [39: 9-Nov-1915]
The winner, his employee Edgar J. CLARK, donated the sheep back to be re-raffled and it raised another £5/10/- [9: 10-Dec-1915]
The second winner of the sheep was his sister Bessie who planned to also donate the sheep back to raise even more funds [9]
He was among the first to play tennis in Carnamah after local subscriptions purchased the materials in February 1916 [9: 3-Mar-1916]
His horse Waster came 3rd in the Carnamah Handicap at the Sports Meeting in Carnamah on Thursday 4 May 1916 [10: 16-May-1916]
In May 1916 he and Theodore T. DAVIESON convened a meeting to form a Racing Club in Carnamah [10: 16-May-1916]
Donated land near the Carnamah townsite to the Carnamah Race Club for their first racecourse [10: 1-Apr-1921]
Handicapper "to the satisfaction of all" at the Carnamah Race Club's Picnic Races on Easter Monday in 1918 [10: 12-Apr-1918]
President and Committee Member of the Carnamah Race Club 1919-1924 [9: 7-Mar-1919] [10: 13-Feb-1920, 27-Jan-1922, 17-Apr-1924]
The land he donated for the racecourse was known as "Macpherson Park" in 1924 [10: 3-Apr-1924]
In 1927 donated 46 acres of his land to the Carnamah Race Club for them to construct a new racecourse [9: 21-Oct-1927]
Attended the "Three Springs Day" event at Casuarina Park in Three Springs on Wednesday 4 October 1916 [10: 6-Oct-1916]
His horse Dandy won the trotting race at the "Day" and another of his horses won him £50 for winning the hack race [10]
During the 1910s travelled by horse and buggy with his two sisters to dances held at the Railway Goods Shed in Carnamah [7]
The buggy had two square lights lit by candles and was said, at the time, to have been very modern [7: page 151]
In the 1910s he often gave the PARKIN and JAQUES children a ride to school in his buggy and pair of horses [P10]
Campaigning County Party member William PATRICK, M.L.C. stayed with him in Carnamah on Monday 3 April 1916 [86: 8-Apr-1916]
While travelling on the Perth bound train on Christmas Day 25 December 1916 he received news of a disastrous fire in Winchester [10]
He was alarmed, as his property extended as far as Winchester, however it turned out the fire was nonexistent [10: 2-Jan-1917]
Vice President of the Three Springs Saint Patrick's Day Committee's Sports Meeting on Saint Patrick's Day 17 March 1917 [124]
President of the Three Springs Saint Patrick's Day Committee's Sports Meetings on 16 March 1918 and 17 March 1919 [124]
Donated £1 in 1919, £2/2/- in 1920 and 10/- in 1925 to the Three Springs Saint Patrick's Day Committee [124]
Patron and Official Measurer of the Committee's Picnic Race Meetings in Three Springs in 1920 and 1921 [9: 5-Mar-1920, 11-Mar-1921]
Patron in 1922 and Vice President in 1925 and 1928 of the Picnic Race Meetings in Three Springs on Saint Patrick's Day [124]
His horses Rosie and Canary competed in the races at the Saint Patrick's Day Sport Meeting in Three Springs on 16 March 1918 [10]
Rosie won the Forced Handicap and came 2nd in the St Patrick's Handicap; and Canary was 2nd in the Maiden Plate [10: 22-Mar-1918]
His horse Rosie ran in the Carnamah Races on 9 April 1917 and won the main race of the day, the Carnamah Handicap [9: 27-Apr-1917]
He proposed the vote of thanks to the Y.M.C.A. General Secretary who gave an address in Carnamah in May 1917 [9: 18-May-1917]
Won the High Jump in the ring events at the Three Springs Day held in Three Springs on 26 September 1917 [10: 5-Oct-1917]
Gave evidence for the Midland Railway Company to a Royal Commission on Agricultural Industries in Carnamah in 1917 [34]
He had good relations with the Company, in one letter Robert L. GILBERT addressed him as "My Dear Macpherson" [34]
Some claimed the Company allowed him free grazing and the use of water on their unsold ready-made farms in Carnamah [34]
It appears that in return the Company took prospective purchasers of their land to hear his views on Carnamah's merits [34]
Signed the petition and financial guarantee in 1917 for the Midland Railway Company to provide a resident doctor at Three Springs [34]
Purchased some of his general supplies from general store "The Supply Stores" in Yarra Street, Carnamah in 1917 and 1918 [92]
Handicapper of the horse races at the Picnic Races held in Carnamah on Easter Monday 1 April 1918 [10: 12-Apr-1918]
His horses Wooraling and Rosie competed in the day's racing, with Woorlaling winning the Pony Race [10]
In 1918 donated a horse to be raffled to increase the funds being raised in Three Springs for the Red Cross Society [10: 21-Jun-1918]
He was also an entrant in the Lazy Man Competition being conducted by the Three Springs branch of the Red Cross [10: 10-May-1918]
He came 3rd in the Competition with 8,208 votes, his involvement helping to raise £131 for the Red Cross Society [10: 31-May-1918]
Attended the Three Springs Day held on Mrs Minnie M. WATSON's Moonlight Farm in Three Springs on 26 September 1918 [10]
Won both prizes for the Trotting Handicap, his horse Charcoal winning and his horse Dandy coming second [10: 4-Oct-1918]
Competed in the Ring Events at the Moora Agricultural Society's Annual Show in Moora on Friday 4 October 1918 [10: 11-Oct-1918]
He was awarded 1st prize for all five trotting matches (1½ mile, 15 Hands of Under, Open for Pace Style & Action and 1 Mile) [10]
Member of the Carnamah Peace Celebrations Committee in 1919 [10: 11-Jul-1919]
Member of the Carnamah Hall Committee - was Treasurer in 1919 [10: 29-Aug-1919, 25-Feb-1921] [9: 4-Feb-1921]
