Born 29 July 1903 in Claremont, Western Australia [16]
Son of Frederick Patrick Arthur GRAHAM and Charlotte Elizabeth WRIGHT [15]
Barrister and Solicitor in Carnamah 1927-1934 [4: 31-Mar-1928, 15-Dec-1934] [60]
Initially conducted his business from a small building at the side of the Carnamah Hall at 9 Macpherson Street in Carnamah [P399]
Later worked from a portion of Elder Smith & Company's premises at 16 Macpherson Street, Carnamah [P44] [P399]
Also visited the towns of Perenjori, Morawa, Mingenew and Three Springs once a month [4: 31-Mar-1928, 24-Aug-1929]
Advertised his Carnamah-based business "Neil M. Graham, Barrister & Solicitor" in The Irwin Index newspaper [4: 31-Mar-1928]
His telephone number was Carnamah-12 from 1927 to 1934 [60]
He owned and resided in the house at 31 Caron Street in Carnamah (Lot 21 of Victoria Location 1936) [3]
Member of the Carnamah Rifle Club 1927-1934 [9: 19-Aug-1927] [4: 1-Sep-1934]
Ratepayers' Auditor for the Carnamah District Road Board in 1927 until resigning in May 1928 [4: 21-Apr-1928, 26-May-1928, 8-Sep-1928]
His engagement to Miss Olga BARCLAY was announced in January 1928 [4: 14-Jan-1928]
In February 1928 his mother, who lived in Leederville, spent a holiday with Mrs Ada R. HAIG in Winchester [9: 17-Feb-1928]
Member of the Carnamah Ratepayers & Citizens Association 1928-1934 [4: 10-Nov-1928, 16-Jul-1932, 14: 13-Jan-1934]
Attended Charles ROBERTSON and Winifred M. LANG's wedding and reception in Carnamah on 27 March 1928 [4: 31-Mar-1928]
During May 1928 he raised with the Carnamah District Road Board how difficult it was to obtain the services of a Justice of the Peace [4]
In response the Road Board recommended two local farmers and two local businessmen for appointment [4: 26-May-1928]
It was reported by The Irwin Index newspaper that he "spent a a few enjoyable hours at Dudawa" on 18 August 1928 [4: 25-Aug-1928]
He was among the 400 people who attended the Matrons and Benedicts Ball held in Three Springs on 31 August 1928 [4: 8-Sep-1928]
Attended the house warming of Geoffrey K. RYDER and farewell party of Kim HOLMES in Carnamah in August 1928 [4: 1-Sep-1928]
Attended the wedding dance for Alexander J. F. BROWN and Clara V. BERRIGAN in Carnamah on 28 August 1928 [4: 8-Sep-1928]
On 20 September 1928 attended the Show Ball following the Three Springs Agricultural Society's First Annual Show [4: 29-Sep-1928]
Attended the farewell to William P. WALLACE at the home of Alf NIND in Carnamah on Tuesday 16 October 1928 [4: 20-Oct-1928]
Auditor for the Carnamah Football Club 1928-1931 [4: 21-Apr-1928, 15-Mar-1930, 18-Apr-1931]
Member of the Carnamah Tennis Club in 1928 and 1930 [4: 10-May-1930] [9: 23-Mar-1928]
Member of the Carnamah Cricket Club 1928-1934 [4: 10-Nov-1928, 16-Dec-1933] [5: 30-Nov-1934]
He was the Carnamah Cricket Club's Treasurer in 1928-29 and its Chairman in 1931-32 [4: 13-Feb-1932] [39: 16-Jan-1929]
Married Olga BARCLAY in Perth in 1929 [66]
Attended a meeting at the Carnamah Hall on 19 April 1929 to discuss the establishment of flour mills in Carnamah [86: 20-Apr-1929]
Purchased a new Ford sedan car from local agent Rupert LAFFAN in September 1929 [4: 28-Sep-1929]
Attended the Card Evening held at the home of Mrs Johanna BERRIGAN in Carnamah on 12 September 1929 [4: 21-Sep-1929]
His mother, Mrs GRAHAM, spent a holiday in Carnamah staying with he and his wife during October 1929 [4: 5-Oct-1929]
Member of the Carnamah Race Club 1929-1934 - Secretary 1929 & Chairman 1930-1932 [4: 1-Jun-1929, 21-Jun-1930] [5: 5-Aug-1932, 24-Nov-1933]
Secretary in 1929, Captain 1930-1934 and Treasurer in 1932 of the Carnamah Rifle Club [4: 16-Feb-1929, 26-Apr-1930, 16-Jul-1932] [5: 24-Aug-1934]
Collided with another car near Five Gums while returning to Carnamah from Perenjori on Saturday 19 October 1929 [4]
As he rounded a bend on a very sandy stretch of the road he encountered a car driven by William HARRIS of Perenjori [4]
He swung off the road to let William pass, however the sandy roadside caused his car to skid side-on back onto the road [4]
Their vehicles collided, damaging one side of his car and splintering his car's windscreen, fragments of which struck his head [4]
