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Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


William Thomas JACKS

Born 24 April 1884 in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia [348]
Son of clerk William JACKS and Jane Sophia BYRNE [54] [348]
He was baptised on 2 July 1884 at Saint Mark's Church at Darling Point in Sydney [348]
In 1905 he was working as a Pantryman and living at 82 Flinders Street in Melbourne [50]
Married (1) Ruby May LUCAS on 19 December 1907 in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia [346]
He and his wife lived on Lonsdale Street in Melbourne for about three weeks [346]
By the end of January 1908 he had left Melbourne and shifted to Perth in Western Australia [346]
His wife in Melbourne, who hadn't seen him in three years, successfully filed for divorce in 1911 [346]
In 1913 he was working as a Clerk and living on Charles Street in West Perth [50]
Married (2) widow Mrs Eliza Martha CLIMIE in Perth in 1913 [66]
He was working as Fruiterer and living at 1286 Hay Street in West Perth 1914-1917 [50]
His wife purchased prospective farmland in Coorow from the Midland Railway Company in 1927 [27]
Farmer in Coorow in 1931 [50]
In 1937 he was working as a Labourer and living with his wife at 67 Malcolm Street in West Perth [50]
Later worked as a Storeman and lived at 64 Campbell Street in West Perth [50]
Towards the end of his life, in retirement, he lived at 884 Wellington Street in Perth [50]
Father of Dorothy [39: 29-Sep-1930]
Died 8 April 1959; buried at Karrakatta Cemetery in Perth, Western Australia (Anglican, LB, 485) [2]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'William Thomas Jacks' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 22 February 2025 from [reference list]

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