Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


"Fred" Frederick William PARRICK

Born 1870 in Leeds, Yorkshire, England [20] [21]
Son of Joseph PARRICK and Mary Jane GURNEY [20] [21]
He was living with his parents and siblings Joseph, Madeline, Herbert and Alfred at Linden Villa in Stapleton, Gloucester in 1881 [20]
Resided at 6 Hartingdon Road in Walthamstow, Essex, England and was working as a Venetian Blind Maker in 1891 [20]
In 1891 was with his widowed stepmother Sarah J. PARRICK, brothers Herbert and Alfred and stepbrother Francis PITMAN [20]
Worked as a Blind Maker until leaving England at the age of 27 years [203]
Departed London, England on the steamship Ormuz on 21 January 1898 bound for Albany, Western Australia [203]
Arrived on the steamship Ormuz in Albany, Western Australia on 25 February 1898 [39: 26-Feb-1898]
He was riding a bicycle along the Perth-Albany Road in Perth on 18 February 1900 when a horse pulling a sulky knocked him off [39]
     The driver of the sulky had been behind and went to overtake a horse drawn omnibus, but then decided not to and veered away [39]
     The man and woman in the sulky were thrown out, and he sued the man for damages at the Perth Local Court on 23 April 1900 [39]
     He was unsuccessful as it turned out he'd sued the wrong person as the woman owned and was driving the sulky [39: 24-Apr-1900]
In April 1900 and again in May 1900 he called for tenders for the clearing and grubbing of four acres in Perth [39:11-Apr-1900, 24-May-1900]
     His address at the time was care of grocer Harry H. PORTER of Porters Stores at 341 Hay Street in Perth [6] [39:11-Apr-1900, 24-May-1900]
Farmer of Petan Farm in Winchester, Western Australia 1908-1917 [6] [19]
     When he first arrived Winchester, which was yet to be named, it was known as the 162-Mile Siding near Carnamah [39: 2-Dec-1908]
     He was the fourth farmer to settle in the Carnamah-Winchester district of Western Australia [5: 5-Feb-1937]
     His brother-in-law James L. B. WEIR acquired 1,600 acres previously farmed by brothers Edward F. W. & C. Harold NAIRN [44]
     The 1,600 acres consisted of Victoria Locations 2916, 2917, 2925, 3011 and 3012 at Petan Creek in Winchester [44]
     It is believed that the property was initially named Bedan Farm but was renamed Petan Farm in 1909 [9: 30-Oct-1908] [19]
     He was on the property by October 1908, when he called for tenders for approximately 100 acres of scrub cutting [9: 30-Oct-1908]
     In December 1908 called for tenders for scrub cutting greater than 200 acres and clearing 100 acres fit for the plough [39: 1-Dec-1908]
     Trading as Parrick & Company, he had the horse and cattle firebrand of W8P registered for Bedan Farm [486]
     From 1909 to 1915 he farmed Petan in partnership with his brother-in-law James L. B. WEIR as "Parrick & Weir" [6]
     In his own name he took up two adjoining Conditional Purchase blocks, which he leased and later owned freehold [44]
     The two blocks were the 63 acre Victoria Location 3727 and the 417 acre Victoria Location 4100 [44]
     Furthermore his sister Mrs Madeline M. WEIR increased the property with the 300 acre Victoria Location 4516 [44]
     In January 1909 called for tenders including completion date for the clearing of 100, 200 or 500 acres fit for the plough [39: 19-Jan-1909]
     Their Petan Farm also had a 5,000 acre pastoral lease in the name of his brother-in-law James L. B. WEIR from 1910 to 1917 [44]
Donated £1 to the Moora District Hospital Fund through Donald MACPHERSON of Carnamah in 1909  [9: 9-Apr-1909]
In 1910 he requested that the Upper Irwin Road Board construct a culvert over Petan Creek in Winchester [9: 10-Jun-1910]
     The Road Board offered to provide £15 and some of the timber, if he would provide the remainder and construct the culvert [9]
Advertised in The West Australian newspaper in August 1911 that he wanted a strong lad to learn farming on established farm [39]
     Applicants applied care of his brother-in-law James L. B. WEIR, corner of Melville and Walter Streets in Claremont [39: 4-Aug-1911]
In 1911 and 1912 they grew 600 acres of crop while their only neighbour Louis P. PARKER grew 725 and 800 acres [9] [388: 26-Aug-1911]
     Their and their neighbour's collective 1,400 acres of adjoining crop was reported to be a "pleasant break" in the bush [9: 5-Jul-1912]
