Born 1874 in Raywood, Victoria, Australia [54]
Son of John GRONOW and Eliza WRIGHT [54]
Grew up in the Tandara district of Victoria, Australia [P310]
Married (1) Mary Anna HOCKING in 1899 in Victoria, Australia [54]
His first wife died in 1903 in Raywood, Victoria, Australia [P310]
Married (2) Mary Louisa HYDE on 5 September 1906 at Saint Mary's Church in Raywood, Victoria, Australia [P310]
Wheat & Sheep Farmer in Eaglehawk, Victoria, Australia [P310]
Travelled to Western Australia to look at land the Midland Railway Company had for sale [P310]
Along with his wife and two sons left Victoria to take up land at Waddy Forest in the Coorow district [P310]
On 31 March 1924 purchased 1,377 acres of virgin land in Waddy Forest from the Midland Railway Company [27]
The 1,377 acres was Lot M1295 of Victoria Location 2023 and cost £1,102, payable by instalments over 15 years [27]
Farmer of Ingleneuk Farm in Waddy Forest [19]
The farm consisted of his 1,377 acre Lot M1295 and his son Lionel's 1,206 acre Lot M1299 [27]
In 1927 the farm was extended by a further 1,050 acres with Lot M1296 in his son Charles' name [3] [27] [39: 8-Nov-1927]
The farm was then a total of 3,633 acres consisting of Lots M1295, M1296 and M1299 of Victoria Location 2023 [3]
They harvested their first crop on their farm in Waddy Forest in 1925 [9: 27-Jan-1928] [120: 20-Dec-1928]
Their second crop on the farm, in 1926, totalled 700 acres [81: 24-Oct-1926]
In 1927 one of the crops on his "particularly fine property" in Waddy reaped 30 bushels to the acre [39: 8-Nov-1927]
"G. Gronow & Sons" grew 1,300 acres of wheat in 1928, and 2,500 acres in 1930 [4: 31-May-1930] [120: 20-Dec-1928]
They grew Nabawa, Gluyas Early, and Merredin varieties of wheat, and in 1927 had received an average yield of 21 bushels [120]
Gronow & Sons had a Buick car or truck licenced with the Carnamah Road Board with plate CA-44 in 1925-26, 1926-27, 1927-28 [325]
During November 1926 they purchased a new 'S' model International speed truck "for general farm uses" [81: 21-Nov-1926]
Registered their new truck with the Carnamah District Road Board and received licence plate CA-98 [325]
Member of the Coorow & Waddy Forest District Progress Association - was Secretary in 1926 [81: 24-Oct-1926]
A Macedonian named Secoulos working on his farm was seriously injured on Wednesday evening 16 October 1929 [4: 19-Oct-1929]
Secoulos was driving a team of horses from a wagon when he overbalanced, fell off, and was run over by the wagon's wheels [4]
He sent for doctor Mario A. MAYRHOFER who rushed to his farm and conveyed Secoulos to the hospital in Three Springs [4]
Secoulos, whose condition was "serious" was operated on in Three Springs where it was discovered he had a fractured pelvis [4]
Founding Member of the Carnamah Masonic Lodge No.150 WAC on 21 March 1930 [96]
In 1932 they owned a Buick car, International truck and Chevrolet truck with licence plates CA-44, CA-98 and CA-292 [4: 12-Nov-1932]
In January 1933 was getting sheep out of some scrub after they stampeded away from a fire when a stick hit his eye [5: 27-Jan-1933]
He was subsequently conveyed to Carnamah where he received treatment for his eye from Dr Cecil P. ROSENTHAL [5: 27-Jan-1933]
In July 1933 obtained the best price of 21/7 for new season lambs at the Market in the Perth suburb of Midland Junction [4: 29-Jul-1933]
"Gronow & Sons" sold a pedigree Border Collie dog they'd bred to Mrs Janet M. CLINCH of Turipa Farm, Coorow [5: 27-Nov-1936]
Wrote a letter to the Carnamah District Road Board in January 1935 pointing out the need for a local morgue [5: 18-Jan-1935]
In March 1935 "Gronow & Sons" wrote a letter to the Road Board requesting a road adjoining their farm be repaired [5: 15-Mar-1935]
"Gronow & Sons" sold 40 lambs at 21/7 per head through Dalgety & Co Ltd at the Midland Market on 20 May 1936 [5: 22-May-1936]
After a number of weeks absence he returned to his home on Ingleneuk Farm in Waddy Forest on Saturday 20 June 1936 [5: 26-Jun-1936]
"Gronow & Sons" sold three suckers at 27/1 and 67 ewes at 20/- per head through Dalgety & Co Ltd on 8 July 1936 [5: 10-Jul-1936]
Financial Member of the Coorow-Waddy Forest Districts Agricultural Society in 1936 [150]
After spending a week in Perth he returned to his Ingleneuk Farm in Waddy Forest on Monday night 18 January 1937 [5: 22-Jan-1937]
Sold 84 suckers at 20/- and 4 hoggets as 12/10 through Dalgety & Co Ltd at the Midland Market on 16 September 1936 [5: 18-Sep-1936]
"Gronow & Sons" sold 39 wethers at 34/10 per head through Dalgety & Co Ltd at the Midland Market on 7 July 1937 [5: 9-Jul-1937]
They sold five bales of wool through Dalgety & Co Ltd in September 1937 at 14½d. per pound [5: 17-Sep-1937]
His wife Mary passed away at the age of 64 years on 11 August 1945 and was buried at the Winchester Cemetery in Carnamah [1]
Later resided in the Perth suburb of Como [2]
Father of Lionel Rupert, Mildred Margaret and Charles Hyde [54]
Died 1 September 1962; cremated at the Karrakatta Cemetery in Perth, Western Australia [2]
Reference: Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'George Gronow' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 26 March 2025 from [reference list] |
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