Born 2 February 1892 in Mount Barker, South Australia [55]
Son of William Charles RYDER and Mary KIRKWOOD [55]
His father served in the South Australian Mounted Police [350: 29-Feb-1908]
Educated at the Sturt Street Public School and then Prince Alfred College in Adelaide South Australia [409: 12-Oct-1904, 19-Dec-1907]
His father shifted to Western Australia in about 1904 [225: 27-Aug-1923]
His mother passed away in Perth at the age of 47 on 12 February 1908 and was buried at the Karrakatta Cemetery in Perth [2]
Later in 1908 his father was married for the second time to Ann SMITH [66]
He was one of four children with an elder brother Norman and younger sisters Marjorie and Joyce [225: 21-Aug-1923]
In 1912 he was working as a Ledger Keeper at the Bank of Australasia in Perth [39: 22-Nov-1912]
Later worked as a Bank Clerk and lived with his father and stepmother at Yankalilla House at 2 Norbett Street, East Perth [50]
Passed as fit for active service and enlisted in the Australian Imperial Force in the Perth on 19 January 1916 [30: item 8073996]
Upon enlistment he was 6 feet tall, weighed 146 pounds and had grey eyes, brown hair and a fresh complexion [30]
After training at Blackboy Hill he was appointed on 16 November 1816 to the 18th Reinforcements of the 28th Battalion [30]
Embarked from Fremantle, Western Australia for active service overseas on the H.M.A.T. A34 Persic on 29 December 1916 [30]
Disembarked in Devonport, England on 3 March 1917 and after further training proceeded to France on 20 May 1917 [30]
2nd Lieutenant of the Australian Imperial Force's 28th Infantry Battalion in France and Belgium during the First World War [30]
Wounded in Action in Belgium on 20 September 1917 and was repatriated to England with shell wounds to his shoulders [30]
Promoted from 2nd Lieutenant to Lieutenant on 26 September 1917 and once again proceeded to France on 3 December 1917 [30]
Lieutenant in the Australian Imperial Force's 28th Infantry Battalion in France and Belgium during the First World War [30]
His appointment was terminated in Perth on 17 February 1920; received the British War Medal and the Victory Medal [30]
Following his return to Western Australia from the war he worked for the Bank of Australasia in Perth [30: item 8073996]
Relieving Manager of the bank's branch in Bunbury in early 1926 and in Wickepin in late 1926 [435: 15-Jun-1926] [436: 2-Dec-1926]
Member of the Mount Lawley Sub-Branch of the Returned Soldiers' League [81: 29-Jul-1928]
During August 1927 he purchased a Dodge car which received license plate number 4490 [81: 4-Sep-1927]
He visited Carnamah during mid June 1928 to make arrangements for new branch of the Bank of Australasia [9: 22-Jun-1928]
It was the first new country branch of the Bank of Australasia to be opened in 15 years [9: 22-Jun-1928]
Resided in Perth until shifting to Carnamah later in 1928 to open the new branch of the bank [120: 9-Jan-1930] [4: 17-Sep-1932]
Manager of the Bank of Australasia in Carnamah 1928-1932 [6] [19]
The new branch was open by the end of June 1928 after alterations had been made to its initial premises [9: 29-Jun-1928]
Initially the branch was conducted from former shop premises on Yarra Street leased from Mrs Eva COWDEROY [9: 22 & 29-Jun-1928]
He travelled to Coorow every Wednesday to conduct a receiving office for the Bank of Australasia [4: 8-Dec-1928, 24-Aug-1929]
By early 1930 the Bank of Australasia had made plans to build premises of its own at 8 Macpherson Street, Carnamah [120: 9-Jan-1930]
The new building was on the corner of Macpherson and Caron Streets and was Lot 32 of Victoria Location 1936 [3]
It was designed by Perth architect Jack L. OCHILTREE and was built by contractors William H. RALPH & Son [39: 27-Sep-1930]
The new bank comprised an octagonal banking chamber, manager's office, strong room and six living rooms for staff [39: 27-Sep-1930]
It cost about £4,000 and by July 1930 had been completed and was in use [39: 29-Jul-1930, 27-Sep-1930]
