Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


"Meg" Margaret NAIRN / SHEPPARD

Born 19 October 1880 in Upper Irwin, Western Australia [15]
Daughter of Frank Edward NAIRN and Harriett Emma LONG [15]
She was a grand-daughter of Carnamah pioneers James & Sarah NAIRN and Coorow pioneers William & Sarah LONG [P3]
Spent her childhood with her parents between Noolooloo Station in Carnamah and Claremont Farm in Dongara [P3] [103: page 34]
After her mother's departure from the family she resided with her spinster NAIRN aunts on the property Claremont in Dongara [P3]
Resided at Claremont in Dongara until marrying in 1901 [P3]
Married John Richard SHEPPARD on 23 June 1901 at Saint John's Church in Dongara [120: 6-Jul-1901]
Witnesses to their marriage were her father Frank Edward NAIRN and her aunt Clementina NAIRN [40]
At the time of their marriage John was a Stockman on New Marra Carra Station near Greenough [40]
Resided for many years with her husband and children on Redbank Farm in Dudawa, East Arrino [P3]
Travelled from Dudawa to Perth with her brother Harold NAIRN in his Fiat motor car on Tuesday 19 May 1925 [9: 22-May-1925]
After a month long holiday at Dongara Beach herself and her sons returned to Dudawa on Monday 27 February 1928 [4: 17-Mar-1928]
A fire spread from an adjoining farm into theirs on 1 December 1928 and was extinguished with the help of neighbours [4: 8-Dec-1928]
As a "Pioneer Lady" she planted a tree at the Centenary Celebrations at the Dudawa State School on 13 September 1929 [4: 28-Sep-1929]
Herself and her children spent a lengthy holiday in Dongara in February and March 1930 [4: 8-Mar-1930]
Her husband purchased a new Ford car, with improved body, from Carnamah dealer Rupert LAFFAN in May 1930 [4: 31-May-1930]
By 1930 her husband and some of their sons were farming Red Bank in partnership as "Sheppard & Sons" [4: 27-Sep-1930]
Attended the Three Springs C.W.A. Husbands Evening at the Three Springs Hall on Saturday 10 December 1932 [4: 17-Dec-1932]
Donated one of the prizes for the Children's Fancy Dress Ball held in Arrino on Tuesday 12 September 1933 [5: 15-Sep-1933]
Donated an xylonite comb and brush for the Arrino C.W.A. Euchre & Bridge Evening, which was held on 28 May 1935 [5: 31-May-1935]
Attended the wedding of her daughter Margaret to Dr Henry G. CAULFIELD in Fremantle on 4 February 1939 [4: 11-Mar-1939]
     She wore a black floral sheer frock with white accessories and black hat to match, and carried a bouquet of red roses [4]
     Hostess at their wedding reception, at which the "handsome three tiered wedding cake" (which she had made) was cut [4]
Resided in Arrino until 1941 [19]
Mother of six sons - Albert Fortescue Nairn, James McInerny, William McKenzie, John Raglan, Frank Nairn and Robert Falcon [P3]
Mother of six daughters - "Dolly" Myra, "Bess" Celia Bessie, Margaret, "Dora" Dolores, Jean and Edith [P3]
Died 1 July 1959; buried Fremantle Cemetery, Perth suburb of Palmyra (Anglican A6, 214) [2]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Margaret Nairn / Sheppard' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 19 December 2024 from [reference list]

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