For the opening of the Carnamah Hall issued a challenge to John BOWMAN to play a cricket match of married v. single men [9]
They fielded their respective teams however BOWMAN's team of married men, after much training, won by a narrow margin [9]
He officially opened the first Carnamah Hall at 8 p.m. on Thursday 17 February 1921 [9: 4-Feb-1921] [10: 11-Feb-1921, 4-Mar-1921]
At the opening of the hall the Carnamah Hall Committee presented him with a inscribed silver key as a souvenir of the day [10]
The key's inscription reads "Presented to Donald Macpherson Esq. at the opening of Carnamah Hall 17 Feby. 1921" [119]
The land title for the Carnamah Hall was jointly in his name and those of John LANG and W. Henry WATSON [34]
His horses Home Again, Wildjo, Coomalgabba and Wooraling ran at the Sports Meeting in Three Springs on 17 March 1919 [124]
Home Again won both the Parakalia Handicap and the Forced Handicap races, and Coomalgabba came 2nd in the Hack Race [124]
Pallbearer at the funeral of Mingenew grazier Charles W. O'HALLORAN at the Mingenew Cemetery on 30 March 1919 [9: 4-Apr-1919]
In April / May of 1919 sold most of his freehold land in Carnamah to the Government's Repatriation Department [10: 9-May-1919, 6-Jun-1919]
He sold to the Repatriation Department almost all of the land he owned between the railway and the Mulliah / Yarra Yarra Lakes [44]
It consisted of 10,484 acres for which he received £1/9/10 per acre, or a total of £15,654 [86: 24-May-1919]
The land, known as the Yarra Yarra Estate, was subdivided and allocated to ex-servicemen from the First World War [120: 5-Oct-1933]
In or around 1919 he also sold 996 acres of his freehold land (Victoria Location 3330) to Gerard A. NEWMAN of Carnamah [44]
Retained ownership of his 10,660 acre Lot M965 in Three Springs and partly in Carnamah, the 125 acre Victoria Location 1768, [3] [7]
the 40 acre Victoria Location 1321 and the 100 acre Victoria Location 1172 (which contained his family's homestead) [3] [7: page 22]
On 17 June 1919 purchased 3,401 acres of land near his homestead in Carnamah from the Midland Railway Company [27]
The 3401 acres, which cost £2211.10.4 (13/- per acre), was Lots M1071, M1072 and M1073 of Victoria Location 1936 [27]
He continued farming in Carnamah and in later years used his land principally for the fattening of livestock [120: 5-Oct-1933]
In 1919 donated the use of his land in Three Springs to the Three Springs Race Club for the purpose of their race course [9: 12-Sep-1919]
The Three Springs Race Club accepted his generous offer and constructed an ideal course situated about two miles out of [9]
Three Springs town, easy to get to, with plenty of shade and a course comparable with any between Perth and Geraldton [9]
Purchased from the Midland Railway Company two vacant blocks in the Carnamah townsite for £30 cash on 9 May 1919 [27]
The two blocks were 10 and 12 Macpherson Street, Carnamah (Lots 50 and 51 of Victoria Location 1936) [27]
In March 1926 he applied for a special Certificate of Title for the two blocks as he'd lost the original [81: 28-Mar-1926]
Believed to have sold the two blocks to Carl F. W. KROSCHEL, who had a tearooms built at 10 Macpherson Street in 1926 [P1]
Carl F. W. KROSCHEL is said to have later sold 12 Macpherson Street, which became the site of the Carnamah Post Office [P9]
His horses Home Again, Wooraling, Home Rose and Corrie ran in the Three Springs Races on Thursday 6 March 1919 [9: 14-Mar-1919]
Home Again and Wooraling came 1st and 3rd in the Trial Stakes; Home Rose came 2nd in the Carnamah Plate; [10: 21-Mar-1919]
Corrie came 2nd in the Three Springs Handicap and the Arrino Handicap; and Wooraling also came 3rd in the Arrino Handicap [9]
He objected to the request to the Upper Irwin Road Board for a new road being formed through his property in March 1919 [9]
The request came from GREEN Bros of Carnamah and his objection was "fatal" resulting in the road not going ahead [9: 28-Mar-1919]
His horses Coomalgabba, Wildjo, Lenelle, Home Again and Wooraling ran in the Carnamah Races on Thursday 27 March 1919 [10]
Coomalgabba and Wildjo came 1st and 2nd in the Maiden Plate; Wooraling came 2nd in the Pony Race; [10: 11-Apr-1919]
Lennelle and Home Again came 1st and 2nd in the Flying Handicap; Home Again came 1st in the Carnamah Handicap [10]
His horses Wildjo, Home Again and Wooraling ran at the Picnic Race Meeting held in Arrino on Thursday 3 April 1919 [10]
Wildjo came 2nd in the Maiden Hack Race while Home Again won both the Flying Handicap and the Arrino Handicap [10]
Wooraling won the Pony Race and came 2nd in the Forced Handicap [10: 18-Apr-1919]
During May or June of 1919 he was compelled to kill some of his lambs due to not having enough feed for them [10: 6-Jun-1919]
Attended the Peace Day Celebrations held in Carnamah on Saturday 19 July 1919 [10: 25-Jul-1919]
His horses Wildjo, Younga, La Carnamah and Charcoal were starters in the racing events held during the day [10]
Charcoal won the Novelty Race and Wildjo won the Hack Race, while he himself won the Old Buffers Running Race [10]
At the time of Peace Day Celebrations his horse Dandy was leased to Daniel S. FITZSIMONS, and won the Trotting Handicap [10]
His horses Dandy and Charcoal won 1st and 2nd in the Trotting Match at the Three Springs Day on 25 September 1919 [10: 3-Oct-1919]
Dandy performed in the ring events section of the Moora Agricultural Society's Annual Show in 1919, and won four 1st prizes [9]