He then resided at the residence adjoining the bank at 8 Macpherson Street, most of which bounded onto Caron Street [3] [19]
In the final week of August 1928 held a house warming party at his home which doubled as a farewell for Kim HOLMES [4: 1-Sep-1928]
Kim HOLMES had been the local manager for Millar's Timber but had been transferred from Carnamah to Northam [4: 1 & 8-Sep-1928]
Member of the Carnamah Cricket Club in 1928-29 and 1929-30 [4: 3-Nov-1928, 26-Oct-1929]
Attended the farewell to William P. WALLACE at the home of Alf NIND in Carnamah on Tuesday 16 October 1928 [4: 20-Oct-1928]
On Sunday 28 October 1928 played in the first ever cricket match of the Coorow and Districts Cricket Association [4: 3-Nov-1928]
Member of a team of single man who were defeated by a married men's team at cricket in Carnamah in November 1928 [4: 24-Nov-1928]
Treasurer 1928-1929 and a Committee Member 1930-1932 of the Carnamah Race Club [4: 6-Oct-1928, 21-Dec-1929 & 12-Mar-1932]
Member of the Carnamah District Agricultural Society - was Treasurer 1928-1931 [4: 13-Oct-1928, 2-Nov-1929 & 8-Nov-1930]
Ratepayers Auditor for the Carnamah District Road Board in 1928 and 1929 [4: 8-Sep-1928 & 1-Jun-1929]
Member of the Carnamah Sub-Branch of the Returned Soldiers League - was President 1928-1931 [4: 28-Mar-1928, 15-Nov-1930] [52]
Shortly after becoming President the branch had made plans to erect a War Memorial in Carnamah [81: 29-Jul-1928]
Member of the Carnamah Ratepayers & Citizens Association 1928-1932 - was Vice President in 1932 [4: 10-Nov-1928, 16-Jul-1932]
Member of the Carnamah Recreation Ground Improvement Committee - was Treasurer in 1929 [4: 1-Jun-1929]
He presided over the R.S.L. Smoke Social held in Carnamah on 2 February 1929 [4: 9-Feb-1929]
At 6:15 p.m. on Sunday 19 May 1929, while on his way to the Carnamah Hotel for tea, he saw flames in a window [4: 25-May-1929]
The flames with coming from the office of Stan O'GRADY's garage at 16 Boojerabba Street, Carnamah [4]
He forced his way into the office, rescued the books from the burning table and then began to bring the fire under control [4]
Shortly afterwards he was aided by other people and the fire was extinguished before much damage was done [4]
He had an account with Carnamah blacksmith, wheelwright and motor mechanics Henry Parkin & Son in 1929 [53]
Collected donations from the public and the relevant names for the Carnamah War Memorial in 1929 [4: 9-Feb-1929]
Attended the Massey Harris Wallis tractor demonstration held on Gregorfields Farm in Winchester on 31 January 1929 [4: 2-Feb-1929]
Attended a meeting at the Carnamah Hall on 19 April 1929 to discuss the establishment of flour mills in Carnamah [86: 20-Apr-1929]
Vice President of the Carnamah Football Club 1929-1931 [4: 14-Sep-1929, 15-Mar-1930, 18-Apr-1931]
Presided over the Carnamah Football Club's Smoke Social Wind-Up at the Carnamah Hall on Saturday 7 September 1929 [4: 14-Sep-1929]
Attended the Grand Ball following the Carnamah Show and opening of Centenary Park on 19 September 1929 [4: 28-Sep-1929]
Member of the Carnamah Presbyterian Church's Board of Management in 1929 [4: 26-Oct-1929]
Member of the Carnamah Rifle Club 1929-1932 [5: 5-Aug-1932] [4: 20-Apr-1929 & 15-Aug-1931]
Treasurer of the Carnamah Parents & Citizens Association 1929-1932 [4: 31-Aug-1929 & 9-Jul-1932]
Vice President of the Carnamah Tennis Club in 1929-30 and 1930-31 [4: 26-Oct-1929, 11-Oct-1930]
Founding Member of the Carnamah Masonic Lodge No.150 WAC on 21 March 1930 [96]
Foundation Member of the Carnamah Golf Club in 1930 [4: 10-May-1930]
Presided over the Carnamah Football Club's Grand Presentation Ball at the Carnamah Hall on 9 October 1930 [4: 18-Oct-1930]
Auditor for the North Midlands Football Association in 1931 [4: 18-Apr-1931]
Attended the funeral of "Father of Carnamah" Donald MACPHERSON at the Winchester Cemetery on 14 August 1931 [4: 22-Aug-1931]
Member and Treasurer of the committee that arranged Carnamah's first boxing tournament in early 1932 [4: 6-Feb-1932]
Member of the Carnamah Literary and Debating Society in 1932 [5: 12-Aug-1932]
