Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


"Jack" John Ernest CRAMPTON

Born 1884 in Brunswick, Western Australia [15]
Son of John CRAMPTON and Climena GARDINER [15]
He grew up on his father's farm in Brunswick [351: 16-Mar-1906]
Clerk in the Lands & Surveys division of the Department of Minister for Lands in Perth 1902-1905 [327]
     Member of the Claremont-Cottesloe Cricket Club [39: 16-Feb-1907]
He later returned to Brunswick, however, left again in October 1907 [318: 7-Oct-1907]
     Member of the Brunswick Football Club in 1907 [318: 3-Jul-1907]
     "one of his fastest balls smashed a stump clean in two" at Country Week cricket in Perth in 1907 [39: 16-Feb-1907]
Farmer in Brookton 1908-1910 [50] [391: 12-Dec-1908]
     He purchased a farm in Brookton from Charles CHITTLEBOROUGH in 1908 [391: 12-Dec-1908]
     Won the 100 yard Maiden Race, 130 yard Sheffield Handicap of and High Jump at the Brookton Sports in 1908 [391: 12-Sep-1908]
     The next year, at the fourth annual sports in Brookton in 1909, he again won the Sheffield Handicap running race [39: 27-Sep-1909]
Married Clare GOULD in Perth in 1911 [66]
At one time he had a property at Dulya near Dalwallinu, and while there had the registered horse and cattle firebrand of CN5 [486]
Farmer of Capelcarra Farm on Berkshire Valley Road in Moora in 1911 and 1912 [9: 18-Aug-1911, 8-Mar-1912] [50]
     The thoroughbred stallion and racehorse Glade stood for the season at his farm in Moora in 1911 [9: 18-Aug-1911]
     Glade could mate with mares for a fee of £3/3/- with paddocking available for a shilling and sixpence per week [9: 18-Aug-1911]
     Timekeeper at the the Moora Race Club's Race Meeting in Moora on Wednesday 29 March 1911 [9: 24-Feb-1911]
     He donated two shillings to the Moora District Hospital's sports held in Moora on Boxing Day in 1911 [9: 16-Feb-1912]
     Member of the Moora Centrals Cricket Club in 1911 and 1912 [9: 3-Nov-1911, 2-Feb-1912]
     Committee Member of the Moora Race Club in 1912 [9: 26-Jan-1912]
     As he was planning on leaving Moora, a sale of his household furniture was held at his farmhouse on 9 March 1912 [9: 8-Mar-1912]
     It reported buyers were "offered an exceptional opportunity of obtaining splendid furniture, practically new" [9: 1-Mar-1912]
Through auctioneer Walter J. CARRICK he sold eight horses by auction in Moora on Tuesday 4 March 1913 [9: 28-Feb-1913]
     The horses were two draught mares, two mares with foals by Glade, two yearlings by Bon Gratton, a sulky horse and a filly [9]
Member of the Berkshire Valley Cricket Club in 1913 and 1914 [9: 7-Mar-1913, 27-Feb-1914]
Farmhand in Winchester, South Carnamah in 1914 [19] [50]
     Member of the Carnamah Cricket Club in 1914 [9: 23-Oct-1914]
Enlisted in the Australian Imperial Force on 3 January 1915 in the Perth suburb of Claremont [30: item 3440502]
     Upon enlistment he was described as being six feet tall, weighing 168 pounds with grey eyes and fair hair [30]
     Gave his next of kin as his wife Clare CRAMPTON, her address being Forrest House, Saint George's Terrace, Perth [30]
     After one month of military training he was appointed to the 3rd Reinforcements of the 10th Light Horse Regiment [30]
     Embarked from Fremantle, Western Australia for active service abroad on the H.M.A.T. Itonus on 19 February 1915 [30]
     After further training embarked from Alexandria, Egypt on 16 May 1915 and disembarked on the Gallipoli Peninsula in Turkey [30]
     Trooper 789 in the 3rd Reinforcements of the 10th Light Horse Regiment at Gallipoli during the First World War [30]
     He was among those prayed for during the Empire Sunday service at the Anglican Church in Moora on 23 May 1915 [9: 28-May-1915]
     On 7 August 1915 received a gunshot wound to his left thigh; and was taken to the Australian General Hospital in Cairo, Egypt [30]
     Received medical treatment for his gunshot wound and Venus Thrombosis in Egypt before being invalided back to Australia [30]
     Embarked from Suez on the hospital ship Wondilla on 13 December 1915 and disembarked in Fremantle on 7 January 1916 [30]
     Discharged from the Australian Imperial Force on 16 July 1917; awarded the 1914/15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal [30]
     His name appeared on the Roll of Honour for the Moora district, which was prepared by Rev. Frederick W. GUNNING [10: 1-Sep-1916]
He and his wife were living at 1076 Hay Street in West Perth in 1919 [50]
By November of 1919 he was living in Widgiemooltha, south of Kalgoorlie, when he applied for a Gold-Mining Lease [334: 11-Nov-1919]
     He also took up pastoral leases "of fairly good grazing land" at Widgiemooltha, which he forfeited in 1922 [81: 2-Apr-1922]
Later lived in Fremantle [282: 6-Oct-1922]
     Member of the Fremantle Sports Cricket Club in 1921 and 1922 [282: 23-Dec-1921, 6-Oct-1922]
     He and his wife left Fremantle on Saturday 14 October 1922 and shifted to Sydney, New South Wales, Australia [282: 6-Oct-1922]
     It was reported "the Port loses one of its most popular citizens on Saturday when Mr Jack Crampton takes his departure" [282]
In 1942 he was living at Wau in New Guinea (now Papua New Guinea) [293: 5-Oct-1945] [461: 24-Apr-1942]
He was working as a Salesman and living at 5 Wynnstay Road in the Melbourne suburb of Prahan in 1943 [50]
Later resided in the Melbourne suburb of Richmond and then at 1A Hastings Road in the suburb of Hawthorn [331: 12-Oct-1945]
He passed away at the Alfred Hospital in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia [293: 5-Oct-1945]
Died 4 October 1945; ashes buried at Springvale Botanical Cemetery in Melbourne (Agonis, Bed 3, Rose 3) [131] [293: 5-Oct-1945]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'John Ernest Crampton' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 26 March 2025 from [reference list]

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