Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


"Teddy" Edgar James CLARK

Born 11 February 1876 in Kew, Victoria, Australia [P35]
Son of Henry CLARK and Louisa OLDEN [15]
Believed to have shifted from the Australian state of Victoria to Western Australia in about 1901 [P35]
Miner in Blackboy Hill, Western Australia in 1903 [50]
Railway Fettler in Winchester in 1908 [19]
He is probably the 'Clark' who was a member of the Carnamah Cricket Club in 1908 [9: 28-Feb-1908]
Contractor on Bedan Farm in Carnamah in 1909 [40]
Contractor, Land Clearer and Labourer in Carnamah 1909-1941 [6] [19] [40]
Married Mary Ellen CONNELLY in Three Springs on 6 April 1909 [P35]
Donated five shillings to the Moora District Hospital Fund through Donald MACPHERSON of Carnamah in 1909  [9: 9-Apr-1909]
In 1911 did some contract work for the Upper Irwin Road Board including clearing near Petan Creek, Winchester [9: 30-Dec-1910, 2-Jun-1911]
Worked for Donald MACPHERSON on his property Yarra Yarra in Carnamah [19] [P93]
     Cleared land for Donald [19] and was also in charge of a number of his employees [P93]
     Originally resided on Yarra Yarra in a roughly built house which later burnt down [P93]
     After his house burnt down he lived with his family in the old three roomed stone cottage on Yarra Yarra Farm [P93]
     In June 1919 cashed £5/3/4 in wages from Donald MACPHERSON at The Supply Stores in Yarra Street, Carnamah [92]
On 16 July 1919 purchased for £15 a vacant block in the Carnamah townsite from the Midland Railway Company [27]
     The block was 14 Macpherson Street, Carnamah (Lot 67 of Victoria Location 1936) [27]
     In August 1919 members of the Carnamah Football Club helped him build a three roomed house on the block [10: 29-Aug-1919]
     His house was later described as "quite a landmark in Macpherson Street during the early days of the town's history" [31: 10-Aug-1928]
     On 19 September 1921 purchased an adjoining block, 18 Boojerabba Street (Lot 66 of Victoria Location 1936) [27]
Sold his three room house at 14 Macpherson Street to Ernest C. ANDREWS [51] who built a butcher's shop in front of it [31: 10-Aug-1931]
     It was alternatively stated that he'd worked as a butcher from the premises for years before selling to ANDREWS in the 1920s [P399]
     He then resided in a house on eight acre Gov Lot 79 on the north side of Yarra Yarra Road on the westerly outskirts of town [3]
In 1933 his elder two sons purchased the house and eight acre Gov Lot 77 in Carnamah from David S. F. BANDY [3] [5: 24-Nov-1933]
      He, his wife and their children then resided at Gov Lot 77, also on the north side of what was Yarra Yarra Road [3] [P35]
      What was Yarra Yarra Road was later Carnamah Street and later still became part of the Carnamah-Eneabba Road [P1]
     Appears to have sold his block at Gov Lot 79 to local tearoom proprietor "Charlie" Carl F. W. KROSCHEL [3]
Member of the Carnamah Cricket Club 1912-1934 - was Secretary in 1925-26 [9: 29-Nov-1912] [4: 10-Nov-1928] [5: 21-Dec-1934]
     He was the club's Captain in 1915-16 and their Secretary in 1925-26 [9: 26-Nov-1915, 14-May-1926]
Member of the Carnamah Football Club in 1913 [9: 11-Jul-1913]
He made a presentation to Donald MACPHERSON after a cricket match in Carnamah on Saturday 4 July 1914 [9: 10-Jul-1914]
     The presentation was to thank Don for being the life and soul of both Carnamah's cricket and football clubs [9: 10-Jul-1914]
Sang a song at the "Carnamah Concert" held at the railway goods shed in Carnamah on Friday 19 February 1915 [10: 26-Feb-1915]
Auctioneer and Master of Ceremonies at the Basket & Book Social at the railway goods shed in Carnamah on 18 November 1915 [9]
     The goods shed was well lit and nicely decorated for the occasion, which was to raise funds for "patriotic and other funds" [9]
     After the first round of dancing, he auctioned the baskets which had been donated, followed by supper and more dancing [9]
     He donated a sheep, which was raffled during the evening and the proceeds donated to the Red Cross [9: 26-Nov-1915]
     He'd previously won the fat sheep in another raffle which was also held to raise funds for the Red Cross [9: 10-Dec-1915]
Signed the petition and financial guarantee in 1917 for the Midland Railway Company to provide a resident doctor at Three Springs [34]
Inaugural Captain of the reformed Carnamah Football Club in 1919 [10: 11-Jul-1919]
Member of the Carnamah Peace Celebrations Committee in 1919 [10: 11-Jul-1919]
Member of the Carnamah Hall Committee - was Secretary in 1919 and 1920 [10: 29-Aug-1919] [283]
Member of the Carnamah Race Club - was Secretary 1919-1929 [10: 21-Feb-1919, 27-Jan-1922] [9: 25-Mar-1921] [4: 5-Sep-1924, 31-Mar-1928, 21-Dec-1929]
     As honorary secretary arranged the Race Club's Carnamah Picnic Races which were held on Thursday 27 March 1919 [9: 21-Mar-1919]
     He "left no stone unturned which helped in a big degree to bring about this splendid result" (£69 raised for the Red Cross) [9]
     "made a most efficient secretary and came in for a large measure of praise for the way the arrangements were made" [10: 11-Apr-1919]
Ran the euchre at the Euchre Party & Dance held at Mrs Annie DAVIESON's home in Carnamah on 8 November 1919 [10: 14-Nov-1919]
Secretary of Carnamah's Popular Girl Competition in 1920 [9: 9-Jul-1920]