"At the Moora Show an old favourite in "Dandy," nominated by Mr. D. Macpherson, of Carnamah, was seen [9]
in the ring, being successful in all events competed for and was ridden by Mr T. W. Burns on each occasion" [9: 10-Oct-1919]
Two sons of his cousin Mrs Jessie SMITH became the first pilots in the world to fly from England to Australia in 1919 [81: 28-Dec-1919]
The flight, over 28 days, consisted of Ross Macpherson SMITH, Keith Macpherson SMITH and two mechanics [39: 12-Dec-1919]
At the Three Springs Races on Thursday 4 March 1920 his horse Wooraling won the Pony Race of four furlongs [9: 12-Mar-1920]
Home Again also ran at Three Springs, winning the Three Springs Handicap and coming second in the F. J. Morgan Plate [9]
His horse Home Again won the Local Handicap and the Carnamah Stakes at the Carnamah Races on 11 March 1920 [9: 19-Mar-1920]
Lenelle came 2nd in the Flying Handicap and 3rd in the Welter Handicap; and his Wooraling won the Pony race [10: 19-Mar-1920]
Three of his horses competed at the Picnic Race Meeting in Three Springs on Saint Patrick's Day Wednesday 17 March 1920 [124]
Wildjo won the Maiden Plate, Wooraling won the Pony Handicap and Home Again won the Saint Pats Handicap [124]
His horses Home Again and La Carnamah ran in the Moora Races held in Moora on Friday 19 March 1920 [9: 26-Mar-1920]
Home Again came 2nd in the Midland Handicap and the District Handicap, and La Carnamah came 3rd in the District Handicap [9]
Best man at the wedding of Angus A. N. MCGILP and Janet M. LANG at Grianaig Farm, Carnamah on 7 April 1920 [10: 16-Apr-1920]
The Peeps at People column of The Sunday Times newspaper reported that he was in Perth in mid May 1920 [81: 16-May-1920]
Attended the Euchre Party, Basket Social & Dance held at the State School in Carnamah on Thursday 24 June 1920 [10: 16-Jul-1920]
He and young Francis ROOKE tied for 2nd at euchre, however he gave up his claim and allowed Francis to win the prize [10]
Seven of his horses ran in the Carnamah Race Club's Picnic Race Meeting in Carnamah on Thursday 16 September 1920 [10: 1-Oct-1920]
The seven horses were Youngar, Wallajeny, Mardoo, Home Rose, Wildjo, Wooraling and Coomalgabba [10]
Won 1st and 3rd places in the Maiden Hack Race, with Youngar winning, and Wallajeny coming third [10]
Home Rose came 2nd in the Picnic Handicap; while Mardoo came 2nd in the Flying Handicap and 3rd in the Ladies Bracelet [10]
At the Carnamah Races on 16 September 1920 his horses Youngar and Wallajeny came 1st and 3rd in the Maiden Hack Race; [10]
while his horse Mardoo and Home Rose came second in the Flying Handicap and Picnic Handicap respectively [10: 1-Oct-1920]
Held a horse sale at his homestead in Carnamah at 2 p.m. sharp on Friday 24 September 1920 to sell over 30 horses [10]
Employed the services of Three Springs agent and auctioneer Thomas J. BERRIGAN to conduct the horse sale [10]
Among the horses for sale were thoroughbreds that were the progeny of his well known sires Carnamah and Grenelle [10]
Also included were good classes of hack, farm and sulky Brood Mares "at very reasonable prices" [10: 10-Sep-1920]
On 15 November 1920 purchased 28 acres from the Midland Railway Company for £125 (Lot M1123 of Victoria Location 1936) [27]
Lot M1123 was a rectangular shaped block at the eastern end of the Carnamah townsite, and later became part of the townsite [--]
During the 1920s sold 23 acres of Lot M1123 to Robert PALFREYMAN, and three acres to the Carnamah Hotel [3]
Retained two acres of Lot M1123, which he owned until selling it to Elder Smith & Co a short time before his death [3]
Allowed the public to draw water from his well on Lot M1123 during Carnamah town's water shortage in early 1927 [4: 19-Feb-1927]
In 1929 erected stock sale yards behind the Carnamah Hotel, on his retained portion of Lot M1123 [4: 17-Aug-1929]
The yards were known as "Mr D. Macpherson's yards" and were used by Westralian Farmers for livestock sales [4: 12-Jul-1930]
The Sunday Times newspaper reported him among the noteworthy attendees at the Perth Cup on 1 January 1921 [81: 2-Jan-1921]
His horses Grenelle, Home Rose and Coomalgabba ran in the Carnamah Races on Easter Monday 28 March 1921 [10: 1-Apr-1921]
Won the gent's prize in a raffle at a Euchre Party & Dance held to raise funds for the Carnamah Football Club on 9 July 1921 [9]
On winning the prize he generously donated it back to the Carnamah Football Club so it could be raffled again [9: 15-Jul-1921]
Attended the Picnic Race Meeting & Agricultural Show in Carnamah on Thursday 22 September 1921 [9: 30-Sep-1921]
His horse Mardoo successfully competed by winning the Flying Handicap and coming 2nd in the Carnamah Handicap [9]
President of the Carnamah Football Club in 1921, and Patron in 1926 [7: page 195] [9: 2-Apr-1926]
Vice President of the Carnamah Football Club in 1930 and 1931 [4: 15-Mar-1930, 18-Apr-1931]
Patron of the Carnamah Cricket Club from its reformation in 1921-22 to 1930-31 [4: 4-Oct-1930] [31: 14-Dec-1921] [39: 16-Jan-1929]
Motored from Carnamah to Moora to attend the Moora Race Club's Race Meeting on Tuesday 14 March 1922 [10: 17-Mar-1922]
He was accompanied by Arthur S. MORTIMER of Three Springs and Carnamah farmer Anstruther P. TUCKER [10]
Attended and financially subscribed to the Three Springs Picnic Races held on Saint Patrick's Day Friday 17 March 1922 [9: 24-Mar-1922]
The day's celebrations were reported to include "the happy face of everybody's well met friend Donald Mac" [9]
