Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs



Born 1904 in Cottesloe, Western Australia [15]
Daughter of Charles Frederick Alexander HENRY and Charlotte DOUST [15] [50]
Married (1) "Eddie" Edmund Keen BYRNE in Fremantle on 17 December 1921 [39: 15-Aug-1927]
She and her first husband initially lived in the Perth suburbs of Bassendean and Subiaco [86: 16-Aug-1927]
Resided with her husband on Slaughter Street in the Three Springs townsite [50]
After nine months in Three Springs she shifted to Fremantle, where she lived in a rented room with their daughter [338: 27-Aug-1927]
In mid 1926 she moved in with Bob JOHNSON, after which her husband demanded that their daughter return to live with him [86]
She refused to hand over their daughter but relented when her husband threatened violence against JOHNSON [86: 16-Aug-1927]
Their daughter Sybil returned to Three Springs, where she passed away aged  three years on 16 December 1926 [4: 1-Jan-1927] [24]
Married (2) "Bob" Robert Henry JOHNSON in Perth in 1928 [66]
Married (3) Leslie Henry DON in 1933 [66]
In 1936 her husband was working as a Labourer and they were living at 332 Fitzgerald Street in Northam [50]
Her son Desmond Keen BYRNE, from her first marriage, lived with his grandfather on Eastbourne Farm in Three Springs [5: 12-Oct-1934]
Her first three marriages all ended in divorce [310: 9-May-1942]
Married (4) John ARMSTRONG in 1942 [66]
In 1943 she and her fourth husband were living at 76 Brown Hill in Boulder [50]
They then resided at 6 Walcott Street in the Perth suburb of Mount Lawley from 1943 until at least 1968 [50]
Her husband John passed away at the age of 59 on 2 April 1969 and was buried at the Karrakatta Cemetery in Perth [2]
She continued to reside in the Perth suburb of Mount Lawley and following her death was buried in the same plot as her late husband [2]
Died 18 February 1970; buried at the Karrakatta Cemetery in Perth, Western Australia (Anglican, PC, 738) [2]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Phoebe Alma Henry / Byrne / Johnson / Don / Armstrong' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 14 March 2025 from [reference list]

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