Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs



Born C.1901 [5: 15-Sep-1944] [86: 30-Sep-1952]
Daughter of Albert NEBRONG and a woman whose surname was possibly BROWN [239: Tree 14C]
Her father was the son of an Aboriginal woman and a member of the MACPHERSON family [239: Tree 14C] [P411]
Partner of (1) Patrick FARRELL [5: 25-Aug-1944]
Partner of (2) "Jack" John WINDLE [91] [151: page 417]
Gave birth to twins, a boy and girl, who died at the Native Camp in Carnamah aged 14 and 17 hours on 10 September 1922 [151]
Her partner Jack buried the twins in the bush in Carnamah, with the burials being witnessed by John CALLERY [151: page 417]
Partner of (3) "Dido" Joachim DIDO from about 1926 until his death in 1944 [5: 25-Aug-1944]
She worked in Carnamah doing odd jobs for her uncle Donald MACPHERSON [P139] [239: Tree 14C]
In the 1920s she is also known to have worked at Carnamah House for her aunt Miss Bessie MACPHERSON [P9] [239: Tree 14C]
Resided in a block of timber between the Macpherson's homestead Carnamah House and the Carnamah townsite [P139]
Sent a floral tribute for the grave of Donald MACPHERSON of Carnamah at the Winchester Cemetery on 14 August 1931 [4: 22-Aug-1931]
During a portion of 1935 she was an inmate of the Government Hospital in Geraldton [88]
The hospital contacted the Carnamah Police Station on 9 November 1935 for them to arrange her fare to return to Carnamah [88]
She and Dido were like grandparents to the elder children of her cousin's daughter Mrs Eva M. F. BARTLETT [P411]
In 1952 she was working as a domestic employee in Geraldton [86: 24-Jun-1952, 30-Sep-1952]
She was fined £2 for drinking beer with Elisha EDWARDS and Winnie STEWART in Geraldton on 21 June 1952 [86: 24-Jun-1952]
In September 1952 she was fined another £2 by the Geraldton Police Court for yelling on Wittenoom Street in Geraldton [86: 30-Sep-1952]
She was living with her daughter and son-in-law Mary and Harry KIMBERLY in a native camp on Eastern Road in Geraldton in 1954 [86]
A drunken man who visited their camp accidentally set it on fire in April 1954, causing damage to the entire camp [86: 15-Apr-1954]
Her maiden surname was also referred to as NABERONG, NABRAH, NIBBERONG and NEBERONG [5: 25-Aug-1944] [91] [151] [239]
She was also referred to as "Carnamah Jessie" [P1]
Later in life she lived in Geraldton and was known as Jessie KENNEDY [P516]
Mother of Arthur John FARRELL, Winnie WINDLE and Mary DIDO [5: 25-Aug-1944] [91]
Died 6 January 1973; buried at Utakarra Cemetery in Geraldton, Western Australia (Roman Catholic, Row 109, Plot 10) [29]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Jessie Nebrong / Farrell / Dido / Kennedy' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 19 December 2024 from [reference list]

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