Burial Index of the Moora, Winchester, Perenjori, Three Springs and Mingenew cemeteries

Surname, Given Names Age Residence Date of Death Cemetery Links
READ, Dulcie Jean92Three Springs14 July 2009WinchesterBiography
READ, Grace Emily-Coorow13 April 1951WinchesterBiography
READ, John85Coorow14 July 1959WinchesterBiography
READ, John Shears59Coorow3 November 1968WinchesterBiography
READ, Thomas Ingram78Coorow16 October 1992WinchesterBiography
READING, Dick71Three Springs17 November 1973Three SpringsBiography
READING, George Langley67Inering23 April 1943Three SpringsBiography
READING, Louisa-29 May 1948Three SpringsBiography
READING, Moreen Winifred88Three Springs26 April 1992Three SpringsBiography
REED, Douglas Frank81Watheroo23 June 2005Moora
REGAN, Lily Agnes7 months17 January 1906Mingenew
REID, C.R.H. (Ray)74Moora19 April 1984Moora
REID, Gladys Mahala98Moora18 November 2005Moora
REID, Vera E23Dalwallinu16 February 1963Moora
REIMERS, UnnamedStillbornSubiaco19 October 1976Moora
RENNISON, R9 daysMoora26 June 1961Moora
REYNOLDS, Charles J. N.80Moora8 September 1987Moora
REYNOLDS, childStillbornCarnamah23 June 1944Three SpringsBiography
REYNOLDS, Donald Edward76Carnamah28 December 1999WinchesterBiography
REYNOLDS, Henry R.27Miling10 April 1936Moora
RHODES, Emily775 July 1928Mingenew
RHODES, John Grainger6117 June 1903Mingenew
RHODES, Olive May3210 September 1926Mingenew
RICHARDSON, Benjamin85Moora17 June 1983Moora
RICHES, Alma Hope75Watheroo29 August 1982Moora
RICHES, Lloyd George87Watheroo29 October 1996Moora
RICHIES, Alwyn Dawn2Watheroo29 June 1938Moora
RICKARDTY, Annie Mary11 monthsMoora18 April 1908Moora
RIDDLE, Gordon69Moora1 January 1992Moora
RIDGEWAY, Ellen Jane36 hoursMoora?18 April 1959Moora
RIDGWAY, Ethel May34Coomberdale24 April 1930Moora
RIELLY, Laurie18 monthsMoora8 February 1956Moora
RILEY, Peter2 monthsWongan Hills10 January 1956Moora
RILEY, Victor22Mingenew12 May 1959Mingenew
ROBERTS, G. F. (Private) *Moora15 March 1943Moora
ROBERTS, Greville James6 monthsMingenewBuried 27 April 1963Mingenew
ROBERTS, Herbert Samuel67Carnamah30 March 1953Three SpringsBiography
ROBERTSOBN, Donald23Dandaragan7 December 1930Moora
ROBERTSON, Amy Sarah41Moora5 December 1952Moora
ROBERTSON, Angus60Perenjori22 September 1930Three Springs
ROBERTSON, Charles77Carnamah9 August 1977WinchesterBiography
ROBERTSON, Hugh71Moora10 January 1970Moora
ROBERTSON, Jane Syme53Carnamah14 May 1932WinchesterBiography
ROBERTSON, Patricia Mary75Cervantes15 August 2005Moora
ROBERTSON, Richard58Carnamah7 July 1932WinchesterBiography
ROBERTSON, Winifred Margaret80West Perth27 May 1982WinchesterBiography
ROBINS, Elijah65Perenjori9 February 1926Perenjori
ROBINSON, Alexander John51Carnamah8 December 1973Three SpringsBiography
ROBINSON, Arthur Martin Chambers61Mingenew14 August 1981Mingenew
ROBINSON, Jonas William Daniel72Warriedar12 June 1931Perenjori