Chairman and Adjudicator of the Literary and Debating Society's second debate held in Carnamah on 16 August 1932 [5: 12-Aug-1932]
Treasurer of the Carnamah Athletic Club in 1932 [4: 6-Feb-1932]
Committee Member of the Carnamah Presbyterian Church in 1932 [5: 9-Sep-1932]
Pallbearer at the funeral of Mrs Jane ROBERTSON of Carnamah at the Winchester Cemetery on 15 May 1932 [4: 21-May-1932]
Pallbearer at the funeral of Carnamah Road Board chairman Richard ROBERTSON on 9 July 1932 at the Winchester Cemetery [4]
Helped transport the children of the Carnamah School to Three Springs to partake in inter-school sports on 16 July 1932 [5: 22-Jul-1932]
Attended the Commemoration Dinner held at the Commercial Hotel in Three Springs on Friday 26 August 1932 [5: 9-Sep-1932]
Rendered a vocal or elocutionary item at the R.S.L. Smoke Social and Friends Night held in Carnamah on 27 August 1932 [5: 2-Sep-1932]
Played the piano and organ at local functions in Carnamah [4: 6-Jul-1929 & 20-Aug-1942]
In September 1932 was transferred away from Carnamah and asked to report to the bank's main office in Melbourne [4: 17-Sep-1932]
He was tendered a Valedictory & Farewell Social at the Carnamah Hall on Friday evening 10 September 1932 [4: 17-Sep-1932]
A public invitation had been extended to all residents of the Carnamah District Road Board to attend his farewell [5: 9-Sep-1932]
It was estimated that there were about 500 people present at his farewell from Carnamah and surrounding districts [4: 17-Sep-1932]
He was presented with a new wallet containing money and a wristlet watch from his many friends in Carnamah [5: 16-Sep-1932]
Left Carnamah for Perth on 13 September 1932, and left Perth for Melbourne on 19 September 1932 [4: 17-Sep-1932]
He was succeeded as manager of Carnamah's branch of the Bank of Australasia by Charles A. METTAM [5: 2-Sep-1932]
Sent a congratulatory telegram to the Carnamah Football Club when they won the Premiership in 1933 [5: 8-Sep-1933]
Inspector with the Bank of Australasia in Victoria, Australia [5: 17-Aug-1934]
While in Western Australia on inspectoral duties with the bank he visited Carnamah over a weekend in August 1934 [5: 17-Aug-1934]
Spent a portion of his annual holidays in Carnamah in September 1934, arriving in time for the Carnamah Show [4: 8-Sep-1934, 22-Sep-1934]
His residential address in 1936 was 107 Elizabeth Street in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia [50]
He was manager of the Bank of Australasia at Invercargill in New Zealand until be transferred back to Australia in 1940 [4: 27-Jul-1940]
On his return to Australia he was Accountant in Adelaide and second-in-charge of the bank in South Australia [4: 27-Jul-1940]
In January 1949 spent a short holiday in Carnamah, while on leave from the Bank of Australasia in Melbourne, Victoria [4: 29-Jan-1949]
By 1952 he had lived in every state of Australia and in New Zealand [30: item 8073996]
The bank in Carnamah was transformed into The Bank Gallery in 2017 with his former office being named The Geoff Ryder Room [P1]
From The Western Mailnewspaper, Thursday 9 January 1930:
Country Towns and Districts - Carnamah's Advancement
"Soldiering is Mr. G. K. Ryder's hobby, but managing the Carnamah branch of the Bank of Australasia does not permit of military activities. An old Prince Alfred College boy he came across from the sister State early in life. He served in France with the 28th Battalion, returning with his lieutenancy, and three years ago, not having severed his connection with his old unit, he attained his majority. Mr. Ryder came from Perth to Carnamah 18 months ago. He takes much interest in the community life of the district and is president of the sub-branch of the R.S.L., which has 40 members. He was a delegate to the last R.S.L. State Conference."
Reference: Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Geoffrey Kirkwood Ryder' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 26 March 2025 from [reference list] |
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