Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


Norman William Leopold FADDY

Born 31 January 1864 in Bruges, West Flanders, Belgium [268]
Son of Peter Pickmore FADDY, also known as Pierre FADDY, and Ellen WELLINGS [268] [485]
His father was a colonel in the Royal Artillery of the British Army and had served in South Africa, England and India [395: 22-Jan-1876]
     Resided with his parents and brothers in Belgium and later at Tagaborg, Helsingborg, Sweden [268]
     He and his brother Percy were baptised on 15 June 1871 at Saint Paul's on Dock Street in Tower Hamlets, London, England [268]
     They fell into poverty while his father awaited £4,000 in prize money from booty seized during the Indian mutiny [395: 22-Jan-1876]
     He, his brother Algernon and their father were admitted to the Westminister Union Workhouse in London in September 1874 [394]
     In January 1876 they arrived in New Zealand where his father was to be appointed an Inspector of Constabulary [395: 22-Jan-1876]
     They were described as "an eccentric-looking military man... the worse for wear, accompanied by two oddly dressed children" [395]
     Two years later in January 1878, when he was aged 14, his father died in Napier, New Zealand at the age of 59 years [396]
In 1888 he was working as a Clerk in Wellington, New Zealand [393]
Grocer and Cash Store Proprietor on Cantonment Road in Fremantle, Western Australia in 1893 [39: 3-Feb-1893] [160: 10-Nov-1893]
     His store on Cantonment Road was later in partnership with Herbert A. V. KNIGHT, trading as "Faddy & Knight" [21-Aug-1896]
     In 1896 KNIGHT sold out his share of the business to his sister R. Mabel KNIGHT, continuing as Faddy & Knight [225: 5-Sep-1896]
     They were Grocers, Wine & Spirit Merchants operating from 4, 6 and 8 Cantonment Road in Fremantle in 1901  [390: 4-May-1901]
     Their motto was "cash and low prices" and delivered goods to any part of Fremantle [390: 4-May-1901]
Married "Mabel" Rosalie Mabel KNIGHT on 3 February 1897 in Fremantle, Western Australia [15] [397: 18-Mar-1897]
     In 1901 he and his business partner, who was now also his wife, dissolved their partnership with him continuing the business [225]
     Following the dissolution he continued to trade under the well-established name of "Faddy & Knight" [225: 1-Mar-1901]
Grazier in Carnamah, Western Australia 1911-1913 [6] [7: page 85]
     He farmed in Carnamah in partnership with Fremantle merchant Charles J. A. HORROCKS as "Horrocks & Faddy" [6]
     He presumably farmed 3,100 acres in Carnamah that HORROCKS owned - Victoria Locations 2958, 2959 and 3315 [44]
     Water become a serious problem on the farm during the 1911-12 summer so he bored for water near his home [9: 5-Jul-1912]
     Old residents advised it was pointless to sink wells on their block, however, he struck a splendid supply of good water at 80 feet [9]
     Attended the farewell to departing storekeeper Charles MATTHEWS at the railway goods shed in Carnamah on 3 February 1912 [9]
     At the farewell he gave a speech and on behalf of the people of Carnamah presented Charles with a bag of sovereigns [9: 9-Feb-1912]
     During December 1912 he and his partner advertised that they were wanting to buy a second-hand horseworks and chaffcutter [81]
     At the same time they also advertised to sell a practically new heavy tip-dray with 5-inch tyres [81: 8-Dec-1912]
     In February 1913 they called for tenders for the clearing of 100 acres of Salmon and York Gum country in Carnamah [9: 21-Feb-1913]
     After "a run of bad luck" they leased their farm in Carnamah in mid 1913 to William J. FARREL [9: 27-Jun-1913] [39: 9-Dec-1915]
In 1916 he was a storekeeper and was living on River Street in South Perth [50]
Later resided at 1102 Hay Street in the Perth suburb of West Perth [39: 26-Aug-1942]
Passed away at Saint John of God Hospital in the Perth suburb of Subiaco, aged 78 years [2] [585]
Father of Norman, Keith and Colin [39: 26-Aug-1942]
Died 25 August 1942; buried at Karrakatta Cemetery in Perth, Western Australia (Anglican, MA, 374A) [2]
In his will, which he had written on 12 July 1940, he bequeathed his estate to his three sons in equal shares [585]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Norman William Leopold Faddy' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 26 March 2025 from [reference list]

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