It was also reported that "punting certainly was his main reason for attending" the day's celebrations in Three Springs [9]
Using a buggy and two of his racehorses he would fly through the Carnamah townsite to collect his mail when he heard the train [P10]
It was said that he could travel from Carnamah to Three Springs in 20 minutes with his buggy and two racehorses [P10]
Miss Daisy BOWMAN of Carnamah often challenged him to a race with her horse and buggy however she always lost [P10]
In January 1922 purchased a new model Hupmobile car to replace his existing Hupmobile car [81: 15-Jan-1922]
"...his regret at parting with the old car is only surpassed by his pride and satisfaction in his new model. She is a beauty" [81]
In October 1924 he purchased his third Hupmobile car [81: 19-Oct-1924]
His Hupmobile car was said to have been as "familiar in and around Carnamah as the Town hall clock is in Perth" [81: 19-Oct-1924]
His third Hupmobile car was said to have been a beautiful car and contained license plate CA-4 [7: page 151]
Through Elder Smith & Co Ltd agent Thomas J. BERRIGAN of Three Springs he held a stock sale on Thursday 9 February 1922 [39]
The sale began at 2 p.m. at his homestead and was to sell surplus livestock consisting of 600 sheep, 20 cattle and 20 horses [39]
The sheep were "mostly wethers, right ages and in good forward to fat condition" while the cattle were "in forward to fat order" [39]
The horses were "well-bred, good conditioned, active medium draughts and light sorts, broken and unbroken" [39: 4-Feb-1922]
For a period ending in early 1923 he leased or loaned his horse La Carnamah to Frederick C. WOODS [39: 8-Mar-1923]
Donated a sovereign to be raffled at the Hospital Ball in the Agricultural Hall in Three Springs on Thursday 5 April 1923 [9: 27-Apr-1923]
In 1923 he and his horse Home Again said to have both been institutions of Carnamah [86: 4-Oct-1923]
Home Again was used to win the Gent's Hack and the Ladies Hack at the Annual Show & Sports Carnival in Carnamah in 1923 [86]
P. John LYNCH rode him to win the Gent's Hack and LYNCH's stepdaughter Eileen E. WATERHOUSE in the Ladies Hack [86]
Inaugural Vice President of the Irwin District Race Club in 1923 and 1924 [10: 13-Dec-1923]
Five of his horses competed in the Carnamah Race Club's Picnic Race Meeting in Carnamah on 25 September 1924 [86: 27-Sep-1924]
His horse Lonely Boy won both the First Hack Race and the Loser's Handicap [86]
His horse Yongar won the Second Hack Race while his horse Manby came 4th in the Trial Stakes [86]
He took out two places in the Veterans Race with his horse Home Again coming 2nd and his horse Lenelle coming third [86]
During October 1924 sold his 10,660 acre Lot M765 in Three Springs and partly in Carnamah to Edward and Harold NAIRN [7: page 22]
Also sold the two NAIRN brothers his 125 acre Victoria Location 1768, which adjoined the Carnamah portion of Lot M765 [3] [44]
Harold NAIRN was one of his good friends and he and his sister are said to have often visited Harold and his wife Eva [P10]
From 1924 onwards he owned the 3,401 acres he'd purchased in 1919 and another 140 acres in Victoria Locations 1172 and 1321 [3]
His horses Mardoo, Shellgrit and Marnby ran at the Carnamah Race Club's Annual Race Meeting held on Thursday 10 April 1924 [10]
Mardoo, who was the child of his horses Carnamah and Sunsplit, came 2nd in the Second Class Plate (winning him £3/10/-) [10]
His horse Shellgrit was the child of Cambrian and Eggshell, and his horse Marnby was the child of Carnamah and Brown Edith [10]
In the Local Handicap race his horse Shellgrit "ran off the course and took no part in the race" [10: 3 & 17-Apr-1924]
Pallbearer at the funeral of Carnamah resident John Hudson DAVIES at the Three Springs Cemetery on 20 February 1925 [9: 20-Feb-1925]
His horse Mardoo was 3rd in the Parakalia Handicap at the Picnic Race Meeting in Three Springs on Saint Patrick's Day in 1925 [124]
Master of the annual Carnamah kangaroo hunt of September 1925, with John BOWMAN assisting him as Deputy Master [9]
The party met at his homestead, Carnamah House, and then proceeded to the Yarrie Sandplain where the hunt took place [9]
Among the party were locals and visitors, including his nephew Percy C. MACPHERSON who had charge of the hunt [9]
The hunt successfully caught 25 kangaroos and stopped twice, for a picnic lunch and later for afternoon tea [9]
During the hunt he rode his well-known horse named Home Again [9: 18-Sep-1925]
He usually organised local kangaroo hunts and would kindly provide a horse for those who didn't have one [P79]
In 1925 helped collect donations for the improvement of the road over the sandplain between Carnamah and Watheroo [9: 17-Apr-1925]
Owing to illness spent a portion of January 1926 in Moora under the care of Dr. MYLES before returning to Carnamah [9: 22-Jan-1926]
He loaned horses for a ride into the bush during his nephew Percy C. MACPHERSON's visit to Carnamah in December 1927 [4]
Four men on the back of his horses rode through the bush for three days pursuing and eventually killing a dingo and its pups [4]
Dingoes were greatly disliked for they killed the sheep of farmers - three of whom rewarded the hunters with £7 cash [4: 17-Dec-1927]
He purchased the racehorse Feerique with foal Clan Chattau from Maitland ROBERTS of Chelsea Farm in Dandaragan [39]
In 1927 or at some point beforehand he sold the racehorse Feerique back to Maitland ROBERTS [39: 22-Oct-1927]