He was taken to the North Midlands District Hospital in Three Springs, where a gash to his forehead required 16 stitches [4]
On returning home he was cared for by his sister-in-law, nurse Marjorie BARCLAY, who was holidaying in Carnamah [4: 26-Oct-1929]
On 19 February 1930 he began visits to Coorow on every first and third Wednesday of each month [4: 8-Feb-1930]
He saw clients in Coorow between 3:00 and 4:30pm at the premises of Heinrich W. BOTHE [4: 8-Feb-1930]
On 26 February 1930 on his way home from the Mingenew Court he swerved to miss a truck and overturned his car [4: 1-Mar-1930]
Although his Fordor Sedan car was damaged both he and his wife were fortunate and received no injuries [4]
Member of the Carnamah Bridge Club in 1930 [4: 4-Oct-1930]
Part of a small committee formed in March 1930 to investigate the proposal of a bumping board on the Club's courts [39: 20-Mar-1930]
Became a member of the Carnamah Masonic Lodge No.150 WAC on 13 June 1930 [96]
Representative for Carnamah at a meeting of the Central Midlands Racing Association in November 1930 [9: 20-Nov-1920]
On 5 May 1930 convened a meeting at the Carnamah Hall about forming a golf club in Carnamah [4: 3-May-1930]
Foundation Member and Inaugural Captain of the Carnamah Golf Club in 1930 [4: 10-May-1930 ]
Auditor for the Billeroo School Hall Committee in 1931 [4: 30-May-1931]
Pallbearer at the funeral of "Father of Carnamah" Donald MACPHERSON on 14 August 1931 at the Winchester Cemetery [4]
In September 1931 his mother, of Leederville, spent a holiday staying with he and his wife Olga in Carnamah [4: 3-Oct-1931]
Member of the Carnamah Literary and Debating Society in 1932 [5: 16-Sep-1932]
In 1932 represented the Carnamah Rifle Club at the National Rifle Association Prize meeting, where he won two trophies [5: 2-Sep-1932]
Pallbearer at the funeral of Mrs Jane ROBERTSON at the Winchester Cemetery on 15 May 1932 [4]
Made a donation to the Carnamah branch of the Country Women's Association in 1932 to help them purchase premises [5: 29-Jul-1932]
Attended a large meeting in Three Springs to form a North Midlands Chamber of Commerce on 18 November 1932 [4: 26-Nov-1932]
Played for the Benedicts in a 'Benedicts verses Bachelors' cricket match in Carnamah on Sunday 18 December 1932 [5: 23-Dec-1932]
On 9 February 1933 attended the meeting in Carnamah at which Federal Member A. E. GREEN, M.H.R. was entertained [5: 17-Feb-1933]
Competitor in John KENNY's Billiard Tournaments conducted within Mackie's Buildings in Carnamah in 1933 [5: 26-May-1933, 7-Jul-1933]
Member of the Carnamah Athletic Club in 1933 [5: 21-Jul-1933]
Member of the Carnamah Committee of the North Midlands Popular Girl Competition in 1933 [5: 30-Jun-1933]
The Carnamah District Road Board paid him a £10/10/- retainer fee on 6 July 1933 [300: page 13]
Represented the Carnamah Race Club at the meeting of the Midland Districts Racing Association on 18 July 1933 [5: 21-Jul-1933]
He was elected the Member for Carnamah on the Committee of the Midland Districts Racing Association in 1933 [5]
Attended the Official Opening of the Carnamah Golf Course at Centenary Park in Carnamah on Sunday 23 July 1933 [5: 28-Jul-1933]
One of four members of the Carnamah Rifle Club who competed at the National Rifle Association's meeting in 1933 [5: 13-Oct-1933]
Committee Member of the Carnamah Golf Club in 1933 and 1934 [4: 30-Jun-1934] [5: 5-May-1933]
Attended the Dance conducted by the Carnamah Toc H at the Carnamah Hall on Saturday 24 February 1934 [5: 2-Mar-1934]
On the evening of Thursday 15 March 1934 attended the Carnamah Race Club's Annual Dance at the Carnamah Hall [5: 16-Mar-1934]
Attended the Carnamah Golf Club's Opening Season Dance at the Carnamah Hall on Saturday 21 April 1934 [5: 27-Apr-1934]
Travelled to Perth on Sunday 22 July 1934 to see his father who was seriously ill (his father died on 9 August 1934) [2] [5: 27-Jul-1934]
Attended the funeral of Mrs Christina B. D. FORRESTER of Carnamah at the Winchester Cemetery on 31 August 1934 [4: 8-Sep-1934]
Following his father's funeral his mother returned with him to Carnamah and stayed until 17 September 1934 [5: 17-Aug-1934] [4: 22-Sep-1934]
