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Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


Charles Hector MACLEAN

Purchased 1,433 acres of farmland in Three Springs that had been assigned to land agents Stacey & Williams Ltd [27]
The 1,433 acres was Lots M820, M824 and M825 of Victoria Location 2020 [27] and was nine miles from Three Springs [9: 13-Jun-1913]
The three adjoining blocks are on the north side of Bateman Road with Broad Road intersecting M824 and M825 [62]
His land had originally been purchased from the Midland Railway Company as virgin land by Annie and Walter OATES in 1910 [27]
Farmer of Allawah Farm in Three Springs 1912-1917 [19] [44] [50]
He wrote to the Upper Irwin Road Board in September 1912 about Dampwater Well and Midlands Road in Three Springs [9: 4-Oct-1912]
As a result, the Road Board repaired the well but considered it too late in the season for further gravelling to the road [9: 4-Oct-1912]
In June 1913 he called for tenders for the excavation of a 2,000 cubic yard underground tank on his farm in Three Springs [9: 13-Jun-1913]
His address for land rates with the Upper Irwin Road Board was Three Springs until 1917 and then Upper Swan from 1918 [44]
His farm wasn't listed in rate books during the 1919-20 financial year and by 1920-21 was owned by S. Frank MALEY [44]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Charles Hector MacLean' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 26 March 2025 from [reference list]

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