Member of the Carnamah District Agricultural Society - was President in 1927 and 1928 [9: 21-Oct-1927] [4: 22-Sep-1928]
Patron of the Carnamah District Agricultural Society in 1930 and 1931 [4: 2-Nov-1929, 25-Apr-1931]
Donated the "Macpherson Trophy" to the Carnamah Rifle Club in 1927 and 1929 [9: 19-Aug-1927] [4: 30-Mar-1929]
Won 1st prizes for Fat Wethers and Merino Wethers in the Sheep section of the Carnamah Agricultural Show in 1927 [9: 21-Oct-1927]
Won 2nd for Fine Wool in the Wool section, and won the Hunter's High Jump and Hunters Over Hurdles in the Ring Events [9]
Patron of the Carnamah Tennis Club in 1927-28 [39: 25-Oct-1927]
Inaugural Vice President of the Three Springs Agricultural Society in 1928 [4: 29-Sep-1928]
Sold 80 lambs for an average of 23/11 through Dalgety & Co Ltd at the Stock Sale in Midland Junction on 3 October 1928 [39: 4-oct-1928]
Four weeks later he sold another 80 lambs, for an average of 18/1, also through Dalgety & Co Ltd at Midland Junction [120: 1-Nov-1928]
His horse Nardoo won the High Jump at the Carnamah Show and Sports Carnival held in Carnamah on Thursday 4 October 1928 [4]
Also exhibited in the Sheep section of the Show, where he received 1st prize for a Merino Hogget [4: 13-Oct-1928]
In 1929 he was the longest serving Justice of the Peace in the Victoria District, having been a JP since 1897 [4: 16-Feb-1929]
Attended the Three Springs Race Club's Annual Race Meeting held in Three Springs on Thursday 11 April 1929 [4: 13-Apr-1929]
Had an account with Carnamah blacksmith, wheelwright and motor mechanics Henry Parkin & Son in the 1920s and 1930s [53]
Won the Gent's Hack and came 2nd in the Gent's Hunter Over Hurdles in the Ring Events at the Carnamah Show in 1930 [4: 27-Sep-1930]
Also at the Carnamah Show in 1930 he won 1st prize for a Jersey Cow and 2nd for a "Merino Ram bred in the North Midlands" [4]
His horses Pilbarite and Rocket ran the Carnamah Races held at Centenary Park, Carnamah on Thursday 2 October 1930 [4: 4-Oct-1930]
Pilbarite won the Flying Handicap and the Midland Handicap; Rocket won the Open Hack Race and Local Open Hack Race [4]
His horses Rocket and Tangrit ran in the Carnamah Race Club's Races at Centenary Park, Carnamah on 26 March 1931 [4: 28-Mar-1931]
Rocket won the Local Hack Race of five furlongs, and Tangrit came 2nd in the Maiden Local Hack Race of four furlongs [4]
Travelled from Carnamah to Perth in July 1931 to see a medical specialist [4: 27-Jun-1931]
Died 12 August 1931 in Carnamah; buried Winchester Cemetery, Carnamah (Row A, Plot 12) [1]
The Mingenew Road Board, of which he'd been an early member, sent a letter of condolence to his sister Bessie [39: 14-Sep-1931]
His estate was valued at £5,131/15/6 [39: 8-Sep-1931]
In his will he left £100 to nurse Mrs Susan DURACK of Arrino [38] who had assisted him at his homestead prior to his death [P139]
The remainder of his estate was left equally between his sister Bessie and his nephew Percy Campbell MACPHERSON [38]
On Friday 23 October 1931 a sale was held to sell his remaining farmland, farm machinery and livestock [4: 10-Oct-1931] [117]
Items sold at the sale included a McKay harvester, 5 horsepower McKay engine, 6 furrow M.B. plough, McCormick-Deering drill, [4]
15/30 McCormick-Deering tractor, chaffcutter, spring tooth chaffcutter, 14 disc Sundercut, grader, four cows, 180 hoggets, [4]
five farm horses, mares, geldings, and the well known racehorses Mardoo, Home Again, Rocket, Pilbarite and Fiducia [4]
His Carnamah farmland was partly sold to Mrs Beatrice M. BENTLEY and partly leased and later sold to George S. FERGUSON [3]
Beatrice M. BENTLEY purchased 2,505 acres - Lots M1071 and M1072, portion 5 of Lot M1073, and Victoria Location 1321 [3]
George S. FERGUSON leased and later purchased 946 acres - the remaining portions of Lot M1073 [3]
The only land retained following his death was the 100 acre Victoria Location 1172 which contained the family homestead [117]
His sister Bessie continued to reside at the family homestead, Carnamah House, until her death in 1939 [119]
From The Midlands Advertiser newspaper, Friday 25 October 1907:
Carnamah Notes
"Shearing is going on full swing at Mr. Donald Macpherson's, and things around the homestead have a very busy appearance. This last few years Mr. Macpherson's homestead has made rapid progress, and there is some exceptionally fine stock on the farm."
From The Moora Herald and Midland Districts Advocate newspaper, Friday 28 May 1915:
Three Springs Notes
Donald Macpherson is saying rude things just now. A new chum from a country where they only breed bald faced sheep devoid of horns, has been putting in a few weeks with Mac, and being anxious to pot a raging kangaroo, or murder a man-eating bungarra, Mac, after giving him full instructions as to the warding off any attack by these deadly animals, gave the new chum a Winchester [rifle], and sent him off with a grin. In a couple of hours the sportsman returned glowing all over with pride. "Mr Macpherson," he said, "just as I got into your paddock, I saw some wild beast chasing the sheep about, and as I feared he would kill some of them, I shot him." "What kind of an animal was it," asked Mac. "Oh, he answered, "a big thing with thick curly horns and stuff growing all over his face." Full of forebodings Mac put [his horse] "Dandy" in the sulky, and drove out to find the wild, woolly and horned beast was his fifty guinea ram."