Auctioned the baskets at the Euchre Party, Basket Social & Dance held at the State School in Carnamah on 24 June 1920 [10: 16-Jul-1920]
Ran the auction sale at the Dance in October 1920 in aid of Winifred M. LANG in the local Popular Girl Competition [39: 23-Oct-1920]
Member of the Carnamah Football Club - was Secretary 1920 and 1921 [10: 6-May-1921]
Described as "hardworking, courteous and thoughtful" in his role as Secretary of the Carnamah Race Club in 1921 [10: 1-Apr-1921]
On 1 May 1921 umpired a football match between the old and new settlers of Carnamah - the old winning by one point [10: 6-May-1921]
Umpired the first 1921 football match between Carnamah and Three Springs in Carnamah on Sunday 8 May 1921 [10: 27-May-1921]
A Social, Dance & Presentation was held in his honour at the Carnamah Hall on Thursday evening 1 September 1921 [9: 9-Sep-1921]
     The evening was held as a mark of appreciation for his untiring efforts in making a success of all functions held in Carnamah [9]
     John LANG, Chairman of the Carnamah Hall Committee, gave a speech and then made a presentation to himself and his wife [9]
     The presentation was a roll of money notes which was from the people of Carnamah and the surrounding district [9]
     To that date his Social, Dance & Presentation was the largest social gathering of people to have ever assembled in Carnamah [9]
Attended the Picnic Race Meeting & Agricultural Show held in Carnamah on Thursday 22 September 1921 [9: 30-Sep-1921]
      From his produce that he exhibited he won 1st prizes for Carrots and Swede Turnips, and 2nd prizes for Late Cabbage and Eggs[9]
Signed the petition in February 1923 for the Irwin Licensing Court to grant a hotel license for Carnamah [10: 9-Mar-1923]
Contributed to the entertainment at the Footballers Smoke Social held at the Carnamah Hall on Tuesday 23 January 1923 [9: 2-Feb-1923]
He was "ever popular," "courteous and efficient" as secretary of the Carnamah Race Club's 1924 Picnic Race Meeting [10: 17-Apr-1924]
He spent time at the hospital in Three Springs in 1925, hoping to return home to Carnamah in early August 1925 [9: 7-Aug-1925]
     After undergoing an operation the sporting bodies of Carnamah organised a "Grand Benefit Dance" on 15 August 1925 [9]
     At the dance he was presented with a cheque while reference was made to the good work he did with local clubs [9: 14 & 21-Aug-1925]
In 1925 a local newspaper reported he was "secretary of most of the sports clubs here and is most popular" [9: 14-Aug-1925]
Travelled to Moora on 31 August 1925 to attend a conference of race clubs and to arrange a football match with Moora [9: 28-Aug-1925]
He was presented with a travelling rug at the Carnamah Cricket Club's Wind-up Dance on Saturday 8 May 1926 [9: 7-May-1926]
     He was given the "beautiful travelling rug" in recognition of his valuable services to the Carnamah Cricket Club [9]
Joint Secretary with Claude MARSHALL of the Carnamah Football Club in 1926 and 1927 [4: 11-Jun-1927]
Committee Member of the Carnamah District Agricultural Society in 1927 [9: 27-Oct-1927]
He suffered a few bruises after falling off a truck returning to Carnamah after a football match on 4 September 1927 [4: 10-Sep-1927]
Joint Secretary with Arnold C. A. BIERMANN of the Carnamah Football Club in 1928 [4: 21-Apr-1928]
He called a meeting for the formation of a Carnamah Athletic Club, which was held on Saturday 18 February 1928 [31: 24-Feb-1928]
     Due to a lack of attendance, the proposal was dropped, however an Athletic Club would later be formed in Carnamah [31: 24-Feb-1928]
Attended the Plain and Fancy Dress Ball held at the Carnamah Hall on Thursday 8 August 1929 [4: 17-Aug-1929]
During the 1930s he worked as a Labourer for the Carnamah District Road Board [P7]
Member of the Carnamah Football Club in 1932 [5: 15-Jul-1932]
     Along with many others travelled to another town for football on the back of Charles J. L. BREWER's truck [P99]
     On their way home he fell off the truck and the back wheels ran over his leg [P99]
     Some of the men on the back yelled out that he'd fallen off, and Charlie put the truck in reverse and ran over his leg again [P99]
Competitor in John A. KENNY's 2nd Billiard Tournament conducted within Mackie's Buildings in Carnamah in 1933 [5: 7-Jul-1933]
Attended the Farewell Evening tendered to his son William E. CLARK in Carnamah on Wednesday 30 January 1935 [5: 1-Feb-1935]
He made charcoal on LIESHMAN Bros' Gregorfields Farm in Winchester [P99]
     To make the charcoal he cut down trees, set them alight, put tin over them and then dirt all over [P99]
     Sold the charcoal to local storekeeper Norman W. REYNOLDS who re-sold the charcoal for use in gas producers [P99]
Left Carnamah during the Second World War and resided with his wife on Balmoral Street in the Perth suburb of Victoria Park [P35]
After the war he returned to Carnamah for about twelve months and lived with his son Ron and daughter-in-law Olive [P35]
Father of Dorothy, Edgar, Ruby, William [P35], Herbert [24], George, John, Ronald, Eileen, Charles and Helen [P35]
Died 20 September 1951 in Westonia, Western Australia [39: 25-Sep-1951]; buried in Merredin, Western Australia [P35]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Edgar James Clark' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 26 March 2025 from [reference list]

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