Born 1878 in Carnamah, Western Australia [40]
Son of Frank Edward NAIRN and Harriett Emma LONG [40]
He was a grand-daughter of Carnamah pioneers Sarah & James NAIRN and Coorow pioneers Sarah & William LONG [P3]
Spent his childhood on Noolooloo Station in Carnamah and at times on Claremont Farm in Dongara [P3]
Donated 5/- towards the fund being raised in aid of orphanages in 1899 through Elizabeth MACPHERSON of Carnamah [39: 5-Dec-1899]
Labourer on Whim Flat Farm at Strawberry in the Mingenew district in 1903[50]
He went into partnership with his half brother "Ned" Edward Frank William NAIRN, trading as "E. & H. Nairn" [P3]
Farmers and Graziers in the Carnamah district [6] [44]
Initially they ran a downsized portion of their late grandfather James NAIRN's Noolooloo Station in Carnamah and Winchester [P3]
They were the owners of Victoria Location 885 (Billeroo Spring) and Victoria Location 1126 (Noolooroo Spring) in Carnamah [44]
The 40 acre Victoria Location 885 and the 100 acre Victoria Location 1126 had originally been purchased by their grandfather [7]
They took up 1,600 acres in Carnamah in five Conditional Purchase leases [44], which was known as Mill Farm [39: 16-Mar-1908]
C.P. leases were 8442/55, 4316/74, 8952/55, 11780/55 & 11779/55 (later Victoria Locations 2916, 2917, 2925, 3011 & 3012) [44]
From 1904 to 1909 they also leased 9,000 acres of land in Carnamah from the Midland Railway Company [34]
In 1908 they purchased Yarrabubba Station in Nannine and sold their Mill Farm in Carnamah [5: 10-Jul-1942] [39: 16-Mar-1908]
They sold Mill Farm for £1,000 to James L. B. WEIR, who took over its Conditional Purchase liabilities with the Government [39] [152]
In December 1909 they cancelled their 9,000 acre lease in Carnamah from the Midland Railway Company [44]
The only land they kept in Carnamah were Victoria Locations 885 and 1126 surrounding Billeroo and Noolooroo Springs [3] [44]
In February 1910 he was still in Carnamah while his brother had taken up residence on the station in Nannine [39: 18-Feb-1910]
They held the registered horse and cattle firebrand of N2N for use at Yarrabubba in Nannine and Noolooloo in Carnamah [486]
Donated ten shillings to the Moora District Hospital Fund through Donald MACPHERSON of Carnamah in 1909 [9: 9-Apr-1909]
From Carnamah he railed a truckload of horses to Perth, which were sold by public auction in Perth on 24 February 1910 [39: 18-Feb-1910]
The horses were kept at William DEAN's yards on Palmerston Street in Perth where they could be inspected before the auction [39]
The truckload consisted of three and four year old mares and geldings that were medium draught and good bakers carters [39]
"Nairn Bros, Carnamah" sold six medium and delivery colts and fillies via William DEAN in Perth in early March 1910 [39: 3-Mar-1910]
Married Eva LENIHAN in Perth on 13 April 1913 [40]
Grazier of Yarrabubba Station in Nannine in partnership with his brother Ned [168]
Two of their large paddocks at Yarrabubba were named Billeroo and Bedan after Carnamah localities [168]
In 1915 they were clearing small portions of their Yarrabubba Station and were also sinking an incredible number of wells [168]
Their uncle Clement W. J. LONG and their cousin Ernest A. LONG of Coorow assisted them on Yarrabubba Station in 1915 [168]
He and his brother donated £4 to the Red Cross Society in 1915 [39: 9-Nov-1915]
They contributed £1,000 to the Seventh War Loan, which loaned money to the Government during the First World War [39: 5-Nov-1918]
He was a great friend of Donald MACPHERSON and his sisters and would visit them whenever he was in Carnamah [P3] [P5]
In September 1919 donated £1 to the Carnamah Hall Fund, which was being raised to build a town hall in Carnamah [10: 19-Sep-1919]
Godfather of Mignonne Therese PARKER of Carnamah, who was baptised on 4 November 1923 [91]
