Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


"Ron" Ronald Michael CLARK

Born 28 February 1926 in Carnamah, Western Australia [P35]
Son of "Teddy" Edgar James CLARK and Mary Ellen CONNELLY [P35]
Resided with his parents in Carnamah and was educated at the Carnamah State School [P35]
Won the "under school age" running race at the Sports Day & Picnic at Centenary Park, Carnamah on 9 October 1930 [4: 18-Oct-1930]
Received 3rd prize for a Crayon Drawing exhibited at the Carnamah Agricultural Show on Thursday 14 September 1933 [5: 22-Sep-1933]
At the conclusion of 1933 received one of the prizes for the most hardworking student in Grade I at the Carnamah School [5: 22-Dec-1933]
Won a 1st prize for a Crayon Drawing and 3rd for Cane & Raffia Work at the Carnamah Agricultural Show in 1934 [5: 14-Sep-1934]
Attended the inaugural Combined School Sports of the Carnamah Road Board district in Carnamah on Saturday 19 October 1935 [5]
     Won the 8-9 years Boys Egg & Spoon Race and came 3rd in the 9 years Boys Running Race [5: 25-Oct-1935]
Attended the Children's Fancy Dress Ball at the Carnamah Hall on Saturday 2 November 1935 dressed as a "Swagman" [5: 8-Nov-1935]
Attended the Carnamah R.S.L. Easter Sports Meeting at Centenary Park in Carnamah on Monday 13 April 1936 [5]
     Competed successfully, coming 2nd in both the 9-10 years Boys Running Race and the Boys Potato Race [5: 17-Apr-1936]
Won 1st for Crayon Drawing and a Special Prize for 9-14 Years Boys Writing at the 1936 Carnamah Agricultural Show [5: 18-Sep-1936]
Presented with the O'Grady Trophy for the Carnamah Athletic Club's 1936 season Bike Racing on 27 September 1936 [5: 2-Oct-1936]
Attended the Inter-School Sports of the Carnamah Road Board district at Centenary Park in Carnamah on 2 October 1936 [5: 9-Oct-1936]
     Came 2nd in the 10 Years Boys Running Race, the 10 & 11 Years Boys Sack Race, and the 10 Years Boys Egg & Spoon Race [5]
Came 2nd in the Carnamah Athletic Club's Juvenile Bike Race held in Carnamah on Sunday morning 20 December 1936 [5: 24-Dec-1936]
Member of the Carnamah Cricket Club in 1936-37 [5: 23-Oct-1936]
Selected and sponsored by the Carnamah R.S.L to attend the Toc H Holiday Camp in Rockingham during January 1937 [5: 15-Jan-1937]
     Himself, Kenneth J. LYNCH, Terrance J. LYNCH and Donald H. C. BRADY of Carnamah enjoyed the Holiday Camp [5: 5-Feb-1937]
Competed at the Carnamah R.S.L. Easter Athletic Sports Meeting at Centenary Park in Carnamah on Monday 29 March 1937 [5]
     Won the Boys Bike Race of two laps around the oval, and came 2nd in the Under 14 Years Boys All-Fours Race [5: 2-Apr-1937]
Attended and received a coronation medal at the Coronation Celebrations at Centenary Park in Carnamah on 12 May 1937 [5: 14-May-1937]
     Won the Horse & Jockey Race, tied for 1st place in the Boys Sack Race and came 2nd in the 9 to 11 Years Boys Tyre Race [5]
     The festivities celebrated the coronation of King George VI of the United Kingdom and the British Commonwealth [5]
Competed in a blindfolded bout at the Boxing Tournament before a full house in Carnamah on Saturday 28 August 1937 [5: 3-Sep-1937]
     Himself, Kenneth J. LYNCH, Terrance J. LYNCH and Donald H. C. BRADY enthusiastically exchanged blows blindfolded [5]
Mechanic at Bill HEINZ's garage in Carnamah until July 1943 when he enlisted to serve in the Australian Army [P35]
Private WX40188 in the Australian Army's 35 Australian Infantry Training Battalion until November 1943 [16]
Discharged from the Australian Army on 15 November 1943; enlisted in the Royal Australian Air Force on 11 March 1944 [16]
Leading Aircraftman 441940 stationed at HQ Pearce in the Royal Australian Air Force during the Second World War [16]
Married Olive SUTHERLAND during the war [P35]
Discharged from the Royal Australian Air Force on 24 May 1948 [16]
After being discharged from the Air Force returned to Carnamah [P35]
Once more worked as a mechanic in Bill HEINZ's garage in Carnamah 1948-1951 [P35]
Purchased the family home and its eight acre block (Lot 77) on a hill just west of Carnamah town from his brother Ted [P35]
Resided with his wife Olive and later also their children Deanne and Donald in the family home on Lot 77 [P35]
Ron's brother George lived with them for a short time and their father also lived with them for about 12 months [P35]
Member of the Carnamah Football Club in 1949 [7: page 197]
In 1950 was the owner of a Chev Tourer motor car with licence plate 47124 [22]
Fined £1 and 4/- costs at the Carnamah Police Court on 10 July 1950 for driving without being the holder of a drivers licence [22]
Left Carnamah in 1951 [P35]; and resided of late in the Perth suburb of Morley [2]
Father of Deanne, Donald, Beverley and Christine [P35]
Died 28 June 1959; buried Karrakatta Cemetery, Perth WA (Roman Catholic, OA, 226) [2]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Ronald Michael Clark' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 26 March 2025 from [reference list]

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