From the Progress Report of the Royal Commission on the
Agricultural Industries of Western Australia on the Wheat-Growing Portion of the South-West Division of the State:
Wednesday 6 June 1917 at Carnamah
"DONALD MACPHERSON, Grazier, Carnamah, sworn and examined: I have been here 48 years. I hold 5,000 acres of Government land and 10,000 acres of Midland [Railway Company] land. I am following pastoral pursuits and doing a little farming also. Farming conditions here are good. I crop about 300 acres. I do a bit on the share system also. The average yield of the district is 20 bushels. Cropping costs approximately 30s. The average land is worth £3 [per acre]. The [annual] rainfall is about 14 inches. The conditions imposed by the Midland [Railway] Company are a little harsh, and the price a bit high. The man on Government land has an advantage. We have a good class of men on the land in this district. I do not think they labour under any special difficulties except in regard to the price the Midland settlers have to pay for their land. The right man on good land can make a good living in this district. There have not been any failures in this district; no farms are changing hands. I do not think the Company's settlers have sufficiently large areas. A man should have 1,000 acres so that he might work the three years system. This is very good horse country. No dairying is done here; the district is too dry in summer for dairying. It is good country for sheep. The railway freights are reasonable. We rely on dams for our water. The subterranean water is mostly salt. My holding is nearly all natural grass country."
From The Moora Herald and Midland Districts Advocate newspaper, Friday 9 May 1919:
Carnamah Notes
"Mr. Donald Macpherson has sold out his property to the Repatriation Board. Now that Don has sold out his place we are curious to know what he intends to do with his horses. Will he make a point of lowering his speed record to Three Springs? Or will he buy a motor car? As a lover of horses flesh Don has no equal in the State. But now he is "a man of affluence" he should buy a car - if only for the pleasure of his poorer neighbours who would revel in a joy ride (naturally full of hair raising incidents) with Don at the wheel."
From The Western Mail newspaper, Friday 20 December 1928:
Country Towns and Districts - Carnamah-Coorow - Rapid Development - Leading Residents - Oldest Inhabitant
"The earliest settler still in the district is Mr Donald Macpherson, who resides about a mile from town. He entered the locality with his father sixty years ago, as a lad, and has been there practically ever since. His homestead, which was originally associated with the telegraph line is at least sixty years old. Being of stone it is still quite substantial. The settlement of the property was begun with a few sheep and cattle, which led to cropping for fodder. For years, in the face of loneliness, life was eked out in this way, with wheat crops added as time went on, carting having to be done by horses the two hundred miles to Perth. The coming of the railway introduced a few settlers, but it was not until the last ten years or so that, with the re-purchasing of estates for soldier settlement and the cutting up of the Midland Company's property, the number of farms began to multiply. The last two or three years have seen the greatest advancement, particularly in the town, though the soldier settlement of Inering, established soon after the war, made a palpable difference. Mr Macpherson is a well-known figure in the town, having served for some years on the road board, and contributed with land and in other ways to the progress of the town."
From The Western Mail newspaper, Thursday 9 January 1930:
Country Towns and Districts - Carnamah's Advancement
"It was way back in 1868 that Mr. Donald Macpherson's parents migrated from Toodyay, bringing their goods and farming implements, and no doubt themselves, in horse and bullock waggons. They came to a pleasant fertile neighbourhood and took up a larger area of country, most of it on conditional purchase. The years have rolled by and to-day the primeval country which the Macpherson's pioneered is the highly prosperous district of Carnamah. Just a few minutes drive from the township stands Mr. Macpherson's hospitable homestead, significantly named Carnamah. It was built of stone quarried on the property and it has an irresistible allurement for each large stone seems to be impregnated with memories of the historical past. Mr. Macpherson was born at Toodyay in 1858 and has lived at Carnamah since his parents brought him there as a lad. His property now embraces about 3000 acres. It is chiefly used for fattening stock. Mr. Macpherson was living in the district for many years before any other settlers arrived. In those early days he carted wool from Carnamah to Guildford, the return trip occupying a fortnight. And what the residents of the modern Carnamah township say if they had a mail only once a month, which was brought from Perth by horseback? Mr. Macpherson, despite his advancing years, leads an active life. He has been a justice of the peace for 40 years."
From The West Australian newspaper, Thursday 13 August 1931:
"Mr Donald Macpherson, one of the earliest settlers in the Midland districts, died yesterday morning at Carnamah at the age of 73 years after a long illness. The deceased was born at Toodyay in 1858 and went to Carnamah in 1869. Mr Macpherson was well-known in sporting and pastoral circles, and took a keen interest in public affairs throughout the district. The town of Carnamah takes its names from the old Macpherson station of that name. The deceased is survived by an elder brother and a sister."
From The Irwin Index newspaper, Saturday 15 August 1931:
"One of the earliest pioneers of the Midlands districts in the person of Mr. Donald Macpherson passed away at his residence at Carnamah on Wednesday morning. Mr. Macpherson who was born in Toodyay in 1858, being therefore 73 years of age, had resided at Carnamah since 1869. He had witnessed the growth and progress of the district from its earliest days. Before the Midland Railway was constructed Mr. Macpherson was extensively engaged in cattle and sheep breeding, and after the railway was put through he was able to considerably extend his farming operations at his Carnamah Station, from which the town of Carnamah was named. He took an active interest in the affairs of the district, and was held in the highest of esteem by a very wide circle of friends. He was a great lover of horses, and was a keen supporter of the district race meetings, and also at one time raced horses in the metropolitan area. He devoted considerable attention to breeding horses and some years ago imported an English stallion, Grenelle, for his stud. Of late years he had, on account of increasing years, been less active in his many interests. He leaves a brother and a sister and Mr. Leslie Macpherson, who is manager of Meeberie Station, on the Murchison, is a nephew. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon at Winchester."