His God-daughter was the daughter of his good friend and ex-Carnamah-Winchester neighbour "Lou" Louis P. PARKER [P5]
He and his brother Ned at some point also acquired Leinster Downs Station near Leonora and a property in Young River [P3]
Attended the Carnamah Race Club's Picnic Race Meeting held in Carnamah on 25 September 1924 [86: 27-Sep-1924]
He rode his horse Jim in the Second Hack Race and came 3rd riding his horse Star in the Third Hack Race [86]
Won Reginald M. DIAMOND 3rd place in the Loser's Handicap as jockey of DIAMOND's horse Swagger [86]
In October 1924 they purchased 10,785 acres of land in Carnamah and Three Springs from Donald MACPHERSON [7: page 22]
They purchased the property, called Lakeview, as they had a lack of feed on their station Yarrabubba due to a drought [103: page 47]
555 acres of the farm was in Carnamah and the rest was on the other side of the North Boundary Road in Three Springs [3] [62]
The farm consisted of Victoria Location 1768 and Lot M765 (a portion of Victoria Locations 1934 and 2022) [3] [44]
On 27 December 1924 they purchased from the Midland Railway Company 1,774 acres of adjoining land in Three Springs [27]
The 1,774 acres was Lot M847 of Victoria Location 2022 and cost £443, payable by instalments over 15 years [27]
Lot M847 had previously been taken up by Evander W. FRANKLIN and James J. BROWN but both sales had been rescinded [27]
In early 1925 they trucked 7,000 sheep from Yarrabubba to their Lakeview Farm in Carnamah and Three Springs [9: 22-May-1925]
He and his brother purchased a second Fiat motor car in January 1925 for use on their farm in Carnamah [31: 9-Jan-1925]
Travelled to Perth in his Fiat car on 19 May 1925 and was accompanied by his sister Mrs Margaret SHEPPARD [9: 22-May-1925]
Resided on Yarrabubba Station until 1925, and by 1926 had shifted back to Carnamah with his wife Eva [9: 22-May-1925] [19]
Resided with his wife on the Carnamah portion of Lakeview Farm in Carnamah and Three Springs 1926-1933 [P3]
On moving to the farm worked at clearing the land which on purchase was virgin bush and also built a house [P2]
He is said to have employed an Aboriginal worker on the farm who was known as "Carnamah Tommy" [103: page 47]
Also employed at various times his relatives Berback G. NAIRN, Clement A. NAIRN and Frank W. KENWORTHY [P3]
He conducted Lakeview Farm in Carnamah and Three Springs, while his brother Ned oversaw their pastoral interests [P3]
In 1928 grew 1,500 acres of wheat crop on their Lakeview Farm in Carnamah and Three Springs [4: 31-Mar-1928]
They purchased a new McCormick binder from Carnamah agent Charles ROBERTSON in October 1928 [4: 20-Oct-1928]
In March 1930 they purchased a new Fordson tractor from Carnamah dealer Rupert LAFFAN [4: 22-Mar-1930]
They were the owners of a Nash car with Carnamah licence plate CA-38 in 1932 [4: 12-Nov-1932]
He had P.O. Box 7 at the Carnamah Post Office [19]
Vice President of the Picnic Race Meeting held in Three Springs on Saint Patrick's Day Tuesday 17 March 1925 [124]
Won 1st prize for a Fat Wether at the Carnamah District Agricultural Society's Annual Show on Thursday 30 September 1926 [9]
At the Carnamah Show in 1926 he also won 2nd prizes for the Best Merino Ewe in both strong and medium wool [9: 15-Oct-1926]
In 1927 he had a system from the Sewerage Disposal & Concrete Construction Company installed at his farmhouse [4: 13-Aug-1927]
At the time septic systems were a new concept, with it being reported that he was progressive for "keeping abreast of the times" [4]
Vice President in 1927 and a Committee Member in 1928 of the Carnamah Race Club [9: 8-Apr-1927] [4: 31-Mar-1928]
Had an account with Carnamah blacksmith, wheelwright and motor mechanics Henry Parkin & Son in 1927 and 1928 [53]
Vice President of the Carnamah Tennis Club in 1927-28 [39: 25-Oct-1927]