Offered for sale a Clydesdale stallion at the Royal Agricultural Society's Annual Sale of Stallions & Mares on 1 August 1913 [39]
     The Clydesdale stallion he offered for sale had been a Ladies Champion for five years [39: 30-Jul-1913]
In August 1913 called for tenders for the clearing of 200 to 500 acres with preference given to contractors with references [39: 16-Aug-1913]
Sold oats and chaff to the value of £10/13/- to George W. J. REID of Auchindoir Farm in Winchester in July 1916 [34]
In 1917 grew 650 acres of wheat crop on Petan Farm in Winchester [10: 19-Jun-1917]
     At that time himself and Louis P. PARKER, who also grew 650 acres, were the largest wheat growers in Winchester [10]
Departed Fremantle, Western Australia on the steamship Vealandia bound for the Eastern States of Australia on 28 April 1917 [39]
     His home was to be the polling place for Winchester for the Commonwealth election on 5 May 1917 [39: 30-Apr-1917]
     Presumably due to his absence the polling place was changed on 25 April 1917 to the home of George W. J. REID [39]
     After two months arrived back at Fremantle, Western Australia on the steamship Indarra on 27 June 1917 [39: 28-Apr-1917, 28-Jun-1917]
At the conclusion of 1917 or during 1918 he appears to have ceased farming Petan Farm and left Winchester [6]
Their Petan Farm in Winchester was then managed by James ARMSTRONG from 1918 to 1928 [P263]
He later sold his 63 acre Victoria Location 3727 and 417 acre Victoria Location 4100 to his brother-in-law James L. B. WEIR [44]
On leaving Winchester he appears to have shifted to Perth, and in 1925 was a Bookkeeper and living at 1110 Hay Street in Perth [50]
By 1930 he was living in Carnamah where he was employed by Donald MACPHERSON to do a wide range of duties [P6] [19]
     Resided with unmarried siblings "Don" Donald and "Bessie" Elizabeth MACPHERSON at Carnamah House in Carnamah [P6]
     His duties included caring for the house and garden, doing the shopping and was also the chauffeur/driver of Donald's car [P6]
     Pallbearer at the funeral of Donald MACPHERSON at the Winchester Cemetery on 14 August 1931 [4: 22-Aug-1931]
     Following Donald's death in 1931 he continued to assist the elderly Miss "Bessie" Elizabeth MACPHERSON until 1939 [P5]
His postal address was P.O. Box 7 at the Carnamah Post Office [19]
Financial Member of the Carnamah District Agricultural Society in 1932 [13]
Sent a wreath for the grave of Christina B. D. FORRESTER of Carnamah at the Winchester Cemetery on 31 August 1934 [4: 8-Sep-1934]
Attended the funeral of Miss "May" Mary L. LANG of Carnamah at the Winchester Cemetery on 26 November 1935 [5: 29-Nov-1935]
Pallbearer at the funeral of Miss "Bessie" Elizabeth MACPHERSON on 24 July 1939 at the Winchester Cemetery [5: 28-Jul-1939]
Resided in Carnamah until 1939 [6]
Following the death of Miss MACPHERSON he lived with Harold and Eva NAIRN in Three Springs [5: 26-Nov-1943]
Mechanic in Three Springs in 1943, at which time his postal address was P.O. Box 12 at the Three Springs Post Office [50]
Later resided in the Perth suburb of Nedlands [2]
Died 2 September 1954; ashes interred at the Karrakatta Cemetery in Perth (Crematorium Rose Gardens, Rose Memorial, 3D, 31) [2]

​From The North Midland Times newspaper, Friday 26 November 1943:
Charities to Three Springs – Mr F.W. Parrick Holds Winning Ticket
"No 1846 Charities Consultation which was drawn at the Perth Town Hall on November 18, was won by Mr F. W. Parrick, of Three Springs. Mr Parrick is a well-known identity throughout the Carnamah and Three Springs districts, and his friends will be particularly pleased to know that he will be well provided for in the twilight of his days. Originally engaged in farming pursuits at Winchester in partnership with Mr J.L.B. Weir, he sold out his interest in that property (now Pethick’s) and retired to Carnamah where he lived with the Macpherson family. With the death of Miss Macpherson, the last remaining member of the family, a few years ago, he took up residence at Three Springs with Mr and Mrs H. Nairn. We offer our congratulations to Mr Parrick, and hope that he will long remain with us to enjoy his good fortune."

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Frederick William Parrick' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 12 March 2025 from [reference list]

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