From The Sunday Times newspaper, Sunday 16 August 1931:
Gone to his last furrow, Donald Macpherson, of Carnamah
"Seventy-three years of age, he was born at Toodyay of farming parents, and has all his life devoted his time and energy to the pursuit. The little settlement beside the sleepy Avon, proving too hilly, too stony or too something else for his parents, he and his people removed to where is now Carnamah when Don was 11 years of age, he then being almost as experienced a farmer as any grown man. Growing up there, he became not only a practical man in old-time farming methods, but a keen reader and student of all literature tending to improve his mind and to give him knowledge of more up-to-date methods. A Scot of the Scots, he was an active member of all Caledonian societies within reach, and was a devoted lover of the Hielan pipes and all appertaining thereto. A real sportsman, he was a champion kangaroo hunter, and when foxes first appeared in the Carnamah district he was the first after them on-horseback, and he did all he could to foster all sorts of manly games in his district. He left a farm that has few superiors in Western Australia."
From The Midlands Advocate newspaper, Thursday 20 August 1931:
"Mr. Donald Macpherson, one of the earliest settlers in the Midlands districts, died at Carnamah on Wednesday, August 12th, at the age of 73 years, after a long illness. Mr. Macpherson was born at Toodyay in 1858 and went to Carnamah in 1869. The Macpherson family was the second to arrive at Carnamah, and the town takes its name from the old Macpherson station of that name. In the early days he bred and shipped many horses to Singapore driving them overland from Carnamah to Perth, and later, with his brother George, he piled five or six wagons between Perth and Rothsay Mine, about 120 miles from Carnamah, with stores and all the machinery used at the time. They also carted timber to the Great Fingal Mine at Cue. Up to a few years ago he took an active part in racing and the breeding of thoroughbreds and was a great supporter of racing in the Midlands. The Carnamah Club owes much to him for its present position. One of his best racehorses was "Carnamah" and with this horse he won many races in the Metropolitan area and on the goldfields. Sires that did stud duty at Carnamah at different times were "Sunbeam", placed in the Perth Cup and a winner of the Geraldton Cup with 11 stone up. "Homeward Bound" and imported "Grenelle" - a beautiful horse that won championship prizes at the Perth Royal Show and a first at the Sydney Royal Show. The funeral took place at Carnamah on Friday, August the 14th, and was largely attended, over sixty cars comprising the cortege, and there were about 300 people at the gravesite. The chief mourners were Messrs. Percy and Malcolm Macpherson, nephews, and Mrs. Edith Mulbery, niece. Messrs John Lang, Harold Nairn, L. Parker, Fred Parrick, Neil Graham and George Roberts acted as pall bearers, while the coffin was borne to the gravesite by Messrs. P. Macpherson, M. Macpherson, Bert Mortimer, A. Mortimer, A. McGilp and A. Tucker. The funeral arrangements were carried out by Donald J. Chipper & Sons, of Perth, in conjunction with Hy. Parkin & Son, of Carnamah. The Rev. Curtis, of Coorow officiated. The passing of Donald Macpherson removes one of the pioneers of the State, and a man who saw that great belt of country known as the Midlands, emerge from virgin bush to prosperous farms and towns. Honest and upright in all his dealings, the Midlands has lost one of its best known personalities, and the State a good citizen. We are poorer for his passing."
From The Irwin Index newspaper, Saturday, 22 August 1931:
A Pioneer's Funeral - The Late Mr. Donald Macpherson - High Tribute to the "Father of Carnamah"
Sadly to rest from his labours, they laid him
Old Pioneer whom they'll never forget
Great was the tribute of respect that they paid him
No tongue nor pen could express their regret
"The whole town and district of Carnamah were in mourning on Friday of last week, when all that was mortal of the late Mr. Donald Macpherson - one of the earliest pioneers, and known as the "Father of Carnamah" - was borne slowly through the streets of the town he had practically founded and loved so well, on its journey of about ten miles to the local cemetery. There was a long cortege of over forty motor vehicles containing representatives of almost every family in Carnamah, together with others from most of the districts of the Midland line within a radius of a hundred miles. Other vehicles met the procession at the cemetery, and it was estimated that the attendance of the funeral numbered approximately two hundred. All the business places in Carnamah were closed as a further mark of respect to the deceased gentleman.
The late Mr. Macpherson was born at Toodyay in 1858, and was therefore 73 years of age, having resided in Carnamah since 1869. He had witnessed the growth and progress of the district from its earliest days. Before the Midland Railway was constructed Mr. Macpherson was extensively engaged in cattle and sheep breeding, and after the railway was put through, he was able to considerably extend his farming operations, at his Carnamah Station, from which the town of Carnamah was named. He took an active interest in the affairs of the district, having been a member of the Mingenew Road Board for about four years, this being at the time when the jurisdiction of that body embraced the Carnamah district. The late Mr. Macpherson was a well known identity throughout the length and breadth of the North Midlands, and was held in the highest esteem by a very wide circle of friends. He was a great lover of horses, and was a keen supporter of the district race meetings, and also at one time raced horses in the metropolitan area. He devoted considerable attention to breeding horses, and some years ago, imported an English stallion (Grenelle), for his stud. Of late years he had, on account of increasing years, been less active in his many interests. He leaves a brother and a sister, and Mr. Leslie Macpherson, manager of Meeberrie Station, on the Murchison, is a nephew.