He was farewelled at a social at the Don Tearooms in Carnamah on the eve of his departure from the Carnamah district [4: 15-Dec-1934]
At the farewell social he was presented with £5 cheque from those present as a mark of esteem and appreciation [4] [5: 14-Dec-1934]
The social was presided over by Charlie KROSCHEL, included two songs, a recitation, and concluded with Auld Lang Syne [5]
Left Carnamah on Friday 7 December 1934 and shifted to Southern Cross, where he continued to work as a Solicitor [4: 15-Dec-1934]
A group of Carnamah residents called to see him in Southern Cross on 17 December 1936 on their way to South Australia [5: 23-Jul-1937]
By 1940 he had shifted to Perth and was living at 148 Colin Street in West Perth[61]
Enlisted in the Australian Army on 1 June 1940 [16]
Gunner WX3878 in the Australian Army's 2/7 Field Regiment during the Second World War [16]
Discharged from the Australian Army on 31 August 1944 [16]
Later resided in the Perth suburb of Cottesloe [2]
Father of Patricia [84]
Died 4 October 1960; cremated at Karrakatta Cemetery in Perth, Western Australia [2]
Neil Maxwell GRAHAM appeared on behalf of Carnamah residents at cases at the Mingenew Local Court:
On 8 February 1929 appeared on behalf of John W. COLPITTS who was suing William R. COLPITTS for £81/8/6 [4: 16-Feb-1929]
On 28 August 1929 appeared on behalf of John FRAME who was being sued by CUMMING Bros for £28/0/9 [4: 7-Sep-1929]
On 13 December 1933 appeared on behalf of Mrs Florence E. BREWER who was charged under the Licensing Act [5: 22-Dec-1933]
On 28 June 1934 appeared for Charles J. DALLIMORE who was being sued by Cecil P. ROSENTHAL for £32/13/6 [5: 6-Jul-1934]
Neil Maxwell GRAHAM appeared on behalf of Carnamah residents cases at other courts:
On 13 November 1928 appeared on behalf of Millars Timber and Trading Company Limited at the Geraldton Court [4]
They were wanting £47/17/- owed to them for goods sold to Charles W. F. PEARN, whose address was unknown [4: 10-Nov-1928]
As his whereabouts were unknown his summons was published in The West Australian and Irwin Index newspapers [4]
On 3 May 1929 appeared on behalf of Carnamah publican Charles J. L. BREWER at the Licensing Court [4: 25-May-1929]
On behalf of Mr BREWER opposed the application that had been made for a hotel licence in Coorow [4: 25-May-1929]
On 2 September 1929 appeared on behalf of Mrs Eliza C. LAMP of Winchester at the Three Springs Police Court [4: 7-Sep-1929]
Mrs LAMP took Mrs "Dorothy" Elizabeth A. BRADY to court for insulting language and she was fined 10/- plus £5/2/6 costs [4]
On 2 September 1929 appeared on behalf of the Carnamah Local Board of Health at the Three Springs Police Court [4: 7-Sep-1929]
On behalf of the Board he bought charges against T. RALFF for failing to provide suitable sanitary conveniences at his premises [4]
On 4 October 1929 appeared on behalf of Carnamah farmer Robert BOWRAN at the Supreme Court [4: 5-Oct-1929]
Mr BOWRAN went to court to claim £791/14/7 from Mrs Hilda M. COLE whose farm he had been share-farming [4:]
In December 1932 appeared on behalf of the Carnamah District Road Board who wanted John B. OUZIEL charged [5]
Mr OUZIEL was charged £5 and £3/8/6 costs for hawking in Carnamah without a licence [5: 23-Dec-1932]
On 26 January 1933 appeared on behalf of Robert F. BICKERDIKE at the Three Springs Court of Petty Sessions [5: 27-Jan-1933]
On 29 September 1933 appeared on behalf of George STOKES of Arrino at the Three Springs Police Court [5: 13-Oct-1933]
He was being charged 31/- costs by the Three Springs Road Board in connection with protests made about straying stock [5]
From The North Midland Times newspaper, Friday 17 August 1934:
"The death occurred on Thursday, August 9, at Leederville, of Mr. F. A. Graham, father of Mr. Neil Graham, of Carnamah. The late Mr. Graham, who had been secretary of The Home of Peace, Subiaco, was 75 years of age. Mr. Neil Graham, who attended the funeral in Perth, returned [to Carnamah] Wednesday evening, accompanied by his mother."
Reference: Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Neil Maxwell Graham' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 26 March 2025 from [reference list] |
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