Judge and Vice President of the Picnic Race Meeting held in Three Springs on Saint Patrick's Day Saturday 17 March 1928 [124]
In March 1928 employed the services of Perth builder and contractor James THOMAS to do some building on his farm [4: 31-Mar-1928]
Attended Charles ROBERTSON and Winifred LANG's wedding and reception in Carnamah on 27 March 1928 [4: 31-Mar-1928]
Foundation Committee Member of the Three Springs Agricultural Society in 1928 [4: 29-Sep-1928]
Vice President of the Three Springs Agricultural Society 1935-1937 [5: 17-May-1935, 1-May-1936, 25-Mar-1937]
Financial Member of the Three Springs Agricultural Society 1938-1947 [262]
Also a member of the Carnamah District Agricultural Society - was Vice President 1928-1933 [4: 22-Sep-1928] [13]
One of three Judges at the Saint Patrick's Day Celebrations & Sports Meeting held in Three Springs on 18 March 1929 [4: 30-Mar-1929]
Official Judge of the races at the Three Springs Race Club's Annual Race Meeting held on Thursday 11 April 1929 [4: 13-Apr-1929]
Spoke of his childhood at the Centenary Celebrations at the Three Springs State School on Friday 13 September 1929 [4: 21-Sep-1929]
Won 2nd prize for a Late Variety of Cabbage at the Carnamah District Agricultural Society's Annual Show in 1929 [4: 28-Sep-1929]
Saw in the new year of 1930 with the singing of Auld Lang Syne at the Church of England's Dance at the Carnamah Hall [86: 4-Jan-1930]
Attended the Ball in Carnamah in aid of the local Roman Catholic Church's building fund on Thursday 24 May 1930 [4: 31-May-1930]
Won 1st prize for the "Best Brood Mare with Foal" and a 2nd for "Green Wheat for Hay" at the Carnamah Show in 1930 [4: 27-Sep-1930]
Pallbearer at the funeral of his good friend Donald MACPHERSON on 14 August 1931 at the Winchester Cemetery [4]
Among those who made a donation to the Carnamah Country Women's Association in 1932 to help them buy premises [5: 29-Jul-1932]
Won 1st prize for a Thoroughbred Stallion and 2nd for a Draught Yearling at the Carnamah Agricultural Show in 1933 [5: 22-Sep-1933]
Inaugural Member and South Lieutenant of the Three Springs Road Board District Bush Fire Brigade in 1933 [5: 27-Oct-1933]
Served on the Board of the North Midlands District Hospital in Three Springs for ten years, from 1933 to 1943 [109]
Farmer of Lakeview Farm in Carnamah and Three Springs until 1934 [3]
In January 1934 moved his house five miles north onto the Three Springs portion of his farm [5: 12-Jan-1934]
After shifting the house, sold to John M. TULLY the Carnamah portion of the farm, which amounted to 555 acres [5: 2-Feb-1934]
Continued farming the Three Springs portion of the farm until 1946 [P3]
Paid £1/10/- in Vermin Bonuses by the Carnamah District Road Board on 28 February 1934 for killing three foxes [300: page 42]
The local newspaper revealed on 9 February 1934 that there was a parcel for him at the railway goods shed in Carnamah [5: 9-Feb-1934]
Won 1st prize for Green Oats and 2nd for One Fat Beast at the Three Springs Agricultural Show on 13 September 1934 [5: 21-Sep-1934]
A son of his friend Lou PARKER recalled that on his farm a bull threw him over a seven wire fence in which he broke several ribs [P5]
Won 1st prize for Jersey Cow and 2nd for Green Wheat for Grain at the Three Springs Agricultural Show in 1935 [5: 27-Sep-1935]
In October 1935 sold six bales of wool for 14d. per pound and six bales for 12¼d. per pound through Dalgety & Co Ltd [5: 11-Oct-1935]
Attended the funeral of Miss "May" Mary L. LANG of Carnamah at the Winchester Cemetery on 26 November 1935 [5: 29-Nov-1935]
Motored from Three Springs to Perth on Monday 30 March 1936 to join his wife for a holiday [5: 3-Apr-1936]
Attended the Farewell Bridge Evening for Tom & Johanna BERRIGAN in Carnamah on Sunday evening 21 June 1936 [5: 26-Jun-1936]
Speech-giver at the social evening tendered to newly married Syd and Priscilla GOOCH in Three Springs on 2 July 1936 [5: 10-Jul-1936]