The remains of the late Mr. Macpherson were laid to rest in the Anglican portion of the cemetery, the Rev. A. W. Curtis officiating at the graveside. The casket was of polished jarrah, and from the entrance of the cemetery to the grave it was borne by relatives and intimate friends comprising Messrs P. Macpherson, Malcolm Macpherson, A. J. Mortimer, A. A. McGilp, A. P. Tucker and Arthur Mortimer. The pall-bearers were Messrs G. Roberts, J. Lang, sen., H. Nairn, N. Graham, L. Parker and F. Parrick.
Others present at the funeral included Messrs R. Robertson (Carnamah Road Board), R. F. Hope (Mingenew Road Board), G. K. Ryder (Bank of Australasia), A. V. Clark (Bank of New South Wales), W. H. G. Howard (Geraldton Newspaper Limited), A. C. Bierman ("Irwin Index" and Carnamah Race Club), A. J. Harris (Mingenew Race Club), A. H. Cousins and C. Dodd (Arrino Race Club), T. J. Berrigan (Dalgety & Co.), A. D. Walker (Shell Oil Co.), J. S. Rooke (Carnamah Agricultural Society), R. Laffan (Elder Smith & Co.), W. Sheridan (Associated Farmers, Ltd.), W. Gaunt (North Midlands Co-operative Coy.), I. Johnson (representing Mr. J. Bowman), Messrs N. W. Reynolds, C. Robertson, B. D. Bothe, A. Smart, H. W. Bothe, C. C. Bothe, N. Somers, A. Farquhar, J. Tully, L. Ferguson, J. K. Forrester, P. Teede, G. F. Brown, J. McIntosh, F. Bingham, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Clark, Messrs J. Adams, H. Zuegg, J. Lang, jun., J. Burns, C. Taylor, H. Fowler, R. Barnhart (Three Springs), S. O'Grady, R. Niven, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Turner, Mrs. Colpitts, Messrs J. Niven, S. Blay, W. H. Watson, J. Allen, J. Frame, A. Cumming, N. Bell, H. Dunning, C. J. Brewer, C. Kroschel, W. A. T. Sargent, A. B. Gloster, J. Armstrong, M. Clune, J. Lawson, W. Chapman, J. Kenny, S. L. Hidden, G. Ferguson, J. Dixon, S. Gooch, C. and H. Lynch, F. Badrick, Mr. and Mrs. C. Sheahan, Messrs Phil Lynch, R. A. Caldow (Three Springs), Buckingham, Mulligan, F. Andons, Dr. Mayrhofer, Mr. and Mrs. D. Todd (Three Springs), Andrews, R. Palfreyman, C. W. Smith (Yandanooka), H. H. Rhodes (Mingenew), C. M. Caldow (Mingenew), R. Newton (Mingenew), M. Baker, Sheppard (Dudawa), A. Stokes (Three Springs).
Included in the large number of floral tributes were those from the following:- Midland Railway Employees' Union, Percy [Macpherson] and Family, Mrs C. and E. Dodd, Mr. and Mrs. H. Parkin and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Woods and daughter, Valda Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Parkin and Mrs Piesing, Mr. and Mrs. H. Bothe, Mr. and Mrs. Watson and family, Brother and Sister, Mr. and Mrs. W. Sargent, Mr. and Mrs. Haig, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Bothe, Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds, Household, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mortimer, Mr. and Mrs. H. Nairn, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sheppard, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Cousins and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Somers and Mr. and Mrs. Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. L. Ferguson, Mrs. Sharp, Mr. and Mrs. Hellewell, Mr. and Mrs. A. McGilp, Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Wells, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Berrigan, Mr. and Mrs. L. Parker and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lang, Mr. and Mrs. C. Kroschel, Mr. and Mrs. H. Zuegg, Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. C. Brewer, Mr. and Mrs. Hollingsworth, Nieces Edie, Darkie and Rennie, Paddy Yappo, Mrs. Chatter and Mrs Yappo, Mrs Wala and Mrs. Edwards, Eva Whyatt, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ryder and Mr. and Mrs. H. Whyatt, Joe Jackaman and Tommy, Dido, Jessie and Mary, Carnamah Football Club, Carnamah Rifle Club, Carnamah Racing Club, Carnamah Cricket Club.
The funeral arrangements were carried out by Messrs D. Chipper and Co., Perth, in conjunction with Messrs Henry Parkin and Son, of Carnamah."
Letter from Carnamah solicitor Neil M. GRAHAM to the Carnamah District Road Board:
Neil Maxwell Graham Carnamah,
Barrister & Solicitor Western Australia
Commissioner for Affidavits
8th January 1933.
The Secretary
Carnamah Road Board
Dear Sir,
I have to advise that I have effected the following disposal of the lands standing in the
name of the Estate of the late Donald Macpherson deceased.
Lot 5 of portion of Lot M1073, Lots M1071 and M1072 of portions of Victoria Location
1936 and Victoria Location 1321 containing the aggregate 2505 acres 2 roods 9 perches to Mrs. Beatrice
May Bentley of Carnamah Farmer at a price of 18/9 per acre on a freehold basis free from encumbrances.
The balance of Lot M1073 and balance of Lot 2 on diagram 6396 of portion of Victoria
Location 1936 containing 946 acres leased to George Ferguson of Carnamah Farmer for a term of three
years from the last day of January 1933 with an option of purchase at the end of that time at 22/6 per acre.
The part of Lot 2 above referred to is one square chain containing the well the balance
having been sold by Mr. Macpherson during his life to Elder Smith & Co. Ltd.
The Estate retains the house block containing 100 acres.
In future the rates are payable by the above mentioned parties and I should be glad if you
would make the necessary alternations in your rate books.
Your faithfully,
Neil M. Graham
Reference: Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Donald Macpherson' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 9 March 2025 from [reference list] |
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