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Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


Mary Louisa HYDE / GRONOW

Born 1881 in Raywood, Victoria, Australia [15]
Daughter of Charles Edward HYDE and Eliza HILL [15]
Grew up in the Bendigo district in Victoria, Australia [P310]
Married George GRONOW on 5 September 1906 at Saint Mary's Church in Raywood, Victoria, Australia [P310]
Her father was one of the first farmers and a pioneer of the Dalwallinu district in Western Australia [5: 30-Mar-1934]
Along with her husband, son and stepson left Victoria and shifted to Waddy Forest in Western Australia [P310]
On 31 March 1924 her husband purchased from the Midland Railway Company 1,377 acres of virgin land in Waddy Forest [27]
The 1,377 acres was Lot M1295 of Victoria Location 2023 and cost £1102, payable by instalments over 15 years [27]
Resided with her husband on Ingleneuk Farm in Waddy Forest, Western Australia [19]
Her brothers Norman and Rupert also settled on farms in the Waddy Forest-Coorow district [19]
In August 1930 her garden was described in The Irwin Index newspaper "as a thing of beauty" [4: 23-Aug-1930]
Due to illness she was in inmate of the Moora District Hospital during a portion of June 1933 [5: 30-Jun-1933]
She was an invalid from 1933 until her death in 1945 [P310]
After an extended holiday in South Perth she returned to Waddy Forest on Saturday 20 March 1937 [5: 25-Mar-1937]
Attended the Surprise Linen Tea for Miss Mary E. GREENWOOD at Maryland Farm in Waddy Forest on 22 July 1937 [5: 23-Jul-1937]
After a long period of sickness she returned to Ingleneuk Farm in Waddy Forest in mid October 1935 [5: 18-Oct-1935]
Resided in Waddy Forest / Coorow until her death in 1945 [0: image 04356]
Stepmother of Lionel Rupert GRONOW and mother of Charles Hyde GRONOW and [54]
Died 9 August 1945 in Three Springs; buried Winchester Cemetery, Carnamah (Row D, Plot 12) [1]
Rev. ARBLASTER of Kalamunda officiated at her funeral, which was undertaken by Henry Parkin & Son of Carnamah [1]

From The North Midland Times newspaper, Friday 24 August 1945:
Mrs Mary Louisa Gronow
"The funeral of the late Mrs Mary Louisa Gronow, of Coorow, took place at the Winchester Cemetery on the 11th inst. Deceased, who was the wife of Mr George Gronow, was an old and highly respected resident of the Coorow district. She was 64 years of age at the time of her demise. The chief mourners were George Gronow (husband), Charles Gronow (son), W. Hyde, J. Hyde, N. Hyde, C. Hyde (brothers), Mesdames H. Gourley and G. Arblaster (sisters). The Rev. Arblaster, of Kalamunda, conducted the service at the graveside. The pall-bearers were Messrs A. McGilp, A. Rudduck, D. Fowler, T. Morcombe, G. Underwood and P. Hunt."

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Mary Louisa Hyde / Gronow' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 26 March 2025 from [reference list]

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