Sold 5 head of yearling cattle at £2/10/- per head through Dalgety & Co Ltd at the Midland Market on 21 October 1936 [5: 23-Oct-1936]
Loaned his truck to help cart 80 loads of sand, gravel and stones for the nursing quarters in Three Springs in April 1937 [5: 30-Apr-1937]
Attended the opening of the Nurse's Quarters in Three Springs and dinner at the Commercial Hotel on 27 August 1937 [5: 3-Sep-1937]
Himself and his brother remained the owners of Victoria Locations 885 and 1126 in Carnamah until the 1937-38 financial year [3] [44]
The blocks were 40 acres surrounding Billeroo Spring and 100 acres surrounding Noolooroo Spring [3] [44]
Himself and his brother Ned had retained the two blocks when they had sold their other Carnamah land in 1909 [44]
The two blocks were forfeited by the Carnamah District Road Board during the 1937-38 financial year [3]
Helped arrange the Valedictory for Minnie WATSON & Arthur MORTIMER held in Three Springs on 15 February 1938 [4: 19-Feb-1938]
Steward of the Cattle section at the Three Springs Agricultural Society's Twelfth Annual Show held on 14 September 1939 [262]
Pallbearer at the funeral of Miss Elizabeth MACPHERSON at the Winchester Cemetery, Carnamah on 24 July 1939 [5]
He was also good friends with John BOWMAN, and John's daughter Les recalls seeing him at the Three Springs Hospital [P9]
On that occasion he told Les "tell your father I'm nearly better and we'll get onto them emus" on their adjoining farmland [P9]
Financial Member of the Carnamah District Agricultural Society in 1946 [13]
Farmer of Lakeview Farm in Three Springs until leasing the property in early 1947 [0: image 04432]
His farm was described as being situated "three miles south-east of Three Springs on the main Perth-Geraldton Road" [4: 1-Feb-1947]
On 5 February 1947 held a clearing sale to sell his livestock, plant, farm machinery, household furniture and effects [0: image 04432]
His livestock sold at the sale totalled 620 sheep, 40 hens, six cows, seven horses and twelve turkeys [4: 1-Feb-1947]
Machinery and plant sold at the sale included an 8 foot A.L. harvester, 10 disc Sunderseeder, 10 disc Sundercut, [4: 1-Feb-1947]
6 foot McCormick binder, old 8 feet Sun header, 41 tyne Massey cultivator, 5 furrow Massey M.B. plough, tip dray, [4: 1-Feb-1947]
5 disc Sunrise plough, chaff cutter with elevator, four wheel buggy, galvanised pipe, pipe fittings, harnesses and saddles [4: 1-Feb-1947]
Following the leasing of the farm Harold and his wife Eva retired to Perth [P3]
In 1948 they were living at 58 Napier Street in the coastal Perth suburb of Cottesloe [39: 11-Dec-1948]
Later sold his Three Springs farm to the ANTONIO family [P3]
Died 15 October 1951 in the Perth suburb of Claremont; buried Karrakatta Cemetery, Perth WA (Roman Catholic, BC, 34A) [2] [40]
From The Western Mail newspaper, Thursday 15 October 1936:
Men of Three Springs
"A grandson of Mr. J. Nairn, one of the earliest settlers in the Carnamah district, Mr. H. Nairn, in 1924 purchased 12,000 acres of virgin country from the Macpherson Estate. In 1908 he left his father's property at Carnamah to take up a 350,000-acre Murchison pastoral lease, which he still holds. Although holding a big tract of virgin land Mr. Nairn had developed both his pastoral lease and his sheep and wheat farm at Three Springs. Salt lake country and the lack of water are the two chief problems with which he has to contend on his farming property, on which he has cleared 2,800 acres. Mr. Nairn is an enthusiastic worker for the district agricultural show and is particularly interested in horse and cattle exhibits."
Reference: Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Charles Harold Nairn' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 12 March 2025 from [reference list] |
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